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The British YOBs are back in Polish towns

1jola  14 | 1875  
7 Apr 2011 /  #1
If its not the Jewish teenagers ******** on the hotel floors during their March of the Living, it is the drunken Brits staggering around Kraków, making a nuisance of themselves. How the image has changed. With the myth of the British gentelman long gone, this is pretty much the new image of a British tourist in Poland:

English in Krakow, Poland

The police promise to pay them a little more attention this year: Any thoughts on this menace? Any solutions?
7 Apr 2011 /  #2
With the myth of the British gentelman long gone

You've been spending too much time with Polonius3. We, Sir, are alive and kicking, if perhaps something of a comparative rarity.

As for the idiots - easy. Get policemen out on the streets and round them up on breach of the peace. Can't be that hard, if the gliniarzy could be bothered, they'd do it. I'd support them every step of the way.

The greater menace by a mile, however, is what is going on in the football stadia. You guys have really got to get that cracked before 2012.
OP 1jola  14 | 1875  
7 Apr 2011 /  #3
You've been spending too much time with Polonius3. We, Sir, are alive and kicking, if perhaps something of a comparative rarity.

Don't get me wrong. I like British people and I enjoyed my time in the military on a RAF base very much. I just don't remember us being such morons as we seem to get here. The image sticks.

Perhaps it is the same as numerous threads here how we Poles are decimating the British park swan population. Just providing some balance.

As to the fans. A real menace everywhere. They should be controled somewhat but they do have a place in society. If there is an armed conflict, do we really need well behaved accountants?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Apr 2011 /  #4
As for the idiots - easy. Get policemen out on the streets and round them up on breach of the peace. Can't be that hard, if the gliniarzy could be bothered, they'd do it. I'd support them every step of the way.

Would be a doddle. Who is going to come and be an idiot if they know that there's zero tolerance applied to such things?

I'm actually surprised that the Polish police are soft enough to allow such nonsense to happen.
OP 1jola  14 | 1875  
7 Apr 2011 /  #5
The greater menace by a mile, however, is what is going on in the football stadia.

The Silesian Nationalists are bad indeed. :)

7 Apr 2011 /  #6
If there is an armed conflict, do we really need well behaved accountants?

No, but you do need professional soldiery and not a bunch of conscripts. Would you really want to be the commanding officer of that hołota?

Anyway, we're losing sight of the main theme here. The gliniarzy need to pull their fingers out of their arses and be prepared to lock up a few pissed Anglo idiots, put a marker down before nest year's championships. They'll do so with my blessing.

If they don't, they've lost the battle before it's begun.
7 Apr 2011 /  #7
Any thoughts on this menace? Any solutions?

Why not give them all cars? Then they can behave like Poles in the UK: get pissed up and go for a drive.

A police force has had to re-issue its Christmas drink drive warnings in Polish after 10 per cent of the drink drivers caught in a festive crackdown were found to be from the eastern European country.

Eastern Europeans caught by roadside breath tests are also twice as likely as the average drink driver to be serious offenders who have at least two-and-a-half times the legal limit of alcohol in their systems. Drink driving Polish man caught six times over legal limit was 'suicidal' A Polish man who drove whilst almost six times over the alcohol limit has been jailed for what a magistrate described as a "reckless disregard for life bordering on the suicidal".

A Polish woman got so drunk she forgot she was in Britain and drove on the wrong side of the road, killing a grandfather, a court heard. A POLISH fruit packer involved in a car smash after a Christmas Day booze-up fought off emergency services who were trying to free him from the wreckage. Ryszard Wieliczko, 42, carried on his battle with police when he refused to take a breath test at Canterbury Police Station. (That particular genius gets bonus points for having neither insurance nor a licence).

A Polish man who had never been given any formal driving training and was over the legal alcohol limit, died after he lost control of his car on the A45 near Earls Barton, an inquest heard. A Polish HGV driver has been jailed and given a three-year driving ban after police discovered he was more than four times over the legal drink-drive limit.

