I know the Tatras are high - right? So what I want to know is how thin does the atmosphere get? Could you fall up and just keep going...like Joseph Kittinger in reverse? I ask as my ruckack is small and my boots not too heavy. Also one more thing - the bears. Can you fight them? Or maybe negotiate somehow? Can anyone help me?
Is the atmosphere thinner over the Tatras?
Depends on the level of Sobieski in your blood I guess :))))
I think if I was the atmosphere and I had to climb over all those mountains, I'd be thinner too.
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1589
17 Oct 2010 / #4
Why don't you go there and try?
Why don't you go there and try?
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he already did ! what is the medical term for his condition?
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1589
17 Oct 2010 / #6
what is the medical term for his condition?
Also one more thing - the bears. Can you fight them? Or maybe negotiate somehow?
I vote for psychosis with delusional beliefs. Negotiating with bears.. interesting.
If he climed quickly above 2400 m, I'd vote for altitude sickness. It usually not occur below 2400 m (8000 ft), so probably not in PL. But it can be a serious condition.
Tatras pictures
lovely view... :)
lovely view... :)