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The worst of Polish education. No wonder Polish universities are bottom of the list.

14 Feb 2011 /  #61
"What dress was XYZ wearing during the dinner scene in Chapter One of novel ABC?"

I don't believe ya! He must be really mean ;)

Even though The Tempest was the only play by Shakespeare that I had not actually read ;-)

Shame on you! :)

Quite a time ago, that's true. Under the communist regime, when nothing was allowed so people did whatever the heck they wanted anyway ;-)

yep and now kids has so many things to do - games, tv, internet, sports, socializing... And the educational system wasn't completely botched as now a days. Today teacher in high school struggles to go through all programme not mentioning revising it with kids. How can they find time for discussions additionally?
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
14 Feb 2011 /  #62
I don't believe ya! He must be really mean ;)

It was a she, you know. ;-)

I wanted to say something here, but my jaw is still firmly stuck to the floor where it fell ... :-S

Well, you can imagine my state of mind at that moment...

She was part of some teacher exchange programme or other. From what I gathered, questions such as the above were meant to make sure us nasty students actually read all the prescribed novels. A typical primary school approach.

Today teacher in high school struggles to go through all programme not mentioning revising it with kids

It was the same story then, PLUS school books were printed in very small amounts, so many of us never had one, and most of the teaching was done in the form of lectures presented by our teachers (that's in liceum). We had to note down everything, and our notes were the only means of revising whatever had been said in class. But somehow most teachers still found the time to actually discuss stuff with us. Maybe because we were always given loads of homework and could catch up on the curriculum requirements that way. Anyway, it did us no harm :-)
THE HITMAN  - | 236  
14 Feb 2011 /  #63
The only country in the world where you need a uni degree to be a toilet cleaner. lol.
Having qualifications but not knowing diddly squat about the subject is worth just about nothing and underlines the fact that the result was obtained fraudulently, either by cheating oneself or paying for someone elses services.

In the long term, just try and sort simple bureaucratic issues in Poland and see the level of Incompetence you come up against.
14 Feb 2011 /  #64
Having qualifications but not knowing diddly squat about the subject is worth just about nothing and underlines the fact that the result was obtained fraudulently, either by cheating oneself or paying for someone elses services

It's not the issue. There is some fraudness in the system but not on such scale as you think.
More problem is that book knowledge when not used in practise is easly forgotten. Till now I forgot almost everything which I had learnt in my college.

Let me guess HITMAN - you're American, aren't you? Such a arogance is typical for you.
f stop  24 | 2493  
14 Feb 2011 /  #65
What do you mean? That your teacher allowed to have a cheating sheets?

yes. That's a middle ground between closed and open book test.

greek system?

fraternities, sororities - they have wealth of study aids

What if one student communicate to another student who is not willing to participate in cheating? He also gets F?

c'mon. Whoever was talking.

The point I was trying to make is that obtaining and studying previous test is a widely used study practice, so all you teachers out there, don't just hand out same tests.

Most foreigners problems with Polish bureaucracy isn't due to the bureaucracy, but rather the arrogance of foreigners.

Really? If you have not experienced maddening Polish bureaucracy, you live in a bubble.
14 Feb 2011 /  #66
c'mon. Whoever was talking.

It happened to me few times when someone was: "Ana come on, what's the answer for the question number X? Don't be mean collegue! Oh, come on!" Well even if someone ignores such person, he/she might be accused of cheating as well!

The point I was trying to make is that obtaining and studying previous test is a widely used study practice, so all you teachers out there, don't just hand out same tests.

Do you really believe that they don't know that?
jonni  16 | 2475  
14 Feb 2011 /  #67
I know people who have done it and they say it's not a problem really.

Wow. You "know people who have done it". Whereas I have done it three times, and there are others here who can say the same. Being told conflicting information by civil servants, trailing from office to office when you could be working, pointless document after pointless document.

But then again, you "know people who have done it". Stop trolling.
OP Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
14 Feb 2011 /  #68
Please, steer yourselves back on topic. thanx.
f stop  24 | 2493  
14 Feb 2011 /  #69
Do you really believe that they don't know that?

Is that really a question? If it is, the answer is I don't know. The occurence of same exact tests given year after year is amazingly high.

