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Recommend Me some Reputable Language Schools in Krakow, Please!

GabiDaHun  2 | 152  
24 Jan 2012 /  #1
So I've moved to Krakow.

I know it's full of natives, backpackers, chancres etc., and from what I've read it's pretty tricky to come by good schools here, but I have some seriously good reasons for coming here and I'm certainly NOT a backpacker.

I hold a Grade B CELTA, have a DipHE (not quite a degree), speak Hungarian (not much good here- I know), and more crucially have about 2000 classroom hours teaching experience from a British Council accredited school in London. I was employed there over the course of a year and three months and taught all levels. I really do love teaching; it's certainly not a "meh" job for me. I know my stuff, but don't want to sell myself short by taking too little money or ending up in a really bad school. I have too much self respect for that, and do actually wish to build a decent reputation here, complete a DELTA, and later study for an MA in Applied Linguistics. I didn't actually think I could love a job so much, and maybe the sheen will go, but that's the plan for now anyway.

However, not knowing where to start I'd appreciate some advice. There are so many schools here and not all of them great, so I'd like to know where the decent ones are, or how I can find out if they are decent. My boyfriend and I have a decent wedge of savings behind us, so I don't mind holding out for a decent offer. At the moment I'm not desperate and don't want to come across as such either!

There's also the niggling issue of private students. How would I go about finding them? Is it a case of getting known in schools and picking some up, or do adverts work well here?

I have a friend who is currently teaching English to teenagers in a school. He's Polish and actually makes quite a few mistakes, so I'm helping him brush up on his English, going over the finer points of article use, punctuation and grammar, while he teaches me basic Polish. I obviously don't charge for this as he's a mate and a good teacher (who knows his stuff), but it doesn't really fill my fridge with food!

I know this isn't exactly an ESL board, but Dave's ESL Cafe is taking ages to register at, and I feel that I should get the ball moving.

Advice much appreciated.

Martin Harris  - | 3  
24 Jan 2012 /  #2
The Bell School? Callan? (how do you spell that?). It's been a few years since I taught in Kraków and the school I worked in on Ul.Długa has shut.

Most of my income was 90% through private students, though that was 10 years ago. There are loads more native English speakers now than then. I suggest making some catchy little posters with tear off strips with your contact details. post them around the universities/colleges and language departments. I got a lot of work through such posters, and then word of mouth helped too.

Also, everyone googles. There's even a Polish verb "Googlować"!! Make a snappy little website and get yourself on google. Google Places might work in Poland, but I don't know. Never pay anyone to improve your google rating. Local Tutor Forum has some great free tips on improving your google ranking.

OP GabiDaHun  2 | 152  
24 Jan 2012 /  #3
Callan?!?! LOL and No!
Reading from a book for hours is not my idea of good teaching practise. Drilling's cool and all, but not THAT cool.

Thanks for the rest of the info though! My boyfriend's mum's friend's husband works in the polytechnic; I'll ask him if he can help. I saw a guy putting up some posters with those tear-away slip things onto lamp posts. He was doing it so quickly and looked so shifty that I it was illegal, but if it's not I'll stick a few up locally. There's a secondary not too far from here.

I'll check out the Tutor Forum too. I have to admit that I'm rubbish at making websites! They always look so cheesy, but I'll give it a go anyway.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
24 Jan 2012 /  #4
I have to admit that I'm rubbish at making websitea!

i've never tried it, but a blog with the right tags might work or at least help.
24 Jan 2012 /  #5
If it has to be Krakow fine, but I know of a damn good school in Pulawy with a great boss who is looking for a guy now.
OP GabiDaHun  2 | 152  
24 Jan 2012 /  #6
If it has to be Krakow fine,

Unfortunately it does. I've got a pretty sweet deal here so it's Krakow only, until we get a car.

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