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Turkish guy to study at a university in Poland. Is that problem for Polish people?

Crow  154 | 9561  
27 Nov 2016 /  #91
Serbian society is healthy one. Why else would Visegrad Group negotiate with Serbia about membership.

I hope that your society has become more healthy and your country more normal since the times when Serbs were performing ethnic cleansing and raping women and girls during the Balkan wars.

A lot of anti-Serbian propaganda back in those days, my dear. I assure you that Serbians didn`t do anything that this world already didn`t seen in times of war. You know, in such a times you have unleashed sociopaths that exist in every society. As for war itself, Serbians neither desired war, neither started war. Other sides involved in conflict (NATO and EU leading powers, Bosnian and Arab mujaheediens, Croatian paramilitary) had plan for war, started war and some of them acted in accordance with genocidal programs. Not to mention that there were international `dogs of war` that contributed to total chaos.
DominicB  - | 2706  
27 Nov 2016 /  #92
My best friend is an EU diplomat. You are aware that they call Serbia "the Cancer of Europe". They wish Serbia would just disappear from the face of the earth, and take the rest of the Balkan countries with it.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
27 Nov 2016 /  #93
They wish Serbia would just disappear from the face of the earth,

There was an Austrian who once felt the same about Poland, I think his name was Adolf Hitler.
Paulina  19 | 4548  
27 Nov 2016 /  #94
I assure you that Serbians didn`t do anything that this world already didn`t seen in times of war.

Following your logic the Turks also "didn`t do anything that this world already didn`t seen in times of war" so what's your problem with them? Aren't you being a hypocrite?

My best friend is an EU diplomat.

And what's his nationality, if you don't mind telling us?

You are aware that they call Serbia "the Cancer of Europe".

Who are "they"?

They wish Serbia would just disappear from the face of the earth, and take the rest of the Balkan countries with it.

Well, interesting stuff you can find out on this forum... They won't tell you this on TV now will they...

There was an Austrian who once felt the same about Poland, I think his name was Adolf Hitler.

Good point, dolno.
Crow  154 | 9561  
27 Nov 2016 /  #95
Following your logic the Turks also "didn`t do anything that this world already didn`t seen in times of war" so what's your problem with them?

Problem with Turkey is that continually creating problems. If they have president which blackmailing Europe with refugees and people in Turkey tolerate his rule, it means that Turkey isn`t normal society. Therefore, Turks aren`t normal. Not normal in negative sense.

My best friend is an EU diplomat. You are aware that they call Serbia "the Cancer of Europe".

Horror. See, that is why we Serbians don`t think nice about EU. Actually, most sane Europeans and Slavs don`t think nice about EU.
mafketis  38 | 11199  
27 Nov 2016 /  #96
Problem with Turkey is that continually creating problems.

Everything you say about Turkey is absolutely true of Russia as well, yet Russia you like.... hmmmmmm

Always remembrer, what Turkey was/is to Serbia, Russia was/is to Poland. You're not gonna sell the idea of a Polish-Russian alliance without significant changes in Russian society at the molecular level....
Ironside  50 | 13046  
27 Nov 2016 /  #97
The reality is

Come on? What are you trying t o say? Johnny doesn't talk about Turkish guy studying in Poland but about reality in the USA. If you're as you say versed in

the facts of life.

, you should know that.

them a decent living, getting married, having a family, being happy. No matter whether they're Muslims, Catholics, Hindus or atheists

I beg to differ. They have different ideas what marriage, family and happiness means.

But there was time when Christians were killing "heathens" too

Is that argument from the textbook - How to told your opponent to shut up without looking like an ignorant churl?. You are basically saying - Oh you're not perfect either,so shut up!

In fact you have no argument at all, so you lost it at this point!

People in given countries are born into their religions, culture, traditions just like I was born into Catholicism

Not quite the same thing. You're overly simplifying it.

not long ago I had a discussion with a Polish agnostic

So what? Listening to raving of some idiot suppose to b e an argument? since when>?

persecuting people of different religions for centuries (Jews), treating women as second-category people, persecuting people who thought differently, scientists, etc.

