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Vistula University in Poland. Any experience? Any student?

researchers  4 | 19  
15 Jun 2013 /  #1
Hi Everyone

My classmate just got admission in this university and i'm curious to know about this university each and everything about it
He is excited and nervous to be in this university due to the mix reviews about the university
what are the experience of students and people who know this university from inside about studies, faculties, professors, etc.
Student life at the university
future of students after finishing study from the university

The following is a clarification added by Małgorzata Mechanisz at Vistula University. Due to speculative nature of this topic is is now closed.

Vistula University - academic background

1. Vistula University (Polish name: Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula) is the first private non-profit

higher education institution established in Poland.

2. Entitled by Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education to hold studies and granting of

academic titles on 33 programs of first (BA) second degree (MA) and engineering, as well as 49

postgraduate and MBA and Ph.D. in economy basing on studies held both in Polish and English.

3. The highest rating, "A", in the parametric evaluation of the Ministry of Science and Higher

Education in the category of small research units

4. The first and only Polish university entitled to granting a diploma of the University of London /

London School of Economics.

5. Currently more than 7000 students and 62 000 graduates.

Leader of non-public higher education in Poland

1. Vistula accounts to top 5 private MA universities - according to the most influential, independent

ranking of universities in Poland - Perspektywy (2015)

2. The national leader in the field of internationalization among all Polish universities (2nd position in

the ranking) with 2500 foreign students out of 7000 in total, coming from 60 countries.

3. Belongs to Vistula Group of Universities (consolidated with the tourism school Warsaw School

of Tourism & Hospitality Management and Wroclaw Management School), Vistula University, which

is now the fastest growing group of universities in Poland.

Appreciated by international and business environment

1. Vistula participates in the European Erasmus LLP and Gruntvig programs.

2. Accredited member of international educational and professional organizations including EFMD,


3. Conducts exchange of students and teaching staff with leading universities from more than 60

countries around the world, including: UK, Austria, Azerbaijan, Finland, France, Germany, Russia,

Turkey and Ukraine.

4. Cooperates with more than 150 companies including international corporations (like CBRE,

accenture, ACG, AliorBank, CitiHandlowy, Edelman, IBM, etc.).

Great professors
1. Vistula University Rector is internationally renowned Polish economist, professor Witold Orłowski.

2. The group of prominent experts to actively cooperate with Vistula including prof. Krzysztof

Rybiński - former Vice Chairman of NBP, prof. Andrzej Olechowski - former Minister of Finance and

former Minister of Foreign Affairs and prof. Longin Pastusiak - former Vice-President of the NATO

Parliamentary Assembly.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Jun 2013 /  #2

It's not a university. It's a higher school of education - something different.

got admission

Anyone could get admission.
OP researchers  4 | 19  
15 Jun 2013 /  #3
really? anyone can get admissions? they have not any requirements or eligibility for passing admissions procedures?

but it is in the good rankings of the universities in Warsaw and got awards also by some polish magazines for serving high quality education and best university standards is it true?

they have study programs bachelors..masters..Phd
so why it is not recognized as University rather a High school for education

Overall is it good or not?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Jun 2013 /  #4
really? anyone can get admissions? they have not any requirements or eligibility for passing admissions procedures?

Nope. Anyone with a high school diploma can get in.

but it is in the good rankings of the universities in Warsaw and got awards also by some polish magazines for serving high quality education and best university standards is it true?

