Don't know how much to read into this but popular UK flight comparison website Skyscanner are recommending Katowice as an alternative to Kraków, which it says has been over-run by stag weekends... (can't post the address, you'd have to search for it)
I think Katowice definitely has a long way to go yet but it's unfair to label it as "grim, industrial, etc." Look at how Manchester has re-invented itself as the Lonely Planet/Rough Guide city of choice in the UK. Katowice Train Station has been knocked down and is being rebuilt, they've started work on a new Rynek, there's a lot going on in the city (the new museum/concert hall for example). Give it time and I think we could see more and more people visiting Kato as tourists (things can only get better).
I think Katowice definitely has a long way to go yet but it's unfair to label it as "grim, industrial, etc." Look at how Manchester has re-invented itself as the Lonely Planet/Rough Guide city of choice in the UK. Katowice Train Station has been knocked down and is being rebuilt, they've started work on a new Rynek, there's a lot going on in the city (the new museum/concert hall for example). Give it time and I think we could see more and more people visiting Kato as tourists (things can only get better).