Really? Christian did it all? You talking BS woman.

And for some Jews, for example, the Christian cross

BS, there are always some idiots or ideological churls that are only happy to milky their 'victim' status.

So are you sure you want to go down the road of such comparisons? Because it's a double-edged sword...

There is difference between incoherent woman talk and a rational debate. Do you really want to bring up stuff from 600 years ago? Why not 6000? Eh? The significance of either today are the same - nil!


he drinks alcohol.

So? So what this sob stories tell us? Anecdotal evidence is not evidence at all. Besides many Muslim men left their religion, drink the alcohol, do drugs, f...many blonde ****** (you and I would say girlfriends) just to blow himself up after sending to their early graves many unbelievers that are worse than dogs. In this way as a Muslim martyrs their sins were forgiven and they ended up in the paradise as an reward!


The world seems to be a darker and more scary place with every year

You are getting older - no mystery there.

if you're lucky you'll meet more good people than bad, if you're unlucky

Don't exaggerate, Poland is a relatively save space.

when Serbs were performing

Oh come on it was a civil war...
Crow  154 | 9561  
27 Nov 2016 /  #98
Always remembrer, what Turkey was/is to Serbia, Russia was/is to Poland.

and you can`t even imagine what was petting to me few years ago.

Why you now again involving Poland-Russia thing? What you want man? Are you maniac? Always something sinister in Turkish malformed brain? Don`t you see that we Serbians equally losing nerves with idea of Russia being nice on Turkey these days and Poland being in alliance with Turkey? Don`t you realize that Turkey exist only because Poland and Russia can`t agree what to do with it, while we Serbians know but they aren`t ready to listen. But they will be, they will be
a bitter viking  
27 Nov 2016 /  #99
I sincerely hope that the Polish people make life for visiting muslims as uncomfortable as they possibly can. It must be crystal clear from day one that you will not tolerate them snaking their way into your society. Even the most well behaved and friendly muslim is your enemy. Having a single muslim friend will make you more hesitant when confronted by creeping islam and you can NOT afford to hesitate.

Stomp the eggs before they hatch.

It might sound like I am exaggerating, but I'm writing to you from one of the few ethnically Swedish areas left in Sweden. Where my mother was raised, I cannot go because my light skin, blond hair and blue eyes make me a target. There are entire towns where the only swedes left are stranded pensioners who can't afford to escape. We are being ethnically cleansed from our birthright.

Around me are burning cars, children being raped, assaults, robberies, murder, all the time. Because we pitied them, we let them in. And this is how they repay us. Our politicians are globalist traitors who take the side of the occupants and our media is a socialist, third worldist echo chamber.

There is in essence a low intensity civil war being fought, but the native population is repressed by their own regime so it can't really fight back.

I sincerely believe that my children will have to fight for their survival in a full on Balkan style conflict, in our own damn country.

I repeat, stomp the eggs before they hatch.

Polska dla Polaków!

Sincere warnings from Occupied Swedistan
Paulina  19 | 4548  
27 Nov 2016 /  #100
Everything you say about Turkey is absolutely true of Russia as well, yet Russia you like.... hmmmmmm


Johnny doesn't talk about Turkish guy studying in Poland but about reality in the USA.

If that was the case then it would be more fitting if he was writing on a forum about the US. However, in this thread he was clearly writing about Poland and on behalf of Poles (quotes):

"The Polish Universities don't need you"

"you are way to smart to attend a Polish University.
I think you would be much happier if you pick a college in an Arab country which has a similar culture ass you."

"The Polish people do not want to bastardize their Catholic culture to Islam just like the rest of the world.
Pay no attention to the ex pats responses here but to the native Polish responses like the ones below."

"That is a polite way of saying, "Please don't come to Poland."

