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Where to buy marihuana in Warsaw?

Joker  2 | 2378  
2 Mar 2019 /  #31
I prefer a glass or two of beer or wine....

When you take the motorbike out this summer, head out to the countryside, pull over to the side and take a couple puffs and hop back on and enjoy the ride:)

Refer to the language thread on Polish-English malopropisms and have a good laugh.

Refer this post to the bin, since it nothing to do with weed, just more trolling.
2 Mar 2019 /  #32
omg I always wanted a barn scene... it made my life straight
3 Mar 2019 /  #33

I always contact local law enforcment beacuse they know all dealers in the city and get cut from every deal.
Works every time like a charm.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 Mar 2019 /  #34
I always contact local law enforcment

Punk ass snitch

beacuse they know all dealers in the city and get cut from every deal.

No they don't. Poland isn't Mexico or Russia.

BTW what's a pound or kilo of some good bud go for in Poland nowadays? Here a pound of Colorado bud goes for around 3k
3 Mar 2019 /  #35
I'm not really updated on recent prices in Poland but average street price for 1 gram smoke is about 8-9$ (30-35 zl).
I do never supply myself when in Poland, big chance You get ripped off. And I like to fly under the radar of polish law enforcment because their poor traing and incompetence can accelerate things in wrong directions.

In scandinavia, where I reside for moment I heard some rumors that you have to pay 500-600 Euro for a 100g (premium quality) if You are good friend with the supplier. Kilo for 2000-2500 E
28 Jul 2019 /  #36
Can i just say, im Polish. Was born in poland, moved to the uk when i was 9. Started smoking weed at the age of 15. All of you people who are saying "weed is bad for you" dont know what theyre talking about. Weed has never stopped me from living my life. If anything it helped me. I went to school, went to college, had a job, and smoked weed throughout my life and still do. Ive done other drugs like mdma, LSD etc on occasion, and again my brain isnt "fried". All these bullshit misconceptions from people who dont know what they're talking about **** me off. These drugs are only dangerous if people dont know how to do them safely and properly. By making them illegal you are only increasing risks and the danger of these substances because people who take them are misinformed. Obviously dont do cocaine, crack meth and heroin. But weed, mdma, LSD and psylocibin mushrooms can be, if used correctly, used to do so much good and healing. Doctors can use psychedelic substances to treat PTSD, depression, anxiety and other mental disorders. And medical marijuana is already a thing in so many places. And recreational use of these drugs is also very very fun. As long as you aren't being a ******* retard when using them, you are safe and nothing bad will come of it. The only danger is that the substance can be mixed with other more dangerous substances, but that is an issue caused by the fact these substances are illegal, therefore they are not tested. If these substances were legal and sold in stores, and people knew the risks and how to use these substances safely, the world would be a much safer place. And also legalising drugs makes it harder for kids to get them. Getting alcohol in the uk is so much harder than getting illegal drugs. You can get a drug dealer anywhere. Getting the drugs is only a phone call away. Walking into a store underage and buying something is much much harder
johnny reb  49 | 7940  
28 Jul 2019 /  #37
Started smoking weed at the age of 15.

The human brain is not even fully developed until the age of 25.
In people younger than 25 years, whose brains have not yet fully developed, marijuana can have a lasting impact on thinking and memory processes.
You are a prime example.
jon357  72 | 23488  
29 Jul 2019 /  #38
Getting alcohol in the uk is so much harder than getting illegal drugs

Getting alcohol is pretty easy. You just walk into any shop that sells it and buy some.

And also legalising drugs makes it harder for kids to get them

Most importantly, it generates tax revenue and takes the supply chain out of the hands of organised crime.

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