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What requirements for moving through ECTS to any other European Country, if coming to Poland on student visa?

shy123  3 | 10  
12 Jan 2015 /  #1
Is it easy to move through ECTS(European Credit Transfer System) to any other European Country, If i come to Poland on study visa? What will be the requirements?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Jan 2015 /  #2
You have to get permit from foreign university before new academic year starts. In practice it's nearly impossible. Foreign universities rarely agree for that, because program differences are usually very big. They're big inside of one country, but between countries even bigger. ECTS are mostly used for ERASMUS exchange students.
OP shy123  3 | 10  
12 Jan 2015 /  #3
You have to get permit from foreign university

Along with that what will be required? any financial requirements? I'm coming to Poland on student visa and want to move through ECTS to any other country.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Jan 2015 /  #4
You have to find it out from the university where you want to move. Here is some general info for medical students transferring to Romania:

Transfer medical students in Romania

Can transfer to medical universities in Romania:

Medical students who have started medical university in another country and want to continue his studies in Romanian medical university, without losing his ECTS credits;
Student who has started university studies related to medical university studies (Biology, chemistry, biophysics, etc ) or has finished such studies and he want to start medical university studies in Romania: those ECTS credits that he has gained in his previous studies and which are common to medical studies can be evaluated;
Medical student in Romania transferring from one university to other


It may look similar for other specialties and countries.

Here in Germany:

If you have already begun with a degree course abroad and want to transfer your credit points to a German university, you need to talk to the university you are switching to. The decision is entirely up to them. Try to find out as much about your new degree program as you can beforehand -- you might need academic transcripts and letters of recommendation as well.

OP shy123  3 | 10  
12 Jan 2015 /  #5
You have to find it out from the university where you want to move

It means it totally depends upon university, If university accepts then you can move, otherwise not. Actually I will be studying MBA course. And mostly universities in Europe offer MBA course, May be I should apply in more than one universities.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Jan 2015 /  #6
Don't they accept everybody for the worst MBA programs in Europe? In the end you're paying for that. If you want to move from the Euroregional University to some better MBA, then I don't think they will take you after hearing where you study now.
OP shy123  3 | 10  
12 Jan 2015 /  #7
If you want to move from the Euroregional University to some better MBA

I will not choose some extra ordinary institution, May be I should select some moderate university for ECTS. What you think?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Jan 2015 /  #8
I wrote you that you should choose the best or none.
6 Dec 2016 /  #9
Hi, I am going to poland for studying bba in tourism. I would like tranfer to Ireland in the second year through ects. Is it possible?
Atch  22 | 4299  
6 Dec 2016 /  #10
It depends on the college you attend in Poland. Not all Polish colleges are signed up the ECTs system though most of the major ones are at this stage. If they are, then you could apply to an Irish college on that basis. If not then an Irish college would still consider your application but you would need to provide detailed syllabus information so that they can compare the course content and see if it is equivalent to their own first year studies - in fact they might still require that even with the ECTS as courses can be the equivalent level of depth but differ in content. I'm Irish :)
25 Oct 2017 /  #11
Hello, I had completed my Masters of Computer Application in INDIA. Now I m planning to go to Poland for further studies. is there any good course over there in English? and is there good job opportunity? Can i want to transfer my studies to Germany after 1st year of University?? Please suggest me guys.
DominicB  - | 2706  
25 Oct 2017 /  #12
is there any good course over there in English?

Very few, and they are more in the field of computer engineering. Courses in English are generally inferior to courses in Polish, and are not regarded highly by employers. A degree from a good IIT back home is worth more than a degree from an English-language program in Poland.

is there good job opportunity?

You can get a job with a good IT degree, but the wages will be far below those in the richer countries of the EU or the English speaking countries, and the work less interesting, with fewer opportunities for advancement and quality networking. Savings potential is especially frustratingly low. Most Indians who get a job in Poland leave for better jobs at better wages in richer countries within a year or two. It's not a good place to establish a career, and won't be for quite some time.

Can i want to transfer my studies to Germany after 1st year of University?

Theoretically possible, but, in reality, impossible.
4 Jan 2018 /  #13
I am going for hungary for student visa can I transfar italy in Ects for bachlore degree in how many month it takes to transfer any requirement for ects
27 Aug 2018 /  #14
I am studying "creativity and business innovation program" at Tallin University, Estonia.I want to transfer my credits from Tallinn University to the "Norwegian University of Science and Technology" under the Department of International Business after completing the first year.Is it possible for me to transfer my credits to the Norwegian University of Science and Technolog?
Atch  22 | 4299  
27 Aug 2018 /  #15
You need to contact the university in Norway. In theory it's possible but the Norwegian university will want details of the courses you studied during your first year in Estonia to see if they covered the same material as their Norwegian equivalent. They will then award you credits based on how much of the syllabus is the same/similar as theirs. If they award you the full number of credits it will be 120 credits for one year's study but it can be as little as 30. It depends on the university. Not sure why you're asking the question here as neither university is in Poland :)

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