"Poland definitely would not be a good place for you to study"

They have different ideas what marriage, family and happiness means.

Sure, Iron, because you're such an expert on what marriage, family and happiness means to over 1 billion people. You can look into the mind of every Muslim on this planet. I envy you your omnipotence lol

Is that argument from the textbook - How to told your opponent to shut up without looking like an ignorant churl?.

Something like that - it's from the New Testament - I don't know, maybe you've heard of it? ;)
It goes like this: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

In fact you have no argument at all, so you lost it at this point!

Tell this to Jesus, smartass :D

Not quite the same thing.

Not quite the same thing as what?

So what? Listening to raving of some idiot suppose to b e an argument?

Well, you've just called gregy741 a raving idiot ;)

Really? Christian did it all?

Yes, Iron. Did you go to school?

BS, there are always some idiots or ideological churls that are only happy to milky their 'victim' status.

o_O What does it have to do with anything I wrote?

There is difference between incoherent woman talk and a rational debate.

Well, I can also write that there is a difference between an incoherent Ironside's talk and a rational debate. And what now, you little misogynist?

Do you really want to bring up stuff from 600 years ago? Why not 6000? Eh?

World War II ended 71 years ago and I will bring up whatever is needed to be brought up to stress my point.

The significance of either today are the same - nil!

That is your opinion.

So what this sob stories tell us?

Those aren't "sob" stories. Those are simple real life stories.
And what those stories tell us? I don't know, Iron, maybe that... you know... Muslims are people too? Like us? You guys seem to be forgetting about that.

just to blow himself up after sending to their early graves many unbelievers

Well, people like that are a small minority among Muslims, just like rapists are a small minority among men. Right, Iron?

You are getting older - no mystery there.

I'm sure my great-grandmother was getting older before World War II but what was going on at that time had nothing to do with her age, I'm afraid...

Don't exaggerate, Poland is a relatively save space.

Well, I'm not sure whether "a relative" safety is enough for that Turkish student, I guess it's up to him to decide.

Oh come on it was a civil war...

And the Armenian Genocide was what? A "foreign war"? lol What difference does it make? Crimes against humanity are crimes against humanity.

Turkey exist only because Poland and Russia can`t agree what to do with it, while we Serbians know

And what would you like to do with Turkey, Crow?
Crow  154 | 9561  
27 Nov 2016 /  #101
And what would you like to do with Turkey, Crow?

Me? I am lazy to contemplate on that. But, I will pray that Turkish state disappears and that people there accept Christianity. That solution would satisfy all sane observers. Their ancestors anyway were mostly Christians enslaved by Ottomans.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
27 Nov 2016 /  #102
Sure, Iron, because you're such an expert on what marriage, family and happiness means to over 1 billion people. You can look into the mind of every Muslim on this planet.

I never said that. That is what you say. It's a logical fallacy yet another proof your debating skills are off.

It goes like this: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

Seems to me that you didn't quite got it's meaning. Let me help you - 'pay no attention to the plank in your own eye' is not the same as in - pay no attention to the plank in your great,great, great X 30 father eye.

Quite the opposite, the New Testament says that you don't bear responsibility for the sins of your father.

Meaning your examples of Christians doing this or that are irrelevant to this debate.

Tell this to Jesus, smartass

I'm telling this to you.

Not quite the same thing as what?

You and some other cultures. In some other cultures nobody would ask you for your preferences in that regard or personal choice or even considered that you're not right in the head if you claimed that this or that is your right.

In Poland it mean nothing, you can do whatever the hell you want. Is not even a big deal - not so in other cultures.


Well, you've just called gregy741 a raving idiot ;)

Your agnostic friend too.

Yes, Iron. Did you go to school?

Paulina do you have brain? Are you able to think for yourself?

That is your opinion.

Not that is the view on the issue in our culture. The same that gives you all those rights and privileges. Is not a question of my personal opinion.


And what now, you little misogynist?

