The approach I experienced when in liceum and at university seemed to be a mix of A and B - first you read the books and listen to your teacher and take notes and learn facts by heart, and then we all sit down and have an intelligent discussion about the topic
I guess you were attending private liceum and one of the top-notched faculties. In my liceum there was no time for discussion (and the liceum was renowned).
You can't be creative or "find your own way" without being shown the ropes first, and that's a fact
I agree
(you can't become a painter without learning the rules of perspective, though you might then discard them; but they are a necessary stepping stone).
I don't agree. Consciousness kills creativeness and I really know it. The best piece of works made those who did not attended any art school. They make naive art but out of the heart. People after art schools make calculated art...
Liceum - humanities profile, which meant lots of English, Latin, Polish, history, and Russian plus all the other obligatory subjects like maths, chemistry, physics, biology etc.
Uni - English Studies (literature, history, linguistics, plus philosophy, pedagogy, psychology etc.)
How many years ago?