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Medical Study in Poland

jeetan  1 | 7  
17 Feb 2010 /  #1
Hi please can anybody advise me about any Medical College or University in Warsaw City or in the Poland anywhere?


try google or yahoo search
webcrawler  2 | 5  
18 Feb 2010 /  #2
try google or yahoo search

this is the obvious answer one can give for my query but I need to know the good college/university with good reputation.
Polanglik  11 | 303  
18 Feb 2010 /  #3
Check out the 'Jagellonian University Medical College, Faculty of Medicine'


This University has a very good reputation.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
18 Feb 2010 /  #4
This University has a very good reputation.

Foreign students get to use the new multi-million pound medical complex, while the Polish get shoved in the crappy building at the back. That place is a rip off like. Though great for foreign students :)
beelzebub  - | 444  
18 Feb 2010 /  #5
Americans are charged stupidly high prices to attend there. Add that to the fact that your education will be looked down upon in the US compared to Western schools and that's reason enough not to waste your money. It is a dog eat dog world in medicine and I would not handicap myself with a degree from a second tier system. Lot's of people did that in the Caribbean and learned that they couldn't get residencies as well because of this.

And before you patriots get your blood pressure up there are some great doctors in Poland...and the medical system in the US is fr from perfect but once again I am pointing out a clear fact...A Polish medical education will NOT hold the same weight as a Western education would. No matter how much that may offend you it's just reality.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
18 Feb 2010 /  #6
A Polish medical education will NOT hold the same weight as a Western education would.

Polish physicians and nurses can easily find employment in Western Europe and in Scandinavian countries.

In fact many work abroad and they enjoy very good reputation.
beelzebub  - | 444  
18 Feb 2010 /  #7
You missed the point Mr. Canadian Polak, (why is it always the Poles who live abroad making the most noise?)

I said Americans who get a degree in Poland are not going to be as respected or get better jobs.

Also sure some Poles are being hired in areas of shortage just like Filipinos have been for years. It's not because they are super great it's because they are cheaper labor. Sorry to burst your bubble.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
18 Feb 2010 /  #8
why is it always the Poles who live abroad making the most noise?

Because some of us know the situation in and outside Poland.

I said Americans who get a degree in Poland are not going to be as respected or get better jobs.

Not what I see in the US and Canada.

It's not because they are super great it's because they are cheaper labor.

Again, not my experience. My US jobs paid in the amounts equal to, or in excess of what my American colleagues in similar positions made.
beelzebub  - | 444  
18 Feb 2010 /  #9
Your word against mine then. I am not shocked I am being disagreed with by a Pole(and an expat Pole no less who are usually the mouthiest). I think its hard wired into your genes to argue even if you agree.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
18 Feb 2010 /  #10
and an expat Pole no less who are usually the mouthiest

You're not exactly a shy type yourself.
beelzebub  - | 444  
18 Feb 2010 /  #11

Have you seen me once talk about national pride? I can assure you I am not prone to the national ego complex your half bretheren are.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
18 Feb 2010 /  #12
Have you seen me once talk about national pride?

I haven't told you much about Polish national pride. I only wrote that America has a fair share of fools and so I do not consider American educational system superior to any other.

Sure, there are plenty of really good schools in the US, but there are even more really crappy ones that are schools only by name. Not much learning going on in those. If you never heard about that then you must have left the US of A a very, very long time ago.

In my experience, people in the US tend to be judged on an individual basis, not on the basis of geography. Hence the US is the greatest importer of foreign skills and intellectuals and Poles are included among those.

Time flies and you should stop using old maid's tales as your source for what you consider "knowledge of Poles and Poland". Look, listen and learn. Tell me about Poles and Poland once you can do so in Polish. Without that your are still looking at all that from a distance and without understanding of most of what you see and hear.

I can assure you I am not prone to the national ego complex your half bretheren are.

But you do. Just re-read your posts.
Polanglik  11 | 303  
18 Feb 2010 /  #13
Having read through the posts, I have to mostly agree with z_darius :o)

Americans are charged stupidly high prices to attend there. Add that to the fact that your education will be looked down upon in the US compared to Western schools and that's reason enough not to waste your money

I doubt if anyone would look down on a Medical Qualification from such a prestigious University as Jagellonian.

I would not handicap myself with a degree from a second tier system. Lot's of people did that in the Caribbean and learned that they couldn't get residencies as well because of this

I, and many others, would not call Jagellonian Univ a second tier system, and I don't think it's fair to make a comparison between getting a medical degree from Mickey Mouse Caribbean Medical Schools/Colleges and the world renowned Jagellonian Univ.

A Polish medical education will NOT hold the same weight as a Western education would.

In general this may be the case, but when you talk about a medical education from Jagellonian then it's a different matter; hoever, z_darius correctly pointed out, there are many excellent Polish doctors/dentists etc working in Poland and also abroad and they are not employed simply because of low wages.

Americans who get a degree in Poland are not going to be as respected or get better jobs.

I would have to disagree with you on that; I have friends and family, some of whom obtained their training in Poland, that are in the medical profession working in England, US & Canada who would certainly disagree with you as well.

the US is the greatest importer of foreign skills and intellectuals and Poles are included among those.

