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Student from Nepal travelling to Poland with dependent for further studies. Any job?

asheem_joshi  1 | 2  
10 Sep 2010 /  #1
Dear friends,

I am a prospective student from Nepal ( south asian country).
I am Planning to visit poland for my further studies. Can you guys suggest me:

1. Can I directly get the admission in one of the polish university or first visit poland for polish language.

2. Can I visit with my spouse? If yes what are the procedures or from where I can get the access the information.

Waiting for your suggestion.

Many Many thanx

internaldialog  4 | 144  
10 Sep 2010 /  #2
Firstly do you have the funding yourself to 1. PAY for your studies in Poland 2. Provide support for yourself in Poland let alone your Dependant with which you will have to provide for as well. 3. Can you converse in Polish? If you cant then finding employment unless with an international company will be difficult.

If No to all of the above maybe look to studying elsewhere first and and saving up from employment to build up sufficient funding to be able to provide for yourself first.
OP asheem_joshi  1 | 2  
11 Sep 2010 /  #3
Dear intern,

I am planning to take 1 year polish language course before jumping into my course of study. I will be able to pay 1 year study cost to the college for the study of polish language.

But I dont know what will be the living cost and how I can call my spouse so that I wont have any home sickness.

Do u think I am on the right track and do u have further advise and guidelines for me
waiting for ur answer

CheFinny  5 | 45  
11 Sep 2010 /  #4
No it doesnt sound feasible. Study in Nepal or elsewhere closer to home because if (and I suspect when) you start seeking to claim benefits in Poland you will find it very hard. Poland has enough trouble looking after its own people without having to look after additional blown ins.
OP asheem_joshi  1 | 2  
15 Sep 2010 /  #5
Actually I wanna go poland for getting PR in 3 months. Can anybody tell me something about it?
CheFinny  5 | 45  
20 Sep 2010 /  #6
I dont understand as your English is bad. What is your Polish like? Again I advise against coming to Europe.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Sep 2010 /  #7
Actually I wanna go poland for getting PR in 3 months. Can anybody tell me something about it?

Good luck. You'll need 5 years of residency to apply for the permanent resident status. That means finding someone willing to give you a job - and I can tell you now that jobs for poor English speakers in Poland (who don't speak Polish) are very thin on the ground.

No-one is going to give you a work permit for mundane labour, either.
19 Oct 2010 /  #8
hello i am a nepalese citizen and i wanna apply for student visa ..i want to know the procedure and also want to know regarding dependent visa as i want to come there with my wife and daughter.....can u help me please.

DarrenM  1 | 77  
19 Oct 2010 /  #9
I am planning to take 1 year polish language course before jumping into my course of study.

Im sorry, i loved the Nepalese people. Really I do. I served with them in the forces and I will always be grateful I had the great Ghurka stood by my side in some of the places I served.....BUT......If you think you are going to be fluent enough in Polish to study after one year either you are a rocket scientist or your expectations are not realistic.

I wish you the best of luck.

Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gorkhali
mafketis  38 | 11137  
19 Oct 2010 /  #10
It depends, the school in £ódź used to get students with no previous Polish (from Asia, Africa, Latin America) fluent enough to take unviersity courses after one year (still do for all I know).

On the other hand, the students were expected to study Polish full time (as in several hours of classroom instruction a day five days a week with homework). And the students had been kind of pre-selected for academic ability.

Not sure what the case is with current students from Asia is.
aron_grg  - | 1  
26 Oct 2010 /  #11
i am also a nepali i had just applied for the work visa and luckly i got the work permit can u guys tell me what is the chances of getting visa after i get work permit thx

Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gorkhali hahhahhahaha
3 Dec 2010 /  #12
I have been working in Qatar since a year as a Tiling Foreman.I have worked in Saudi Arabia for 4 years as a Marchendiser.Now,I want to apply for tiling or Merchendising job in Poland from here,Is it possible? I nee help..!
jonni  16 | 2475  
3 Dec 2010 /  #13
Not many jobs like that in Poland. Where were you in Saudi? I was in Jubail, and going to Riyadh next month. I think there is still a lot of work there for Nepali citizens.
14 Dec 2010 /  #14
I worked Aba-khamis Musyat.Now,I m working in Quatar.My project is going to finish at May.So I am thinking about future,what to do and where can I get a sweet job for me.Thank you for your reply.
29 Jun 2011 /  #15
hi my name is sailesh puri and i am planning to study in Poland and what's the procedure to get visa of Poland and how possible to get part time work for student during study.thanks
23 Oct 2011 /  #16
dear Nepalese,
I am planning to study in Poland.I have finish my +2 level ( 44.25%marks) with major English. I'm good command in English.
may i come to Poland.Is it possible to get the job in Poland.
I'm waiting your responses

please E-mail me on,

14 Nov 2011 /  #17
Hi there Aaron,

Could you please tell me from where you had your WP processed? I would like to try for the same, I am also from Nepal. Tk Care...
30 Jun 2014 /  #18
dear Nepalese,
I am planning to study in Poland.I
have finish my +2 level
with major English.
I'm good command in English.
may i come to Poland.Is it possible to
get the job in Poland.
I'm waiting your responses
please E-mail me on,

Himal khatri
Roger5  1 | 1432  
30 Jun 2014 /  #19
Is it possible to
get the job in Poland.

Sherpa in the High Tatras?
6 Jul 2014 /  #20
i'm Nepalese citizen, Currently i'm in Russia. is it possible to apply for student visa from Russia for me? i want to study in Poland with English medium(if possible). how is polish language? is it too difficult? can student get work permit?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
6 Jul 2014 /  #21
There are 1 year preparatory Polish language courses and there are some options to study in English. But you must have cash to finance that. 2000 - 3000eur tuition fees per year plus 150 - 500 eur per month living expenses. Work allowed only in summer. Usually 1eur per hour so impossible to earn for studies. study in poland/en/index.php/education-in-poland/19-questionsanswers
Rai  1 | 19  
6 Jul 2014 /  #22
Go to India.. why go half way round the world when you've the easy option. China is another option.
20 Nov 2014 /  #23
[Moved from]: Study, work permit, average income in Poland

I am from Nepal and i want to study in Poland for Masters course in IT. Though I got more information from the study in poland, but i want to know some more about Poland. How much time can we for work as work permit. And how much will be our average income per hour?? Will it be easier to live and study there for us with our income??

Thanks in anticipation
Monitor  13 | 1810  
20 Nov 2014 /  #24
There are no jobs for foreign students in Poland. Read previous topics. Come to Poland only if you can pay for yourself without work here.
28 Apr 2015 /  #25
I have come in Poland in student visa..now I want to bring my husband in Poland ..is it possible or not..if yes.what kinds of process I have to do ..
29 May 2015 /  #26
Hi it's me sulekh i am planning to study in Poland .
But i don't know what will be the living cost there.Is it possible for job for Nepalese people?
DominicB  - | 2706  
29 May 2015 /  #27
Is it possible for job for Nepalese people?

No. There are no jobs for foreign students in Poland. Make your plans on the very safe assumption that you will not be able to earn even a single penny during your stay in Poland. You have to pay the whole cost by yourself from your own money, and no one is going to help you.
29 May 2015 /  #28
Is it possible for job for Nepalese people?

It is 'possible'.
But it is also possible that you will be struck by lightning or that you will be attacked by a shark.
You need to make your plans for living in Poland based on the assumption that the chances of you getting a job here are exactly the same as the chances of you being struck by lightning at the same time as you are being attacked by a shark.
Ashok khatri  
14 Jun 2015 /  #29
hi my name is Ashok Khatri and i am planning to study in Poland and what's the procedure to get visa of Poland and how possible to get part time work for student during study.thanks
14 Jun 2015 /  #30
what's the procedure to get visa of Poland

Contact the nearest Polish embassy.

how possible to get part time work for student during study.

It is almost impossible for you to get a part-time job here. You are as likely to get a part-time job here as you are to be kidnapped by a tribe of Amazons who think you are a reincarnation of their god and want you to impregnate every one of them.

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