Did I call you names? No, so you just proved my point. Are you telling me that there is no differences between the way women and men talk about issues?


World War II ended 71 years ago and I will bring up whatever is needed to be brought up to stress my point

All you do stress your inability to grasp issues. You don't have point! Christianity doesn't preach that is OK to kill peeps.
Ideologies of Nazism and Communism are deadly enemies of Christianity.


Muslims are people too?

Never said they're not people. If they want to came to Poland to study I'm have no issue with that. I'm only have issue with your misguided views on things.


Well, people like that are a small minority among Muslims,

That is not the point daughter. The point is that Islam sees it as a martyrdom and point to the heaven as a reward for blowing up a random bunch of people.


I'm not sure whether "a relative" safety

Better than in most places.

And the Armenian Genocide was what? A "foreign war"?

No, the WWI coupled with the rebellion of Armenian minority.

What difference does it make?

If you don't know how can you lol? Is that lol express your ignorance?
Crow  154 | 9561  
27 Nov 2016 /  #103
After all, let us don`t forget that Turks didn`t give back heads of Polish famous hero, venerable knight Zawisha Czarny and noble blessed King Wladilsaw Warnenchyk.

Until they don`t give heads back, I wouldn`t give them nothing. Not even to Turkish students. Whatever they touch they desecrate.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
27 Nov 2016 /  #104
I wouldn`t give them nothing.

No one ask you Crow. Topic of this thread ask Polish people for their views, not Serbians. Yet, you're posting all over this thread, that is trolling.
Crow  154 | 9561  
27 Nov 2016 /  #105
Then you tell us, if you have anything to say. Tell us solution for Turkey.

Plus, do you even know that is possible scientifically prove how are Serbians 300% Polish? See, we are.
Paulina  19 | 4548  
28 Nov 2016 /  #106
I never said that.

You did: "They have different ideas what marriage, family and happiness means."

That is what you say.

What I say is that Muslims are the same human beings like everyone else. Just like Catholics are the same human beings like everyone else, etc. etc.

And based on my knowledge about human beings, my observations and logical thinking I think I can safely say that majority of Muslims, just like majority of people on this planet, have similar goals in life - to have food on the table, to be happy, etc. etc. no matter what their religion tells them to do (or not to do).

pay no attention to the plank in your great,great, great X 30 father eye.

You know, the Sabra and Shatila massacre in Lebanon by Christian Phalange on Palestinians and Lebanese Shiites done virtually under the eyes of the Israeli army wasn't THAT long ago (1982).

Quite the opposite, the New Testament says that you don't bear responsibility for the sins of your father.

I'm not saying that you do but bearing in mind that Christians were wiping out whole continents and civilisations in the name of God I think Johnny should show a bit more restraint.

Meaning your examples of Christians doing this or that are irrelevant to this debate.

I disagree. It seems to me Muslims probably still have some catching up to do with Christians as far as the body count is concerned and the scale of atrocities.

I'm telling this to you.

Then I answered you :)

In Poland it mean nothing, you can do whatever the hell you want. Is not even a big deal - not so in other cultures.

Yes, exactly, that was one of my points. In some cultures people don't even have much choice - maybe they often have to pretend that they believe in this or that or that they agree with this rule or that rule. I remember watching a documentary in which one reporter was travelling in trains through different countries and talking to people. One episode was about Iran - and when the train would cross a border and get out of Iran women would take off their hijabs :))

This proves my point that all Muslims are not the same, they don't have one goal in life, as Johnny claimed - killing infidels. They're not Borg. If they were then all Muslim countries would wage a holy war on all "infidel" countries or all Muslims would blow all of us up in unison. And somehow it's not happening.

Your agnostic friend too.

Then they're both prejudiced and that was my point.

Paulina do you have brain? Are you able to think for yourself?

Yes, I do and I am able :) Now tell me - did you go to school and in what country?

Not that is the view on the issue in our culture. The same that gives you all those rights and privileges. Is not a question of my personal opinion.

