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Just back from Krakow

18 Sep 2006 /  #31
I wasn't tarring anyone, I was saying that the English (drunken groups of uncouth idiots) spoil things because they are unable to act in a responsible way, whilst enjoying themselves and frankly I find it really embarrassing that nearly every other nationality can go out enjoy a meal, enjoy the sites and not have to get into a state where they're shouting abuse at the Locals and puking in the streets....
18 Sep 2006 /  #32
lets not go all 'banjo' on the English shall we? In my time as a resident of Krakow I've seen:
Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Germans, English and Polish get slaughtered to the point of making a mess on the street.

I've also seen the Polish security guards (of which there seems to be a lot) go in at the slightest hint of a disturbance and start most of the trouble themselves.

Lessons were learned in Germany for the world Cup that with the British bobby on the street nearly all cases where lads got lively were handled effectively without sirens, truncheons being raised and a security force looking for a fight. Maybe the Polish security forces need to act with a little more foresight.

(I keep on referring to Polish security, because I've yet to see the Police attend an encounter in Krakow. Normally its the security teams or some steroid induced bouncer from a night club.)

Other nationalities come here and make a right pest of themselves as well. Italians and French to name a few for the way they treat Polish girls in nightclubs as pieces of meat.

The cold light of reality is that Krakow is now an accessible place to come, it wasn't as little as 5 years ago. Its cheap (although rapidly getting more expensive) and different to the identical towns and nightclubs that the UK has to offer. It will attract stag parties etc, but in all honesty over 90% are well behaved and enjoy the nightlife in the way its intended to be. Yes, there are penises that come here, but these are idiots who don't realise Polish beer is 2-3% stronger then the stuff they get at home, but nevertheless try to consume 9 pints of it.

I know a lot of Polish people here in Krakow. If they feel threatened (which i very rare) they generally stay well clear. I have not heard of any bar owners/restaurateurs complaining about the amount of money coming in though the front door.

My only complaint is that the increasing tourist trade from the UK is pushing up Kebab prices!
18 Sep 2006 /  #33
simon_porter00 - I'm not banjoing the English - I'm just making a point....I was in Prague years before the hordes of stag doors started going and have seen what a sh*t hole it is in comparison to what it was......I would just hate for this to happen to Poland..

As for the Kebabs....I don't eat them so I don't care.....
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
18 Sep 2006 /  #34

Your second to last paragraph. The point is that locals [in any city] should never have to feel threatened.

As for the World Cup, that is every four years not every weekend. Are you saying that we should have British bobbies on the streets of Krakow every weekend.

I agree some Polish youth can be as bad.
18 Sep 2006 /  #35
Your second to last paragraph. The point is that locals [in any city] should never have to feel threatened.

Well said.
Mr Cogito  
18 Sep 2006 /  #36
Do the foreign drunkards know that in Poland in each city we have an institution called Izba Wytrzeźwień (Sobering House), where all drunks are being taken from the street and where they have to spend the time (they also have to pay for it) until they become sober?

A standard IW unit:
18 Sep 2006 /  #37
I have heard about these places didnt think they actually still existed.
Mr Cogito  
18 Sep 2006 /  #38
Of course they still exist, all cities have at least one of them. Here`s the address of the one in Kraków.

18 Sep 2006 /  #39
Agreed, locals shouldn't feel threatened. By anyone. Including skin head Poles, hell bent on kicking up a fight because someone looked at his girlfriend in a funny way. Trouble happens all over the world, in all places, created by all kinds of people.

Shelley, I take your point on board. Having never been to Prague I couldn't begin to explain how its changed but I have heard it has changed in a very bad way, and yes, it would be a tragedy if this was to happen to any place in Poland.

My point about the policing is this - people go out to get a bit drunk. Its unfortunate, but it happens (I'm talking generally here about all types). Groups of tourists who are having a lively, loud, boisterous evening, nearly 99% of the time are merely having fun, albeit loudly. The security guys/gals have a very low tolerance of this and pile in, therefore making matters 100 times worse and that starts a lot of the aggro. A quiet word, a few smiles, a few photographs with the security guys all the problems are over and the message has got through. Thats all it takes...
18 Sep 2006 /  #40
Here`s the address of the one in Kraków.

