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Is Poland a good place to study for Black Africans?

kamau  2 | 9  
17 Jul 2009 /  #1
I am a kenyan citizen willing to relocate to poland for further studies. I am studing polish through some language translation software that I bought online recently. The question is IS POLAND A REALY GOOD PLACE TO STUDY for a black african? Are there racist morons and skinheads on the cheaper eastern side of the republic boardering Russia!

Can someone help me out please? to everyone ---Nikt nie klamac if you understand this!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
17 Jul 2009 /  #2
I think it is generally OK. Unfortunately though, quite a number of racist incidents against black and coloured students have recently been reported in the town of BiaƂystok in eastern Poland. The local authorities have of course been denying this as merely isolated incidents, but this wasn't true as heads of all higher schools in that city have signed a joint letter to the mayor pointing out that the incidents were frequent and demanding tough action with the view of putting an end to them. I think such a letter couldn't be ignored with the result that something has been done about it as I can no longer read any new reports on this in the national press.
17 Jul 2009 /  #3
Are there racist morons and skinheads on the cheaper eastern side of the republic boardering Russia!

There are racist morons everywhere in Poland not only in the eastern part, however,
I don't think there are more of them than in any other European country, so no worries.
Cameron  1 | 9  
17 Jul 2009 /  #4
I don't think there are more of them than in any other European country, so no worries.

You would if you were black

IS poland a good place to study for Black Africans?

No not really
17 Jul 2009 /  #5
I think you'd be wrong here, Cameron. I spent some time abroad and the level of aversion
and resentment towards black people there was much higher than in Poland (partly probably
because of the fact that there were much more black people there, but nonetheless some of
the things that I've heard from the natives in Dublin and Manchester about "the blacks" were
simply disgraceful).

Poland is no more a racist country than Ireland or UK.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
17 Jul 2009 /  #6

When were you in Manchester? Ive lived here all my life and never seen any outwardly racist people in the city, we are a large university city so we have lots of nationalities. Stop talking sh*te.
mephias  10 | 296  
17 Jul 2009 /  #7
all my life and never seen any outwardly racist people in the city

It seems you don't use mirrors.
17 Jul 2009 /  #8
I was in Manchester visiting my friend couple of times and taking taxis on several
occasions. "Outwardly racist" - yes, that's what I would call most of those
taxi drivers and it's not me talking sh*te, but them. Don't worry - it happened
in Dublin as well. I don't know - maybe there is something about taxi drivers in
any country that makes them hate black people lol

Anyway - my point was that Poland is no more a racist country than UK
or Ireland as Cameron was suggesting.
espana  17 | 951  
17 Jul 2009 /  #9
most of those
taxi drivers and it's not me talking sh*te,

most of the taxi drivers in manchester are from pakilandia .
17 Jul 2009 /  #10
Even Bernard Manning liked curry :D
Wroclaw Boy  
17 Jul 2009 /  #11
Poland is no more a racist country than Ireland or UK.

Oh come on, thats just rediculous, you get racists everywhere obviously. But that statement just stinks. Poland has no intergrated black, Asian or any ethnic minorities anymore. IF they did and thats a big IF i wonder what the stance would be from the locals. Dude get in the real World.

"Outwardly racist" - yes, that's what I would call most of those taxi drivers and it's not me talking sh*te, but them.l

So youre whole opion is based on brain dead taxi driver banter LOL. Thats one of the funniest things ive ever heard.

I'll tell you what that is: taxi driver "where you from", Torq "Poland" Taxi driver " ahh Poland i got no problem with white hard working foreigners coming here to work, its these black dudes sponging of society that choke my chicken". The end..
17 Jul 2009 /  #12
Dude get in the real World.

I am in the real word. You're talking about "IFs" (and big "IFs), I'm talking
about what I've encountered in the real world. It's not only the taxi drivers,
I saw a young fellow in Dublin city centre walking past a black lady, spitting
in her face and abusing here verbally and some time ago a black American
actress (I forgot her name but there were articles about it in the
"Irish Indepenent" and "Irish Times") swore never to come back to Ireland
after all the abuse she got from some Irish teenagers.

It's really hilarious when some people spout pish like "Oh, if Poland only had more
blacks or Asians you would see what the stance would be from the locals", blah,
blah, blah, yada, yada, yada. Maybe the stance would be the same, maybe it would
be different than in Ireland or UK. In the REAL WORLD we don't have those minorities
so there's no point making all those far going assumptions about what WOULD
happen IF we had them.