Very true, and not just in the medical field. It's a known fact that Poland produces excellent IT professionals and many of these have been head-hunted by foreign companies in the past; they have been head-hunted for their expertise and not for low wages :o)
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
18 Feb 2010 /  #14
I said Americans who get a degree in Poland are not going to be as respected or get better jobs

True. The teaching infratructure here is nowhere near as developed in the UK. I'd doubt the students in Poland get as much benefit from their time at uni.
Exiled  2 | 424  
18 Feb 2010 /  #15
In medicine US graduates have clear advantage.The graduates from Carribean schools etc have to compete against more competent foreign medicine graduates for the same positions.Not an easy task.(for example try to get better grades than the higher 5% in IQ ladder of the Chinese population and you will understand what I mean.

But the Americans take some measures to handicap foreigner graduates otherwise foreigners would ridicule the american system getting the highest grades of all.

Also worldwide doctors in high positions are not particularly smart and there are some theories developed that smart doctors lose interest for the job and thus become less competent.What is absurd totally prevails in medicine.No justice.Everything depends on connections.

For example in Europe you can easily bribe and get a degree in Romania(despite being absolutely mediocre as student,you don't need to read any page at all) and then become even a profesor if your father has the right connections and other people write your researches.

There is no doubt that these people will be hung in time just waiting for the right moment to accelerate collapse.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
18 Feb 2010 /  #16
Mister beelzebub and MrBubbles are talking BS. I understand that examples of fine polish physicians working in Poland wouldn't be enough, so two fine abroad examples:

Maria Siemionow, renowned Polish surgeon, she made first face transplant in USA. She finished Poznan Medical Academy:

Adam Szeląg, gynaecologist, working in Sweden, he finished Medical Academy in Lodz

Dr. Adam Szeląg , a gynecologist working in Malmoe , has been recognized by the patient as the best doctor in Sweden. Polish doctor won the annual competition of the most popular Swedish Internet service for patients Doktorsguiden.se

Swedish media report that nice and knowledgeable doctor of Polish able to give up the country's traditional coffee breaks , if the situation requires . The subtext suggests that the average Swedish medical rest is more important than the patient.

What this two examples proves? probably not much, except that it is possible to get valuable education in Polish universities. It mostly depends on individual willingness though.

PS. Medical Academy in my city :-) :

TheDale  1 | 7  
18 Feb 2010 /  #17
A Polish medical education will NOT hold the same weight as a Western education would. No matter how much that may offend you it's just reality.

Not true. Sorry. Did you go to medical school there? Are you struggling to get a job back in the USA? Just saying.

Jeetan- As to your original question about the medical schools. There are many that have english programs. It all depends on what type of student you are. The culture is different here within the education system, so to some that may be a negative and others a positive.

Think about how well you would be able to adjust to a Polish lifestyle. Are you 21? The drinking age in Poland is 18 and I have seen students arrive, having lived w/ parents and now finally 6000 miles away and legal to drink, and they have trouble focusing. It's all depending on your character, ambition and point of view.

I think in many ways the polish school system is more focused and teachers expect a lot more. On the other hand some of the teachers don't adjust well to the American students and of course vice versa. Dig around online. Facebook even has many groups for the American medical studies. You'll get a lot of different responses that you hopefully can pile into a decision.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
19 Feb 2010 /  #18
Medical College

I think now all (or at least most) of medical academies in Poland are running studies for foreigners in English but they are very expensive.
19 Feb 2010 /  #19
They are approximately 25% of the cost of equivalent studies in the USA, before even factoring in the lower cost of living. As for a Polish degree being seen as second-tier, while that may be true of some employers in the USA (a country without a health care system, only a health care industry where differences between institutions, not to mention cities and states, can be staggering) this certainly doesn't reflect the experience of many people I have spoken to, young and old, who have graduated from both English and Polish medical programs and are practicing doctors in Europe, Canada and the US

46 posts moved to random chat! Please keep on topic, the OP asked about medical study in Poland.
llinken  - | 1  
13 Oct 2010 /  #20
My question is simply how difficult it is to get accepted into a school like the Jagellonian University Medical College. Can anyone share their experience?

My GPA is reasonable but I am a "mature" student and my first try at the MCAT was not impressive, unless you count 12 of my 24 score in verbal as impressive!

Thank you in advance,

elpashizy  - | 4  
26 Aug 2018 /  #21

I need advice on medical school study options in poland

Hi, my name is Paul from Nigeria. My brother wants to come over to Poland for medical school study having tried to gain admission this year into Medical university of Lods and Medical University of Gdansk but wasn't able. They both complaint that he is too young at 15. Going to this forum today, I realized that we haven't even researched proper for the best medical school in Poland as that was my intention before applying to the above stated schools. I have gone through some reviews and back and forth arguments on this forum about medical schools in poland and if the travel to study is worth it and all that but the thing is that I realized that most of those threads are from 2014 or earlier. Please can someone help me with information as to the best medical school in poland this year? Does all that opinion about the fact that medical schools in poland is a waste of time because they are not emplyable? My parents are capable of sponsoring him to the best school but daddy insist it has to be Poland. Please also I will love to have a contact person in poland that speaks English so we can exchange emails or whatsapp chats through out the admission period for next year. Thanks
elpashizy  - | 4  
26 Aug 2018 /  #22

Africa Connect - is someone studying medcine at any of medical university in Poland?

Hi, I'm Paul from Nigeria. Please is their any African on this forum studying medcine at any of the Polish medical university? Please connect with me or send me pm or email so we can stay connected. My brother is a prospective student for 2019/2020 admission and I need info on every step towards achieving his mission of studying in poland. I hear a lot about Jangollonian medical university, please is there anyone and especially African that knows more about that school? I say Africans because our challenges would be similar as regards policies on immigration, conditions of admssion and all that. I would appreciate any information by anyone whatsoever though.


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