A POLISH drink driver almost drove into a police car as he travelled on the wrong side of the road and with no lights on shortly after the vehicle had slammed into a stone wall. Piotr Zdyb was nearly three times the legal limit when officers stopped him on the A89 between Blackridge and Armadale just after 1am on June 7 this year.

A former baker has been jailed - and banned from driving for six years - after drink-driving on two consecutive nights. Michal Graczykowski, 28, of Connie Street, Openshaw, pleaded guilty to two counts of drink-driving at Tameside magistrates court.

BRITAIN'S booziest driver is facing jail after police pulled him over and found he was more than FIVE TIMES over the limit - the highest alcohol reading ever recorded in the UK.

Judge David Cooper said Marcin Kosmowski, 34, should be ashamed after getting behind the wheel following a Christmas vodka binge. He was banned from the road for two years. Addressing Kosmowski, Judge Cooper said: "People like you are potential killers and you have been brought to book because of public spirited members of the public."

DRIVING erratically around a car park while almost four times over the limit has landed a Polish man with 120 hours unpaid community work.

Of course it isn't just the UK where Poles disgrace their nation: The number of Polish nationals involved in drunk driving incidents in the Netherlands is increasing, according to road safety research institute SWOV in Wednesday's Volkskrant.

As for your often repeated comments about Jews, isn't it a pity that you weren't alive a few decades ago: you could have helped your hero Adolf in his attempts to solve the problem finally, especially given your liking for joining the armed forces of countries which are not Poland.
OP 1jola  14 | 1875  
7 Apr 2011 /  #8
What does your post have to do with this topic? Nothing, as usual. Perhaps a moderator could sweep your ass, and your "interesting post" in the dust bin.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Apr 2011 /  #9
What does your post have to do with this topic?

Thread title : "The YOBs are back in town"

Harry posted links to yobbish behaviour.

Seems quite on-topic to me.
7 Apr 2011 /  #10
What does your post have to do with this topic? Nothing, as usual.

Your post is about what some British people do when they visit Poland and get drunk. Mine shows that while their actions are entirely unacceptable, the actions of some Poles when they visit the UK and get drunk are far far worse.

Terribly sorry for ruining your attempt to prove that all Poles are 100% perfect.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
7 Apr 2011 /  #11
Drunken Poles driving in Britain...lock em up for a long time , then kick their asses out of the country....

Drunken Brits in Poland causing mayhem...same thing , lock em up and kick em out...

If you are a guest in somebodies country...behave yourself.....
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
7 Apr 2011 /  #12
Any thoughts on this menace? Any solutions?

How about the locals stop promoting the place as a Stag weekend destination,simple really. They were happy to take the money..............the place could easily have been promoted as a more classy destination,instead "you" went for the fast buck...or pound sterling.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
7 Apr 2011 /  #13
How about the locals stop promoting the place as a Stag weekend destination

A fair point...if you go promoting a place as a great place for a stag do , you can,t be too suprised if a load of drunken idiots show up....
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
7 Apr 2011 /  #14
It put me right off revisiting Krak TBH, when some of my less classy mates start telling me about great weekends there,well,it gives pause for thought.

The rowdiest my lot got the last time I was there was a bit of over enthusiastic singing along with a busker playing beatles songs ,drunken 4 part harmony,but we kept our arses covered up and our stomache contents on the inside.....:)
7 Apr 2011 /  #15
It put me right off revisiting Krak TBH,

It's fine with me: keep all the Ryanair scum in one place. As long as they stay away from the Lublin area.

Any solutions?

How about Polish police enforce Polish law? Krakow has a functioning drunk tank: use it.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
7 Apr 2011 /  #16
So all poorer people are scum are they?nice.......
7 Apr 2011 /  #17
keep all the Ryanair scum in one place

Hey, I fly Ryanair, you insensitive clod!

(Would love not to, but that's more down to the ridiculous surcharge on musical instruments than one's travelling companions. Then again, depart Poznan 6am, in the City by 9am, can't knock it...)
7 Apr 2011 /  #18
A fair point...if you go promoting a place as a great place for a stag do , you can,t be too suprised if a load of drunken idiots show up.