They probably paid the magazines, which isn't exactly uncommon.

so why it is not recognized as University rather a High school for education

It's a higher school of education, not a high school. In short, it can grant university-level qualifications but it's not a university.
OP researchers  4 | 19  
15 Jun 2013 /  #5
olrite thanks for sharing the information so do you know anyone who finished study from vistula?

they give bachelors degree or masters
it has any importance? in global job market
16 Jun 2013 /  #6
Like said above, it is not a university. Like all those private schools in Poland, diplomas are worth nothing.
DominicB  - | 2706  
16 Jun 2013 /  #7
@Researchers: Fake "university" run by some rich Turkish guy. For God's sake, it doesn't even have a Wikipedia article, neither in English nor in Polish. That's a HUGE red flag right there. Students are losers who couldn't get into real schools, and foreign suckers seeking a foot-in-the-door of the EU. Agree with the others that the diplomas issued are worth diddly-squat, even inside Poland. Your classmate will simply waste his time there, and get nothing out of the experience except an empty bank account. Poor little dope!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Jun 2013 /  #8
For God's sake, it doesn't even have a Wikipedia article, neither in English nor in Polish.


OP researchers  4 | 19  
16 Jun 2013 /  #9
i understand all of your suggestions and thank you for posting them, but then what are the options for international students in warsaw to study ,.. i heard about collegium civitas.. lazarski..kominzski etc etc.. all these are also as same as vistula? in poland

and dear user sobieski : iam not looking for any back door to EU as iam not interested to study in poland i already having a good one in my own country this thread was started for a friend of mine.. so respect !!

Guys Thanks for the suggestions and so my friend should change the university now is it possible? what are the options he should keep in mind as of now.
DominicB  - | 2706  
16 Jun 2013 /  #10
iam not looking for any back door to EU.... this thread was started for a friend of mine..

Tell your friend that, whatever's he heard, studying at a lousy universtity in Poland is not a backdoor to the EU. Whoever gave him that idea is full of stinky moist brown substance. He's been scammed.

Yes, he should withdraw from Vistula. It's a complete waste of time and money. He should consider studying in his own country. If he's a SERIOUS student, there are far more better places to study than in an English-language program at a Polish university. Those programs are usually very bad, and the diplomas are useless, especially from schools like Vistula and C.C.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Jun 2013 /  #11
i heard about collegium civitas.. lazarski..kominzski etc etc.. all these are also as same as vistula?

Koźmiński is regarded as the best of them but don't pay attention to nonsense some people are posting here, all of them are not bad schools, the thing is what a person selecting a school really expect... these days "diplomas" in general don't guarantee you anything unless from a few top global schools or in very rare speciality... a person who is for instance capital markets geek will find a good job even with some clown diploma, a person who has no practical skills and is interested in nothing useful will be struggling to find employment even with a diploma from a "good" school in hand.
jon357  72 | 23529  
16 Jun 2013 /  #12
Kosminski is certainly the best of a fairly mediocre bunch. £arzarski is OK too, in its way. but none of them are actually that good and given the number of overseas students they take, sooner or later HR Depts outside Poland will form an impression of them.

UKSW is very worth looking at, however I'm not sure if they do courses in different languages.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Jun 2013 /  #13
all of them are not bad schools

They certainly are bad when it comes to employment with any large company.

I know at least three large companies in Poznan with explicit "no private university" rules.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
16 Jun 2013 /  #14
Yes, he should withdraw from Vistula

Unless your friend has a place in one of the top 10/15 universities e.g Jagiellonian, Warsaw University of Technology, Copernicus, it's not much point studying in Poland.

It would be better to look at the Russell Group universities in Britain( or some of the better ex Polytechnics). America or Australia might be an option if your friend wants to travel, Erasmus University in the Netherlands is also very good.
jon357  72 | 23529  
16 Jun 2013 /  #15
I think the OP is in Turkey, where there are some first class universities too. There are also some good ones in the UAE however costs may be high.
lordz  - | 3  
24 Jun 2013 /  #16
The Polish Higher Education system has a different classification system of higher education institutions. Vistula is a University and you can visit its website at vistula.edu.pl. You can find information on courses offered by the university etc.
jon357  72 | 23529  
24 Jun 2013 /  #17
Different to what? To a respected system?
lordz  - | 3  
24 Jun 2013 /  #18
What do you mean by a respected system? does that mean that the Polish system is not respected?
jon357  72 | 23529  
24 Jun 2013 /  #19
See various posts above and elsewhere on the forum.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
24 Jun 2013 /  #20
It has to very clear that most of these private schools thrive on "students" of non-European origin, who think this is a cheap ticket into the EU / Schengen. How often we do not seethe question coupled with a request for entrance visa/work visa....etc...

