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Study Polish in Poland at Non University

Makou  1 | -  
24 Feb 2013 /  #1
Non EU National here looking for a few tips. Currently I live in USA and would like to live with my Girlfriend in Poland. So as it seems I would like to learn the language before attempting to gain employment or make a huge commitment of getting married. I have visited Warsaw on a number of occasions and find the city living not so bad. What I would like to inquire about is this, if I were to apply to a private language program / school would this be enough for me to gain the National Visa I would need to stay for the duration of the course? I have head and been told mixed stories, and can't seem to find an answer in bold black and white in writing.
idle16  - | 6  
4 Mar 2013 /  #2
If you study in a public institution yes you can get the polish residence card without any problem. So you should contact a university and start a Polish language course at it. Probably in Warsaw University or Warsaw University of Technology there are such courses. They are called like 1 year language preparatory courses. If you study you can get easily the document you just have to do some paperwork and also demonstrate that you have enough money to live 1 year in Poland (around 250 $ per month) and for 1 way place ticket back to your country. So you should have in your account like 4000 $ more or less when you sign in for the paperwork. So after if you have a job, because with that probably you also have work permit you will can renew it whenever you want.

You can ask your girlfriend to call to the immigration deparments that are in the Urząnd Wojewódzki's from every region and ask about it. Also you can just be renewing your visa instead of the residence card but it has less validity and you will probably have to wait a lot in lines. The Polish residence card has a validity of ab 2 years each time you renew it. If you get married they give you automatically the residence card, I think, and after 4 years you can ask for nationality.

I am a permanent student here in Poland and I have some friends from outside the EU and their stories are similar :). I hope that all what I said is correct and helpful.
BreakingBad  1 | 6  
3 Feb 2014 /  #3
Idle16, thanks for your reply and explanation. I want to ask that does every public university has a public instution or only just big and important one and is it easy to get accepted by any instution or it requires some stuff. I would like to stay and improve my polish in Wroclaw, ,it is a very nice city with many students and not so expensive, do you think that i can find a instution there?

Waiting for ur reply.


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