Ironside, what are you talking about? Gregy741 compared Islam to Nazism and that agnostic Pole compared Christianity in the past to Nazism too.
You've concluded that both of them are raving idiots.
So what kinds of views on what issues in our culture are you talking about? And what rights and privileges have to do with it?

Did I call you names?

No and I didn't call you names either - I just stated a fact.

No, so you just proved my point.

Oh, what point this time, Iron? :)))

Are you telling me that there is no differences between the way women and men talk about issues?

You would have to ask blues_fan - there was a time when he thought I'm a man, because, as he stated, I write like a man (whatever that means lol) :)

Ironside, you wrote: "There is difference between incoherent woman talk and a rational debate".
Women are perfectly capable of conducting a rational debate.
My comments aren't "incoherent woman talk".
In fact, they are more coherent than yours are. Your debating skills are often poor, Iron, and it was pointed out to you before already (I think by roz and Atch). So it's the case of pot calling the kettle black.

But could we focus on the exchange of the actual arguments and discussing stuff like adults rather than commenting our debating skills and such, Iron? :)

And, please, refrain from comments like the one with "incoherent woman talk" and I won't "call you names" then.

Christianity doesn't preach that is OK to kill peeps.

Well, that's interesting. Then why were they killing in the name of God and waging crusades?

If they want to came to Poland to study I'm have no issue with that.

I'm happy to hear that :) What about johnny_reb though? He seems to have a problem with that...

'm only have issue with your misguided views on things.

And which of my views are misguided exactly?

That is not the point daughter.

I am not your daughter, grandpa :)

The point is that Islam sees it as a martyrdom and point to the heaven as a reward for blowing up a random bunch of people.

Iron, in case you didn't notice over 1 billion people aren't blowing up a random bunch of people.
I'm not defending Islam right now - I'm not an expert on this religion, I probably don't know enough about it to defend it or not, I didn't read the Quran.

All I'm doing is defending people against unfair generalisation and prejudice.
Over 1 billion Muslims won't blow us up just like probably majority of Poles don't refrain themselves from using contraception when having sex.
So - common sense and the will to live prevails.

Better than in most places.

Well, that would be nice...

No, the WWI coupled with the rebellion of Armenian minority.

The Armenian Genocide was "the Ottoman government's systematic extermination of 1.5 million Armenians". It doesn't matter whether it happened during a civil war, a war with other countries, or during an invasion of Earth by aliens from Mars or during an attack by mutant rabbits or orcs from Mordor.

Crimes against humanity are crimes against humanity - that was my point.

If you don't know how can you lol? Is that lol express your ignorance?

No, my "lol" expresses my opinion that it doesn't matter what kind of conflict it was. Genocide is genocide - no matter whether it happens during a civil war or a local war or a world war or interstellar war or if there is no war taking place at all. It's still a genocide, those are still crimes against humanity, etc.

Do we understand each other now? *very heavy sigh*
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Nov 2016 /  #107
I dont know why you bother Paulina. I really dont.
mafketis  38 | 11199  
28 Nov 2016 /  #108
majority of Muslims, just like majority of people on this planet, have similar goals in life - to have food on the table, to be happy, etc. etc. no matter what their religion tells them to do (or not to do).

This is a bit simple-minded. Yes, muslims are human beings with all the positive and negative implications of that.
They have similar goals in life in the sense that they have the same drives (food, shelter, reproduction etc)
But... they tend to have very different values (preferred state of affairs) from most Europeans.
Muslim values tend to be more hierarchical, less individualistic, more concerned with piety and more obsessive about sexual differences than those of most Europeans.
Small differences in values can produce very large differences in behavior, especially when the prevailing values in a minority group clash with those of the majority.

Can you find a single example of a muslim immigrant community in Europe that isn't dependent on welfare and which isn't overrepresented in crime?
Crow  154 | 9561  
28 Nov 2016 /  #109
Muslim values tend to be more hierarchical, less individualistic, more concerned with piety and more obsessive about sexual differences than those of most Europeans.