Whereas where they come from there are also universities. I wonder who is exploiting whom here.
lordz  - | 3  
24 Jun 2013 /  #21
I would call it creating opportunities for certain categories of students. Not everyone who go to study abroad and can afford it go to Harvard/Oxford/Yale or the like. These students one way or another will end up studying at universities like Vistula. What's the big deal?

It is not true that Turkish people might seek a backdoor to EU through Poland. Turkey has a better economic situation and not anyone will come to Poland to do so. As far as I know they mainly go to Germany.

Vistula University does not give any delusional diplomas. They give normal degrees. I think the problem is with the higher education system in Poland in general. We have to accept that it is still inferior to the systems in the US, western europe and far east (japan, korea). So as the father as the son.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
25 Jun 2013 /  #22
Exactly. Let them come here and leave little money. Keep this private schools from bankrupting (as they have less polish students in last years). And diploma is real, studies are also real. The problem is that Poland is less advanced economy and industry and services don't need so many graduates and pay less than in the west. That's why graduating from Polish university is less attractive than from German. Because people learn the most useful stuff not during studies but in their first job.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Jun 2013 /  #23
Keep this private schools from bankrupting (as they have less polish students in last years).

Don't worry, the public universities are doing a great job of that themselves.
davidsharma69  1 | 3  
30 Jul 2013 /  #24
Merged: Anyone will you please tell me about vistula university in Poland

hai i am from Nepal and had applied in University of Vistula in the faculty of Computer science and Engineering so would you please tell me about this university.

Thanks in advance
wang  - | 19  
30 Jul 2013 /  #25
More about Vistula University

I'm Said. Since 2009, I live in Warsaw, Poland. By end of 2013, I will be graduated as Computer Engineer here. I'm a student at the Vistula University. But at the same time, I'm founder of Polonyadan.com, the first Turkish portal about Poland.

more: study fun/interviews/interviews/said-from-turkey-his-time-in-warsaw/

and newest video about study in Poland :)

14 Feb 2014 /  #26
Please tell me about Vistula university. Is it possible to find a job after graduating from Vistula?
DominicB  - | 2706  
14 Feb 2014 /  #27
It's a fake "university" for gullible foreign students. A diploma from there is worthless, both in Poland and abroad. If you aren't studying at one of the top ten Polish universities or serious schools, then studying in Poland is a total waste of time and money. It will not help you find work. Employers will laugh in your face. It also won't help you find work anywhere in the European Union.
cms  9 | 1253  
15 Feb 2014 /  #28
Maybe its not the best univesity in Poland but i thought these private places are accredited and so is it right to say its fake. I have taken a few grads from private unis in the past and some have been ok, some very good. the quality of grads from polands public universities is very patchy.

Not sure why you are always so hostile to newcomers Dom ? The guy is only asking a question. I have no idea what your alma mater is but i'm sure there are people who could also ***** about it and say its a bad school.
weintome  2 | 10  
10 Feb 2015 /  #29
Merged: Vistula University- Poland

I was received an acceptance from Vistula University? . As I know, It's a private University established for long times ago. May you help me to know in terms of the quality and career oppotunities and something as well about Vistula University?

I'm really confused. help me..
18 Aug 2015 /  #30
Hello guys ,

Thanks for your recommendations and opinions. I am from Central Asia , I have applied to Vistula university for Master Degree and got a scholarship for tuition fees from them . I have been in Poland , and love this country, so was happy to be accepted in this university.

Is there any students who have graduated this University? Wants to hear more information

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