vjmehra 16 | 80 11 Mar 2013 / #1A multi part question, but...Firstly can anyone recommend a company that hires out speedboats in or near Krakow (I have the RYA Intermediate Powerboat certificate, which I can convert to an ICC, so in effect I have a licence if this is required)?Secondly, I believe you can get from the coast down to Krakow by boat, but how far towards the source can you go, some of the scenery looks amazing past Krakow, but is it navigable at all?Lastly are there any speed limits and/or other restrictions I should be aware of?
Peter-KRK 11 Mar 2013 / #2Well, may be you can hire a coal barge. I haven't seen any speedboat on Vistula river with exception of our "swamp" police.Vistula river is navigable to Oświęcim at last.There is a little hope for future. A nice marina is planned on the right bank in Zabłocie area. I believe that where is marina there are boats!---Some times ago tourist ship journeys were organized. You could admire Cracow city and Wawel castle and the beatiful rocky Vistula valley with Norbertine and Camaldolese monastries, Przegorzały castle, Medieval Benedictine abbey, etc. May be you can think about it.
OP vjmehra 16 | 80 11 Mar 2013 / #3I've seen a little mini catamaran operate sort of near Wavel, I thought maybe you could hire that, but I was thinking of something a fraction bigger that you could spend a whole day on ideally!I had no idea about the marina, that is very interesting!I found this, which is interesting, but doesn't massively help:kzgw.gov.pl/en/Srodladowe-drogi-wodne-w-Polsce.htmlSo the search goes on!If anyone has any more tips that would be greatly appreciated!
Peter-KRK 13 Mar 2013 / #4Marina near Zabłocie/Płaszów to be built I mentioned - nobody knows when:(3xW).krakow.gazeta.pl/krakow/1,44425,11825045,Nowy_port_rzeczny_ i_przystan_jachtowa_w_Plaszowie_.html(3xW).ippp.pl/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Mem_Inw_Przystan_jachtow a_Port-Plaszow_29.05.pdfNew investment in Dębniki near a swamp police I mentioned - they wrote that for speedboats too:(3xW).gazetakrakowska.pl/artykul/753529,w-krakowie-na-wisle-pojaw i-sie-przystan-dla-zaglowek,id,t.htmlYacht Klub Polski Kraków and it's marina in Mogiła to be modernizated - may be the best place to ask about speedboats:(3xW).kompasinwestycji.pl/przystan-zeglarska-yacht-klub-5000(3xW).ykp.krakow.pl/pl/strona/kontaktCanoe track Kolna under modernization - and future center of water sports:(3xW).dziennikpolski24.pl/files/articles/lightbox/96b6121e4e8fce4 50338dd8a6140cad0_1361419208.jpg(3xW).forum.investmap.pl/post188577.html#p188577(3xW).kolna.pl/Cracow under "Amsterdamization":(3xW).krakow.gazeta.pl/krakow/1,44425,12279330,Jak_z_glowa_ozywic _krakowskie_bulwary_.htmlYou can translate all this, better or worse, using google tlanslator or ling.pl
OP vjmehra 16 | 80 13 Mar 2013 / #5Wow, great, thank you so much for posting these, I will work through them!