Meaning, it is more easily to Europeans to accustom themselves for necessities of Muslims, then conversely. If Europeans fails to accustom themselves consequences would be grave.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
28 Nov 2016 /  #110
You did: "They have different ideas what marriage, family and happiness means."

Yes but the above quote is not what you said and presented as my words. Here to refresh your memory: "Sure, Iron, because you're such an expert on what marriage, family and happiness means to over 1 billion people. You can look into the mind of every Muslim on this planet".

I have never said any of it.
I have only stated a fact that different cultures have different ideas about al those issues regardless of them all being humans as well.

In India marriages are arranged between parents/families of the couple to be.
In Turkey marriage between 15 or 14 years old girl and 30 or sometimes 40 plus years old where the girl is told to marry by her family. More often than not she is happy because that is the way things are in there.

In the Gulf states if a woman is raped she dare not say a word because she would go to jail or in some more tribal Islam countries stoned to dead.

In majority of the non - European not Christian civilianization, women defer to men. In number of ways.
I could go on ......but you know better right?
That Polish woman living in Egypt took away from her daughter choices and privileges she enjoyed in a Christian country.

You don't know what you're talking about!

that Christians were wiping out whole continents and civilisations in the name of God

That is a slogan that means nothing.. What it has to do with the subject debated? I have no desire to educate people on line.


I disagree.

You can disagree all you want. Your arguments are kindergarten argument - 'Sue did you spite on Mary? You should be ashamed of yourself young lady. - but ...but Jean spited on Vincent two days ago.!'

Your comparison is irrelevant. Comparison is not proof.

In some cultures people don't even have much choice - maybe they often have to pretend that they believe in this or that or that they agree with this rule or that rule

lots of maybes .. However that is all irrelevant anecdotal chit-chat.

This proves my point that all Muslims are not the same, they don't have one goal in life, as Johnny claimed - killing infidels.

Many do. However the crux of the matter is that their religion tells them it is a good thing to do. Respectable, one of the few admittedly but still.

Random bystanders, women children etc.. -------------

Now tell me - did you go to school and in what country?


Women are perfectly capable of conducting a rational debate.

Some women - on PF that would be Chemikiem.
All the rest are talking much, they believe that they talk wisely and to the point, In reality it is an incoherent chat about everything and nothing and how they imagine things are...


My comments aren't "incoherent woman talk".

Pretty much it is. You're making a lot if assumption about things you know very little or nothing about,. Then those assumption in your thinking magically transmute into solid fundaments and irrefutable facts on which you're building your argument.


In fact, they are more coherent than yours are

I'm not making an argument or building a case here. I'm refuting your assumptions. Incoherence is all yours.

Your debating skills are often poor, Iron, and it was pointed out to you before already (I think by roz and Atch).

Lol! What are they some kinds of experts? I don't care what they think.

could we focus on the exchange of the actual arguments and discussing stuff like adults

Do you think that that is what you're doing? lol!
Look, ask Chemikim if you actually make any sense. If she say that you do I'll read all your post here later and if I find that she is right I'll apologise.

So far your argument is based on a typical women logic.
You believe that all humans are the same in their basic needs and reactions. So you assume that all are somewhat like you. If so, that must be pretending they buy into all Islam stuff and nonsense because all that is oppressive and awful to you and they are like you after all right?They wouldn't stand for it, cause you wouldn't.

Hence you assume that most of them are pretending and in fact given a change they would be like you i.e. European.
How many time you assumed something in this chain of reasoning just to build on it as on certainly. I have lost count five, six more?

Do you really think that I could take you seriously after that? Why?
Then you threw into that cauldron of wishful stew (mush mashie goodie two shoes) few slogans about terrible terrible deeds of the Christians - just to make yourself sound better and somewhat scientific, The bad white men( you have forgotten to add patriarchy lol) and their awful civilianization. Geez.


