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Turkish guy to study at a university in Poland. Is that problem for Polish people?

merve112  - | 10  
29 Nov 2016 /  #121
I do understand that the current situation in Turkey does not look good, and last time I visited there I had the same observations as someone mentioned above - many more women are wearing headscarves and people are turning more conservative; but I do also realise not everyone share the same views. I do not mind if those people actually are wearing the headscarves because THEY WANT TO, I think everyone should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want as long as it is not causing harm to anyone else. Though, I do mind if people are oppressed and they feel obligated to do something they do not wish to do. I don't think Turkey is quite there yet. yet.
Marsupial  - | 871  
30 Nov 2016 /  #122
I am sorry but I do not believe more and more are wearing head scarves because they want to. I think they are forced to by religious vomit.
mafketis  38 | 11199  
30 Nov 2016 /  #123
I do not mind if those people actually are wearing the headscarves because THEY WANT TO

But if the want to because they are rejecting western secular civil societies (the completely clear agenda of the Muslim brotherhood that created it a few decades ago), then Turkey is in trouble.

Religion (any religion) is like fire. It has its uses but it's a dangerous servant and a terrible master. Any country ruled by religion quickly turns into a terrible, terrible place to live.
merve112  - | 10  
30 Nov 2016 /  #124
I am aware of the extremists, but some people I know just find spiritual comfort in wearing a head scarf. They are not looking for ways to destroy the western world.

Until about 10 years ago the headscarf was banned in Turkey for use in public places, do you think that is a better solution?

Mine is of course a naive thought, but I do wish we could just enjoy personal freedom and decide for ourselves. If religion is necessary for a person to feel comfortable and content with their life, it is not my place to judge it. That person should not judge me for my lack of faith either.
Marsupial  - | 871  
30 Nov 2016 /  #125
Perhaps hair is evil and must be covered up?
merve112  - | 10  
30 Nov 2016 /  #126
Maybe for some people. My point is, I don't think it's right to tell people what they should wear or shouldn't.
Wincig  2 | 225  
30 Nov 2016 /  #127
If religion is necessary for a person to feel comfortable and content with their life, it is not my place to judge it.


Perhaps hair is evil and must be covered up

Not as dumb as it might seem. In many civilizations, hair (especially female) was (is) considered to have some "sexual" element attached to it. And today we all wear covers on our pubic hair, at least in public. So where do you set the boundary??
mafketis  38 | 11199  
30 Nov 2016 /  #128
My point is, I don't think it's right to tell people what they should wear or shouldn't.

Believe me, the ones who cover their hair won't be happy until you do too....
Crow  154 | 9561  
30 Nov 2016 /  #129
Pack all Turks and expel them from Poland. Give them nothing. Nothing. Sve u tri pičke materine. Govna.
Wincig  2 | 225  
30 Nov 2016 /  #130
Pack all the Poles (and the Sebs!) and expel them from Turkey!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
30 Nov 2016 /  #131
Pack all the Poles

Dont pick on the Poles we like the cheap holidays in Turkey and the turkish kebab shops are good,

We get along fine thanks, and no way anyone is going to packup the Turkish family in my village.
Wincig  2 | 225  
30 Nov 2016 /  #132
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
30 Nov 2016 /  #133
Whenever you see posts here from Turkish people all they ask is is it safe to come, is it ok to live here, they never complain about how things are in Poland (Apart from understandable worries / problems of racism from a minority of Poles) they want to integrate, unlike many Europeans here who moan about all things Polish and want to force their political ideology on us.
Crow  154 | 9561  
30 Nov 2016 /  #134
Alright. Don`t pack Turks. Keep them.
nothanks  - | 626  
30 Nov 2016 /  #135
I have never been the kind of person who is like, "OUR ANCESTORS WERE THE OTTOMANS WE RULED HALF OF THE WORLD ONCE YOU SHOULD RESPECT US MORE", which unfortunately cannot be said for some people.

Nice to have you onboard. Turkish culture does have delicious food and a rich history overall. But I also think this is why they struggle to assimilate more than other cultures. Because it is not very difficult to live in a foreign nation as a Turk and yet only eat Turkish food, watch Turkish soap shows and overall engage with only Turkish community. Italians and Mexicans also come to mind in this regard. The social buzzkill I have encountered in the past with Turks is just them relating every topic/event back to Turkey. For example "Oh we have this same dish/place in Turkey". This leads back to the rich history. But there is also much wisdom to be taught from Turkey, as a Polish-Westener. Although Turkey is now I believe twice the population of Poland, I think the two cultures have very interesting similarities.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
30 Nov 2016 /  #136
Not as dumb as it might seem. In many civilizations, hair ( female) is considered to have some "sexual" element attached to it. Today we all wear covers on our pubic hair, at least in public. Where do you set the boundary??[/

Hair on the head doesn't have quite the sexual connation as pubic hair or breasts, it doesn't usually arouse in quite such an immediate way. There is a good reason to cover up 'skin' as extremes of heat/cold damages it. Modesty is nice but you can't totally deny biology, it's going to come to the point where these men go berserk at the sight of a wrist or ankle!!! The more sexuality is 'forbidden' and 'hidden' the more it will become distorted. This why you see scenes of Middle Eastern men turning into rapists and sexual molesters when they reach places like Germany and Sweden. It's not as though extreme Islamic clothing has stopped sexual misdemeanours in Islamic countries, the rapes and sexual abuse are just as prevalent, it's just not reported as much. Happy medium usually works for most things.

Believe me, the ones who cover their hair won't be happy until you do too....

Sadly you are correct. There are parts of London and Birmingham that are 'no go' areas if you are not seen to be following Sharia rules and Sharia rules are strict.
Crow  154 | 9561  
2 Dec 2016 /  #137
If you ask me,... you don`t, but let`s say,... I would do same as Trump. I would finance great European wall on Bulgarian-Turkish and Greece-Turkish border. Sure, wall would have doors.
Wincig  2 | 225  
3 Dec 2016 /  #138
you mean you want to prevent the Greeks and Bulgars from coming into Turkey??
Crow  154 | 9561  
3 Dec 2016 /  #139
Why? Wall would gave doors, as I said. Several.

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