This is how Krakow allows itself to be promoted, what do you expect:


Who would say no to this, if you wanted a cheap location,

Airport transfers in Krakow*
Accommodation for 2 nights
Welcome pack at the apartment
A local Krakow guide to show you the best bars for a couple of hours and teach you how to order a drink and a few Polish chat up lines.

3 course dinner on Saturday
A stripper experience none of you will EVER forget
Sunday Brunch
A total 13 FREE BEERS each

Price - £225 per person based on a party of 6
7 Apr 2011 /  #19
So all poorer people are scum are they?

No, but it's a very safe bet that the British/Irish people which one sees behaving like animals in Polish cities got there via Ryanair rather than BA or LOT.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
7 Apr 2011 /  #20
Ok,I'll buy that.....'cept,doesnt really explain all the tarquins and ruperts stumbling around singing rugger bugger songs though does it?
7 Apr 2011 /  #21
The only time I ever see that is during the Warsaw tens and even then it is very easily avoided (by simply not going to the games, in the evening they all go to the organised events, which are closed events).
sobieski  106 | 2111  
7 Apr 2011 /  #22
It has to be a Kraków specialty, because here in Warsaw ( and I live here 8 years) I do not remember seeing any stag groups.

What I saw a few years ago was the local Robocops smashing up a yob fight on Plac Zamkowy. With the help of German sheperd dogs :)))) Great initiative and in need for a repeat :)
7 Apr 2011 /  #23
It has to be a Kraków specialty, because here in Warsaw ( and I live here 8 years) I do not remember seeing any stag groups.

There are a few but nowhere near as many as Krakow. Also, because Warsaw is far more spread out when it comes to places to drink, you're far less likely to stumble across them.
Midas  1 | 571  
7 Apr 2011 /  #24
I don't see the problem, Polish girls adore British yobs :-)
OP 1jola  14 | 1875  
7 Apr 2011 /  #25
This is how Krakow allows itself to be promoted, what do you expect

Ok, so I clicked on it. Kind of an idiot check. Guess what? You didn't make it. How does "Kraków" not allow Brits to visit? Should there be Zakaz Angoli signs posted? But the promotion does not come from Krakow but

Q: Who are we?
A: We are Vamos Travel Ltd. ATOL 5927, originally founded by Brett Smith. We are the market leaders for holidays in central & Eastern Europe and Iceland.

This UK travel agency organizes these "lad parties" all over the world. Some of you "businessmen" here should organize parties for the girls too. Krakow might allow to promote that.

What's up with you boys anyway? Did they take away your books and your imagination? Going around the world mooning people is not exactly what I call traveling.
7 Apr 2011 /  #26
The rowdiest my lot got the last time I was there was a bit of over enthusiastic singing along with a busker playing beatles songs ,drunken 4 part harmony,but we kept our arses covered up and our stomache contents on theinside.....:)

Yeah, I bet it was the most heroic thing you ever did in your life. UK should be so proud of you.

This is how Krakow allows itself to be promoted, what do you expect:

It's highly unlikely that Tourist Office from Kraków's city hall would promote something so lame.

This UK travel agency organizes these "lad parties" all over the world.

... and here we are.
7 Apr 2011 /  #27
It's highly unlikely that Tourist Office from Kraków's city hall would promote something so lame

While you allow these companies to promote your city as a cheap booze destination, they are passively involved, everyone knows what is going on, many people don't like it, and the authorities turn a blind eye because it generates revenue.
OP 1jola  14 | 1875  
7 Apr 2011 /  #28
That does not answer why the Brits who come are such swines. Is this the post-empire, new face of Britain? Should the British Council get involved?
7 Apr 2011 /  #29
While you allow these companies to promote your city as a cheap booze destination, they are passively involved

I don't think Polish side has any power to forbid some foreign companies to promote whatever they please. And from what I read in Kraków's newspapers, city hall is not very happy with those "tourists"; English chavs on the booze in Kraków are an absolute nightmare.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
7 Apr 2011 /  #30
the British Council get involved?

No..it just needs the Policja to crack a few heads and chuck people in jail....they will soon learn to behave themselves....

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