Get in the real world dude.
espana  17 | 951  
17 Jul 2009 /  #13
is IS POLAND A REALY GOOD PLACE TO STUDY for a black african?

if you want to study boxing may be .
Wroclaw Boy  
17 Jul 2009 /  #14
I saw a young fellow in Dublin city centre walking past a black lady, spitting
in her face and abusing here verbally

Ive seen Polish news paper articles depicting balck people as monkeys, cant get much worse than that.

Poland no more racist than UK or Ireland!! lets start a thread shall we, i'll prove you wrong yet again, like you never ever in 30 something years ever knew anybody who hated Russians more than Germans.

I repeat step into the real world. You got some funny ideas mate.
17 Jul 2009 /  #15
Ive seen Polish news paper articles depicting balck people as monkeys, cant get much worse than that.

Do you have any links to those articles? I find it hard to believe tbh


How do you know it was a racist attack? Only because white fellow fell out
with a black guy? Maybe they fought for a girl, or maybe they support rival
football teams. Maybe there was absolutely nothing racist in it?
Wroclaw Boy  
17 Jul 2009 /  #16
Do you have any links to those articles? I find it hard to believe tbh

Hang tight my man, gotta dash but I'll be back..
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
17 Jul 2009 /  #17
I think you're talking bollox.

most of the taxi drivers in manchester are from pakilandia .

Thats what I was thinking, also Ive never got a taxi and had an English person be racist.

It seems you don't use mirrors.

Whilst I have my views and I dont mix with certain eithnic groups (why would I? I have nothing in common with them) I certaintly dont go about verbally abusing people.

Even Bernard Manning liked curry :D

He was dreadful (even by my standards)l, I went to a charity thing at the Emabassy club once!
17 Jul 2009 /  #18
I think you're talking bollox.

Well, seeing as you are apparently all-knowing and you know better
than I do what I've experienced, there's no point arguing with you
espana  17 | 951  
17 Jul 2009 /  #19

stop pointing your finger at others mate , poland is 20 years behind britian about racism
17 Jul 2009 /  #20
and never seen any outwardly racist people in the city,

I agree with Shelley here. I haven't either and I know the City well :)

17 Jul 2009 /  #21
stop pointing your finger at others mate

I'm not. All I was saying is that Poland is no more racist than any other
country in Europe.

poland is 20 years behind britian about racism

True. It would take us at least 20 years to catch up with their racism ;)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
17 Jul 2009 /  #22
Ive lived in Manchester all my life got in many taxis and never ever ever in my life heard a taxi driver speak ill of ethnics, most dont even fooking talk to you! You must have said something to provoke the taxi driver in to speaking in such a way! Dont forget I know the "reality" of my country and certainly my city.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
17 Jul 2009 /  #23
What i find funny is that we have a Spanyard slagging the Poles for being racist, lol, look how racists certain elements of Spain are, i mean they can't even control themselves at a football match and we are in 2009. Poland and Spain have 'racist' issues, so does my own nation the UK. However what i will say is that the UK is more multicultural than either Poland or Spain
17 Jul 2009 /  #24
Well, the whole thread started with a man from Kenya asking if Poland
was a good place to study for black Africans and Cameron suggesting that
it wasn't and saying that if I was black I would think that there are more
racists in Poland than in other European countries, to which I opposed and
I still oppose to such derogatory and untrue statements about my country.

There are racist troglodytes in every country in the world and Poland is not
an exception, but it is equally good place to study for black people as any
other European country.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
17 Jul 2009 /  #25
What i find funny is that we have a Spanyard slagging the Poles for being racist.

So what the Spanish are quite out about it and dont try to hide it, they are not hypocrites and by that comment I am certainly not calling all Poles hypocrites, just the ones that seem to think that all Polish people are waiting with open arms to embrace 3rd world immigrants! Anyway Im glad that they're going to Poland to study, Im sure theyve checked out that they can apply for Polish citizenship after a few years including their student years which we have abolished in the UK.
Wroclaw Boy  
17 Jul 2009 /  #26
Ive seen Polish news paper articles depicting balck people as monkeys, cant get much worse than that.

I just wish i kept that page and scanned it in, i cant find any web evidence, i'll keep an eye out in the future though and wont make the same mistake again.
17 Jul 2009 /  #27
Can you at least remember in which newspaper you saw those articles?
Wroclaw Boy  
17 Jul 2009 /  #28
Nah, it was a case of me sitting with Polish people and they called my attention and said just look at this article, this is how bad racism is in Poland. At the time (3 years ago) i couldnt really give a flying fcuk.
mephias  10 | 296  
17 Jul 2009 /  #29
I certainty dont go about verbally abusing people.

You also think you are superior to them which makes you racist.
southern  73 | 7059  
17 Jul 2009 /  #30
IS poland a good place to study for Black Africans?

It is a very good place to study for white Africans.

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