BTW, your discussion style seems familiar.. have you been here under another name before?
jonni  16 | 2475  
14 Feb 2011 /  #70
BTW, your discussion style seems familiar.. have you been here under another name before?

The same thought occurred to me too.
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Feb 2011 /  #71
I see middle class much more likely to be measured on the academic merits, while upper class expects to pay its way through.

Upper class offsprings just get symbolic degrees by bribing.They don't play any role at all they just need the degree to get a name.

Middle class offsprings take decisions.They need the degrees to justify their positions.In fact the laws protect the heritage in education and degrees.It is totally feked up.Essentially they block every other candidate by imposing completely different standards of evaluation according to social origin.That is if you have nobler origin you get easier exams or are judged much less strictly in the same exams.

Middle class fanatically opposes the same standards for all regarding their rights from heritage as democratic and wishful and its existence essential.

Their opinion is simply give anyone a degree and then evryone will take a position according to his family connections.Both right and left do not oppose the dumbing down they agree on this full hearted.Economic crisis comes inevitably as the ones having had an education do not deserve it and in this way everything becomes screwed up.Because if you want to save the system you have to save them as well or better save them first of all but they are the problem.So the crisis is unsolvable as long as they remain in key positions.No matter what measures they take they will never get out of the crisis unless they sack themselves.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
25 Mar 2011 /  #72
I actually agree on the Beer :)

The Education is better than UK, the food is better and healthier than UK.

IMHO it does have the most beautiful girls in the world.

Poland's not perfect but its better than UK and Germany. (IMHO)
landora  - | 194  
25 Mar 2011 /  #73
The Education is better than UK

Sorry, but it's not. The Polish education system is riddled with cheating, grades are commonly awarded on the basis of being known to the professor and not on academic merit, many teachers only become teachers because they weren't good enough to become anything else - the list is endless.

There's also a stigma against non-public education - even though in many cases, the private education is superior to the public one. Of course, part of the problem is that in many other cases - the private education sucks.
chichimera  1 | 185  
25 Mar 2011 /  #74
The Polish education system is riddled with cheating, grades are commonly awarded on the basis of being known to the professor and not on academic merit

Excuse me? Have you actually studied at a Polish university? And which one, if so? Many who don't feel quite able to obtain a university degree choose lower standard education, so that they can get the degree the easy way, but they choose to do so. It's not like living in Poland you don't know which universities/colleges are good and which aren't
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
25 Mar 2011 /  #75
Sorry, but it's not.

From being English and going through the whole education system and working with people who have been through the English Education system the standard is better in Poland. I know lots of people at Polish Universities and they are better educated than the English people I know.

The English education system is not good enough to educate chimpanzees let alone the young people in England today.
IMHO anyway.
landora  - | 194  
25 Mar 2011 /  #76
Excuse me? Have you actually studied at a Polish university? And which one, if so? Many who don't feel quite able to obtain a university degree choose lower standard education, so that they can get the degree the easy way, but they choose to do so. It's not like living in Poland you don't know which universities/colleges are good and which aren't

I studied at one of the best public Polish unis - UAM, then on UP. I also studied in the UK and I can tell you, the stuff they were teaching on the 2nd year in the UK was more advanced then on the UP on the 5th year... Polish courses are full of theory, there's more to learn by heart. British ones are far more connected to the real life. We finish pur degrees with heads full of facts that we cannot use. They finish with the knowledge where to look for the facts, but they know how to implement this knowledge. You might think Polish unis are better because there's more sitting and studying from the books involved. I can compare and unfortunately, 2/3 of my subjects at UP were absoultely useless. Not so bad at UAM though, only maybe 10% subjects were useless.

And you're not telling me that people are not cheating in Poland? Of course they do. I don't know anyone who hasn't!

They are better educated in terms of general knowledge, but the British are better prepared to their professional life.
chichimera  1 | 185  
25 Mar 2011 /  #77
The Polish education system is riddled with cheating, grades are commonly awarded on the basis of being known to the professor and not on academic merit

So those are your experiences from studying at UAM?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
25 Mar 2011 /  #78
IMHO, Poles put far too much emphasis on and obsese over having the right bit of paper from the right place where as in the UK the emphasis is very much on experience and life skills.Hence the silly debate on another thread where all the Poles claimed a Princeton proffesor of History couldnt be any good or indead shouldnt call himself a historian because he origionaly studied sociolagy...FFS.

