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Free Polish Course in Poland?

pentikost1986  1 | 1  
29 Apr 2014 /  #1
Hey guys,

I am new in here. I have just a question. I stayed in Czech for a year and there was Czech course of foreign department for foreigners. It was 2 times a week but for free and it was very good course. I just want to know is there any courses like that in Poland ? This course was some EU foundation sth sth. Do you have any idea is there any like that in Poland ?

any help??
Monitor  13 | 1810  
29 Apr 2014 /  #2
Foundation Ocalenie has free Polish language course: fundacjaocalenie.org.pl/?page_id=6948
It seems that they are in Warsaw. Perhaps there are other non profit organisations offering Polish course or EU founded schools.
OP pentikost1986  1 | 1  
29 Apr 2014 /  #3
yes but the problem how i can find them :(
Monitor  13 | 1810  
29 Apr 2014 /  #4
I guess you're interested in Polish courses in Gdańsk. Ask in Gdańsk university. Maybe they have some low price. I cannot find anything for free in Gdańsk through google. Find contact to foreign students in Gdańsk. Perhaps they know something.
Udaya  2 | 10  
3 Mar 2017 /  #5

Free Polish language school in Warsaw for foreigners?

Hello everyone,
Can someone tell me if there is any free polish language school in Warsaw for foreigner ?
Thank you :)
Eyahks  1 | 2  
3 Mar 2017 /  #6

Yes there is.
Somalia Foundation. At street bracka18/63
Ocalenie founation. At street Krucza 6/14a
Udaya  2 | 10  
3 Mar 2017 /  #7
Thank you for the information (Y) I will check it.

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