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Psychology in English at University of Warsaw.

31 Jan 2011 /  #1
I am a polish citizen who lives in the states, but I am coming to Poland for college, it's much cheaper than in the states and the psychology courses at UW are really interesting to me, it's pretty much my dream school. My mom told me that I would be accepted at SWPS right away because my high school diploma is from the US, so I do have a back-up school. My question is how hard is it to get into the English Psychology program at UW. I got A's and B's in high school, I took advanced placement psychology and got an A in that, and I plan to have my psychology teacher write me a letter of rec. Do you think I have any chances of getting in?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Feb 2011 /  #2
My mom told me that I would be accepted at SWPS right away because my high school diploma is from the US

Don't count on it, unless the course is aimed (and priced) towards foreigners.

Do you think I have any chances of getting in?

If the studies are paid for, then you won't have a problem. If you're applying on for free (ie, a normal programme aimed at Polish students), then it's impossible to say.
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
1 Feb 2011 /  #3

A short google search does the trick.
OP Klaudiaaa  
1 Feb 2011 /  #4
The studies at UW are paid for but they only accept about 50% of the people who apply. So I want to know my chances and how I stack up,

and the SWPS english studies are aimed for foreigners, so I would be accepted just for having studied in the States but like I said, the SWPS courses don't seem as interesting to me as the UW ones, and I'd prefer to go to UW.

Magdalena, I've been to that website countless times and unfortunately they have nothing about what kind of grades their accepted students get and what the minimum grades are, but thank you for trying to help! I just want to hear from someone who maybe studies there or knows someone who studies there and knows what kind of applicants they accept.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Feb 2011 /  #5
UW - you need to find out if they're operating to Polish standards (ie, entry is based on the score of the applicants, highest grades get in) or if they're operating more to the British model of every applicant is considered individually.

If it's to Polish standards, then simply put, you need high grades - you'll be considered on the basis of the subjects that they would expect to see from Matura students. The department will publish what they expect to see. But with 50% of people not getting in, it suggests that the course is quite popular - and will have high expectations.

Best bet would be to contact the admissions department and ask them how their admissions actually work.
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
1 Feb 2011 /  #6
Best bet would be to contact the admissions department and ask them how their admissions actually work.

A necessary step, it would seem to me. They are the biggest authority on this subject ;-)
6 Mar 2011 /  #7

I am currently enrolled at this program you are talking about, here you have more info about getting in:

Candidates with a foreign diploma (i.e USA)

All candidates are required to register in the IRK system and pay the application fee on the last day of the registration at the latest.

The enrollment procedure consists of 2 stages:

stage 1: matriculation exam results,
stage 2: interview.
A candidate is accepted to the program based on the results of both stages of the process. A maximum of 220 candidates with the best results after stage 1 can be admitted to stage 2.

STAGE ONE: A ranked list of candidates is created according to grades on the high school final exam. The first 220 candidates from the list pass to the second stage of the admission process. Each foreign diploma will be evaluated separately.

STAGE TWO: an interview is an oral entrance examination. It is conducted in English and it is based on ONE of four books required by the Admissions Commission. A candidate chooses just one book from the list. Points are awarded as follows:

Understanding of the text - from 0 to 10 points
Independent thinking - from 0 to 10 points
Candidate's predispositions to study psychology - from 0 to 10 points
The result of the qualification interview is the sum of the average of points awarded by each committee member. In this stage, the candidate can attain a maximum of 30 points. In order to pass the interview, a candidate needs to attain at least 21 points. NOTE: if not enough candidates obtain a minimum of 21 points (70%), we will organize September admissions.

Please note: the interview can be conducted via teleconference.


Last year I was even in the admission committee (as student rep), and I think if you prepare well for the interview (for which you have to read a chosen book) you should get admitted :)

and you can try to ask questions on our fb group page Warsaw International Studies in Psychology (I can post direct link)
17 Apr 2011 /  #8
Hey! I am in the same situation as you! I lived in America all my life and came to Poland to study psychology here next year (for the same reason- the expensive tuition in the states). I actually wrote them an email and asked them about the admission process and they told me that they mainly focus on the interview part. Im wondering what state you are from:) Here is my email: UrszulaRybak@yahoo.
11 Aug 2016 /  #9
Merged: WISP program at the University of Warsaw

My daughter has been accepted to this program and I would love to connect with other parents who have kids that will be in the Psychology program. We are from the US.

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