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Driving to Krakow - which route to take from the Tri-Cities?

Nojas  4 | 110  
28 Apr 2011 /  #1

This summer I'm driving to Krakow and have problems with deciding which route to take. I have two startingpoints, either Gdansk or Swinoujscie.

How are the roads from Gdansk? By the looks on Google it looks like not much of highway, and more of small roads and villages which should slow down the speed. Not very interesting in my mind (if it's true).

I was told that it is better to drive from Swinoujscie. But from there I see two options, either to drive down on the polish side and connect to the A4 around Legnica. But there's also a way to drive down to Szczecin and then in to Germany and go to Berlin, and in Berlin make a right towards Cottbus and then connect to the A4 not long after crossing the border. This is interesting because I would then mainly drive on highways, almost all the way to Krakow.

Anyone with experience or knowledge about the roads and can give som tips? Are the roads bad/slow from Gdansk? From Swinoujscie is it better to go via Germany because of highway all the way which should shorten the traveltime or go down through the west of Poland?

Thanks in advance.
pawian  226 | 27509  
28 Apr 2011 /  #2
How are the roads from Gdansk? By the looks on Google it looks like not much of highway, and more of small roads and villages which should slow down the speed. Not very interesting in my mind (if it's true).

Yes, it`s true. Roads are mostly two-lane and through settlements. It is about 620 km, will take you about 10 hours.

I was told that it is better to drive from Swinoujscie. But from there I see two options, either to drive down on the polish side and connect to the A4 around Legnica

Yes, it is quite fast. From Świnoujscie to Legnica you can take the Polish S3 express way and then A4 highway. About 750 km. Also about 10 hours.

But there's also a way to drive down to Szczecin and then in to Germany and go to Berlin, and in Berlin make a right towards Cottbus and then connect to the A4 not long after crossing the border.

Going through Germany will also take you about 10 hours but the distance is 850 km.

So, as you can see, the time is the same.
28 Apr 2011 /  #3
How are the roads from Gdansk

The Gdansk - Warsaw route there was a lot of road works, the last I was on it, you can also go from Gdansk to Torun onto Lodz, then Czestochowa, E75 and A4 to Krakow. It all depends on the car u are driving and what you want to see along the way.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
28 Apr 2011 /  #4
the fastest and safest way would be to go through Germany using their autobahns and then joining the Berlin-Wrocław highway (it may not be complete yet - I don't know that for sure - but should already have one decent lane) - then you join A4 highway which should drive you all the way to Kraków without major disruptions

so you start in Swinoujście - head towards Szczecin - join A6 in Poland - you cross to Germany and drive their 11 autobahn - drive around Berlin heading to their 15 autobahn which leads to Cottbus and Polish border - the 71km section (A18) from the border to A4 is not a complete motorway (as I have mentioned above) so you can expect a two-way traffic on the new-built lane at times - A4 should take you smoothly to Kraków - surprisingly enough there are even some places to dine and rest along A4

maybe it is not actually the fastest route - but to my mind it is the most convenient - you don't get tired as much when you drive mostly motorways/highways
28 Apr 2011 /  #5
Have a look at the website Michelin.com route finder it is quite up to date on the roads, according to them it 601 km wich 183 km on motorways going via Torun and Lodz. Personally, I don't think Polish roads are that bad, they are getting better all the time.
OP Nojas  4 | 110  
28 Apr 2011 /  #6
Thanks a lot all. Seems that it will be from Swinoujscie, but still can't decide how to go from there. Ferry-ticket can be bought now and route decided later. If this S3 is a good expressway I might go with that. Even though it is tempting to use the Autobahn. But longer route means more petrol. On the other hand a steady speed keeps the usage of petrol down a little. Hard choice.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
28 Apr 2011 /  #7

I would go for Autobahns if I were you - if you happen upon some road works in Poland (which is quite probable) you will sit in a queue for an hour or more - stau (German term( (traffic jam) on an Autobahn can be equally painful but appart from heavy traffic on specific days (you probably best avoid Mondays and Fridays) which results in slower than usual traffic, Autobahns are only clogged in case of an accident
inkrakow  1 | 98  
28 Apr 2011 /  #8
It's 6hrs from central Berlin to Krakow. The first 80km of the A18 on the Polish side in this direction are hideous but after that it's easy.
OP Nojas  4 | 110  
16 Jun 2011 /  #9
*en route*

Next stop Ystad.
6 Mar 2016 /  #10
Thoughtful post , Coincidentally , people need a IRS W-3 , my husband came across a blank version here goo.gl/Ms4ebj

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