Ah well, lets just look at our two countries eh. If a million Brits had been forced to move to Poland for work in 04 maybe Id buy the whole "Poland as paradise on Earth" stuff....
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
25 Mar 2011 /  #79
Did the OP mean English speakers?

I think she means English as in British people on this forum that often denigrate Poland like the maladroit speller of post #57.
Dream on  
13 Oct 2011 /  #80
I know from Polish students that cheating is acceptable and expected. I know that its so hard to get into some Polish universities that simply handing a professor keys to a car can get you in. Its also my observation that most Polish people speak like they are uneducated, whether or not they are educated, or hold high prestigious jobs. One example is a Polish man who hasn't finished high school is speaking and thinking the same as another Polish man who is highly educated. The though patterns behind the conversation seems to be about the same. Thats not a compliment to the educated one BTW.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
13 Oct 2011 /  #81
My wife studies Nursery at Jagiellonian University, last year a group of students who were caught cheating were kicked out. So it is treated harshly in some cases in Poland.
13 Oct 2011 /  #82
Polish universities are terrible. I know at some institutions a student can retake an exam multiple times. Here in the US, people would laugh at that idea.
polmed  1 | 216  
13 Oct 2011 /  #83
I know at some institutions a student can retake an exam multiple times.

The difference is that an american student would never pass in Poland . The level of exams at some american universities is pathetic .
southern  73 | 7059  
13 Oct 2011 /  #84
In the US the tests are standardized according to the examinees abilities.In Europe is not so.For example in Greece there maybe a 80% failure in a test taken by excellent students just because the test is too hard it has not been standardized.In USA a failure of 80% never happens.But Americans do not allow collection of high grades by memorization by using some systems to point out and disarm memorizers.In Europe you can get extremely high grades by memorizing.

The problem is that Americans have analyzed in detail their types of tests and know all possible students profiles so it is hard to beat the system because they have already analyzed your type.American exams are over analyzed and over manipulated to produce the desired outcome.They are not blind exams.Moreover you are not allowed to leak information regarding the techniques they use on exams and the system.
13 Oct 2011 /  #85
The difference is that an american student would never pass in Poland . The level of exams at some american universities is pathetic .

Maybe a community college but definitely not a state university. I knew Polish students who came here but went back because they failed their exams and were kicked out.

Poland's engineering schools are not even accredited. And I know for a fact that American law schools and med schools are way tougher than Polish schools.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
14 Oct 2011 /  #86
The difference is that an american student would never pass in Poland .

Your misguided blind patriotism is exactly why some criticise Poland.

The louder you shout your plainly risible "facts" and opinions the more ridiculous and pathetic you seem.

Oh yeah, and the more you write aggressive insulting and simply dishonest posts, the more likely you will receive abuse and criticism in return - do you understand how this part works yet?
OP Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
14 Oct 2011 /  #87
I am sure that everywhere in the world some students are more hardworking than others or some get into universities through a chain of connections

this has nothing to do with the opening post.
magpie  6 | 133  
16 Oct 2011 /  #88
According to Wikipedia, Poland has 500 universities for a population of 38m whereas Ukraine has 900 universities for 45m folk. Doesn't that seem a lot? Do they accredit the schools in a handing out sweeties kind of way, or is it a hangover from communism?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Oct 2011 /  #89
Referring directly to the OP, I can confirm that it happens. Most of my private students have told me as much. As for polonthemeds, feast your eyes on this

4icu.org/topEurope/, the top 100 universities in Europe. 4 of the top 10 are in the UK (1,2, 4 and 6). Poland's entries? 78 and 100. Any comment?
magpie  6 | 133  
17 Oct 2011 /  #90
My step-daughter told me about this happening in her school and the Mrs magpie - a school teacher - was really surprised when I said kids fail the topic in most Anglo countries or get suspended etc.

But the following are amongst those rated above York:

The University of Nottingham
Newcastle University
University of Southampton
University of Glasgow


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