In spoken language maybe but not all, I challalnge you to duel talk with a Bergenser! Merry torture!
Frequent traveler to Norge as my sister lives there. I was joking of course, you know, typical Swe-Nor rivalry.
Ikke om jeg fa** meg skulle ta og rive ut ba*** ut av plo***** dine!
Really? All three?
Swedish can be quite helpfull in communication with SOME Fins and most Norwegians, maybe not that much with Danes, but it can be helpful!
Used to travel to Lapua and Kuopio, Finland to see my then girlfriend's family. Both cities are in the Finnish only region but I never had any problem getting around there, they all seemed to speak some Swedish or at least to understand it.
As far as Swedish and Danish - I have a few friends working for SAS. One of them (a Swede) told me that Danes seem to understand Swedes just fine but it's more difficult the other way around. He said often you'll hear a Dane clarifying something in English and the Swede will reply in Swedish... LOL