Thanks for the kind offer, but I don't think I'll ever have the need.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
18 Sep 2006 /  #41

I understand what you are saying and I agree with most of post #40. However, I still think that guests have to learn more about the county they are visiting. And I for one don't want pictures of security guards in my album.
18 Sep 2006 /  #42
don't want pictures of security guards in my album.

Oh, I don't know there were a few cute ones knocking about around the market square....
18 Sep 2006 /  #43

Fair comment, if you go somewhere abroad, you should at least learn something about the country/hosts in order to not be a complete arsehole. This is the minimum Brits could do. One of my pet peeves are ignorant british bastards (of from any country for that matter) who expect the place they are visiting to be 'England away from home'.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
18 Sep 2006 /  #44

I don't know how long you have been using this forum. But welcome and please post some more.
iwona  12 | 542  
18 Sep 2006 /  #45

it is not so bad in Krakow I think. I just understand you as you are English so you feel a little embarrassed with people like this.

it is the same with me if I see drunk, rough polish people on the streets in England I don't feel so good about it.

IZBA WYTRZEZWIEN-:) As British people are seen in Poland as well-off, if drunk and aggressive they will be probably driven there. Next morning , surprise, surprise- nice bill like for stay in good hotel.

But I don't know if it is the same rule there for polish like for foreign citizens? Can police just take theme there?
polaca  1 | 76  
18 Sep 2006 /  #46
For foreign the same.
Dont forget that IZBA WYTRZEZWIEN its quite ezpensive hote. As i know night there costs 150-200 PLN :)
19 Sep 2006 /  #47
iwona - Well thats good, maybe they'll think twice about it and tell their friends.

I know Krakow isn't bad a great deal of the time I was there I didn't really see that many English (tended to get off the beaten track away from the idiots) actually I'm going to change that to British as I saw lots of Scots wearing kilts....
19 Sep 2006 /  #48

you seem to be the kind of person i need to talk to!

what do you think makes Poland different from other countries that you went to (details)
and what do you think is Poland's biggest asset...what does it have to offer?
what is the worst thing about it?

21 Sep 2006 /  #49
yeahIknow - Poland is still very Polish even though Krakow is a large city with lots to offer tourist it still felt like I was truly away from England, I have been to quite a few European cities which have lost their charm - they have Irish bars, English bars, serving all day breakfasts....oh it's a tragedy...Whilst Krakow was beautiful and oldie worldly it was modern.

Lots to offer for young and old in the way of entertainment in the evening, music in abundance, jazz, dance music and I noticed a place which was playing rock music...

I let you know what Wroclaw is like when I get back in Dec
bossie  1 | 123  
22 Sep 2006 /  #50
All peoples get drunk sometimes. Some do it in a calm way, some are noisy ans cause trouble, and that goes for all nations. The next day the quiet ones are ashamed for the rest.

And about smiles in Krakow - you must know that it's a kind of a decadent city, famous for its attitude, different from e.g. Warsaw.
15 Oct 2006 /  #51
I've been to Krakow twice and LOVE it.The Rynek Glowny,Stary Miasto,Wawel,Kazimierz.We rent a flat in the centre and can't believe the value in the shops and restaurants.Speaking some Polish helps and if you are willing to make the effort,the Polish people are warm and welcoming in return.I can't wait to go back.(I visit my mother's relations in Slaskie when I am over,too.)
23 Oct 2006 /  #52
well spoken. I've travelled to Poland many times and have always enjoyed the polish encounter. Make known that ones British mentality and behaviour may be governed by growing-up within the British class system. The 'yobs' are probably beer swilling working class - vile in attitude, behaviour and mannerisms. Cheers Mike
poland2006  2 | 85  
6 Dec 2006 /  #53
Aww lucky you.. i love Kracow.. How was it?
Dora  2 | 29  
7 Dec 2006 /  #54
I started to visit the Czech Rep. many years ago and yes the Brits have spoilt Prague, fortunately they have stayed away from the rest of it... some English are quite cultured and enjoy visiting other places to gain from the experience but there are those that use it as an excuse to get drunk and behave badly, as for learning the language, I find that it's important to at least to be able to say thank you

That was my experience in Prague, too!! 3 Brits followed me & my friend around for quite a while in a crude manner of attempting to "flirt" and inviting us to come & drink with them. These guys were on a bachelor stag party weekend. Horrible behavior, not at all what I have experienced from Europeans. But then Britain is not Europe.