What about johnny_reb though? He seems to have a problem with that...

He thinks, let one in, he'll stay and others will follow. He underestimates Poland. lol!

All I'm doing is defending people against unfair generalisation and prejudice.

No, Islam is a religion not people. The point is that you don't know who you let in, could be OK or could be not. Why? Those like me who are not into generalisations and easy answers for masses know that already. Those who don't know that or don't care - won't change their view.


The Armenian Genocide was "the Ottoman government's systematic extermination of 1.5 million Armenians".

Which has little to do with historical facts. Saying that, I'm not talking about numbers as I don't know much about that aspect.


doesn't matter whether it happened during a civil war, a war with other countries, or during an invasion of Earth by aliens from Mars

Sure it does matter for number of reasons.

No, my "lol" expresses my opinion that it doesn't matter what kind of conflict it was.

Well, that is your opinion fair enough.
nothanks  - | 626  
29 Nov 2016 /  #111
Where are the Turkish girls?
Marsupial  - | 871  
29 Nov 2016 /  #112
Turkish girls? Not allowed to own keyboard and net and have an opinion. That's where. Slave despotic religion con job.
Wincig  2 | 225  
29 Nov 2016 /  #113
Turkish girls? Not allowed to own keyboard and net and have an opinion.

You clearly have never lived in Turkey!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Nov 2016 /  #114
Marsupial Turkey is a secular country and is not like that I can assure you.
Crow  154 | 9561  
29 Nov 2016 /  #115

Problem is way of thinking. Take just this example... Every man there looks on woman as an object of sexual slavery. You got Turkish boyfriend, you potentially got yourself pimp that can sell you anywhere on wide Islamic market. That is their mindset. If you have a children with Turkish man, he can even sell your children if he becomes angry with you. Think about it.
Wincig  2 | 225  
29 Nov 2016 /  #116
Every man there looks on woman as an object of sexual slavery

Only in your mind Crow.... If that is your line of thought, I am not surprised at your views on Serbia and how it has been wronged by the whole word (Russia excepted). You are entertaining, but your mind is dark, dear Crow!
mafketis  38 | 11199  
29 Nov 2016 /  #117
Turkey is a secular country and

For how much longer? Erdogan has been ramping up the islamization. The last time I was there a lot more young women were wearing hijab (a symbol of islamic rejection of secular society) than the first time. And since the phony coup things have probably only gotten worse.

The tourist coast and Istanbul (and maybe Ankara) are probably still largely secular but economic growith has pulled in many from the completely non-secular countryside and they bring their values (one of which is religious rather than secular rule) with them.
Marsupial  - | 871  
29 Nov 2016 /  #118
Turkey used to be as you guys describe but it's heading back toward the other way.
merve112  - | 10  
29 Nov 2016 /  #119
I am a Turkish girl who has spent 5 years of her life studying abroad, I'm not gonna specify which country, but it is a European country. I can genuinely tell you that I have never encountered racism towards myself, at least in a negative way. If you count people being extra nice to you because you are a foreigner, that might be an issue. I believe this mostly has something to do with your attitude towards people you meet. I have never been the kind of person who is like, "OUR ANCESTORS WERE THE OTTOMANS WE RULED HALF OF THE WORLD ONCE YOU SHOULD RESPECT US MORE", which unfortunately cannot be said for some people.

There are many open minded - westernised people in Turkey, but an objective person cannot deny that there are many Turks who are feeble-minded and still think Turkey is the centre of the universe and the best country in the world ever.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
29 Nov 2016 /  #120
Erdogan has wrought irreparable damage to your lovely and ancient country, Miss Merve!

Instead of heeding Ataturk's stirring call "Turk, be proud!", today, I sadly know of all too many Turks who are ashamed of their nation and even of their Sunni Muslim heritage because of this rural ruffian:-)

Archives - 2010-2019 / Study / Turkish guy to study at a university in Poland. Is that problem for Polish people?Archived