The Not Smiling Thing in Krakow is ridiculous. Who walks around with smiles on face all day? Hmmm. In my travels, lets talk "not smiling" Londoners (probably 'cause everything is soooo pricey there) and not a whole lot of happy smiles in certain places in Germany, either. I found Krakow to have a very relaxed yet proper feel... and everyone looked like they were have a nice time to me!
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
7 Dec 2006 /  #55
How can they when all you seem to do on here is insult English people and call them drunks?

Okay, well please explain to me why British men go to Prague - get drunk go in strip bars and come home with nothing but empty pockets and tales of sh*gging???? whilst other nationalities go to Prague visit the sights??? I'm ashamed to be English when I see people abusing beautiful cities and acting like idiots...I you may note I said I hope that people don't think that we are all the same as there are lots of English that visit cities go out have a few beers and enjoy seeing what that particular city has to offer....So Mr L, answers on a post card!!
iwona  12 | 542  
8 Dec 2006 /  #56
Okay, well please explain to me why British men go to Prague - get drunk go in strip bars and come home with nothing but empty pockets and tales of sh*gging???? whilst other nationalities go to Prague visit the sights??? I'm ashamed to be English when I see people abusing beautiful cities and acting like idiots...


Everyone knows that not all English behave like this.

I suppose each nationality has group of people they are ashamed of.

I remember ( few years ago) there were stories about Polish in Austria, Germany...stealing cars, from shops.... It was not very nice as I suppose there were little gangs doing it but yes..word polish sounded there quite negative.
26 Mar 2007 /  #57
Just got back from Krakow on a stag do. What was most disappointing was that we could not get into any club due to the fact that we were English. There were only 6 of us, we were smartly dressed, not drunk, but we were tarred by the same brush as all the other idiots. Unfortunately this kind of prejudice will only damage Krakow's stag reputation and deprive the country of much of its tourism. The guilty clubs were 'Frantic' and 'Prozac'. Beware all stag do travelers.
spiritus  69 | 643  
26 Mar 2007 /  #58
Rainman, I have no axe to grind with you but if I'm being brutally honest I am glad that there are some bars in Krakow that take this stance. When I was last there I saw groups of English men walking the streets, wearing identical T shirts and being very rowdy and intimidating. By the same token I also walked past groups of English men seated at one of the many outdoor tables having a civilised drink together.

The point being that bars cannot differentiate between the the two unless they started interviewing anyone who entered the bar. As with many things the minority spoil it for the majority.

Just thinking out loud here but I wonder what would happen if a group decided to enter a bar individually spaced out over 30 mins or so ?

Personally, I don't want Krakow to become another Amsterdam or to aspire to be what Prague is becoming. If that means it loses it's stag reputation then so be it. Arguably in the long run this will actually INCREASE Krakow's popularity amongst tourists as I'm certain that some tourists will be put off from returning to Krakow if it becomes a mecca for stag parties.

I suspect many stag do travelers come to Krakow for the cheap beer, beautiful women and because it's something different. I doubt there are many who go to appreciate the beauty of the city.
daffy  22 | 1153  
26 Mar 2007 /  #59
suspect many stag do travelers come to Krakow for the cheap beer, beautiful women and because it's something different.

you said it, STAG do's generally aren't scenery orientated in fairness :)

but Krakow still gets good tourism im very sure (its just they are the quiet ones so you wouldn't notice them as much :)
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
26 Mar 2007 /  #60
what Prague is becoming.

has become unfortunately

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