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Bachelors in Civil / Mechanical Engineering Degree in Poland

searchro  1 | 1  
5 Oct 2010 /  #1
Hey guys ,
I am from India, and I am thinking of doing my Bachelors in Civil Engg in Poland.I basically want to get out of my comfort zone and I am looking forward to the experience, the culture this country has to offer. Considering that I'll be studying for 4 years, will there be enough time to learn Polish as well as be fluent in it. After that,

1)what chances do I have of getting a job there as a Civil Engineer
2)what would be my approx. min wage ?
3)How many years would I be allowed to work in Poland ?
4)Also, Which universities would you recommend ? .

Thank you :)
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
5 Oct 2010 /  #2
1)what chances do I have of getting a job there as a Civil Engineer

Very low, there are lots of high calibre Polish engineers out there who work on projects who have both German and Russian language skills which helps in the industry because of where Poland is situated (Polish companies doesnt just win work in Poland).

2)what would be my approx. min wage ?

Starting off you would earn about £10,000 (maxiumum with a large company, with a smaller company a lot lower)

3)How many years would I be allowed to work in Poland ?

I imagine you'd have to apply for some kind of post study work visa.

4)Also, Which universities would you recommend ? .

The guys who work for the company I do, both studied in Warsaw.

Someone else my tell you different, Im just going off what knowlege I have.

Just curious to know why you have chosen Poland?
OP searchro  1 | 1  
7 Oct 2010 /  #3
@ Amathyst
Well I was looking for better options of education than what we have here and ones which were affordable.I had narrowed it down to alaska, fairbanks university(since it is a sister city,its relatively less expensive), and Warsaw university. It looks like neither option is going to work out. Anyway , Thank you so much...
clifborder4fm  20 | 35  
7 May 2011 /  #4
Merged: Mechanical Engineering Universities in Poland, Erasmus Programme

Which Universities in Poland have good programs where I can earn a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering? Polytechnika Warszawska has every engineering degree besides mechanical from what I can see... Any others anyone know about? AGH?

My final goal is to try and get my masters in Automotive Design in Germany (Aachen University most likely). I could get my bachelors there but I don't know anyone Germany and I have family and friends all over Poland (not to mention i speak it).

It would make sense though to study cars in Germany... what do you guys think?
LovePolska  - | 8  
19 May 2011 /  #5
I am about to finish my master from Polytechnika Warszawska they rank it number one, but to be honest; I had my bachelor degree in mechanical engineering from Egypt, and I think that it's equivalent to masters degree in Poland.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
20 May 2011 /  #6
There is Faculty of Mechanical Engineering on Wroclaw University of Technology:
material in English: wm.pwr.wroc.pl/files/prv/id9/przewodnik_angielski.pdf

Among technical universities it is ranked second in Poland, though I don't know how this specific faculty is ranked.

PS. there are Mechanical Engineering faculties on Warsaw University of Technology, but on different names and/or specialized in some field so for example there are:

Dominicus  - | 23  
26 May 2011 /  #7
Wrocław would be your best bet. Great school, and a MUCH better place to live and study than Warsaw (I live in Wrocław).

The big problem with instruction in any technical field in Poland is an almost complete lack of practical or laboratory courses (they are too expensive for Polish University budgets). Instruction will be very high on theory, and short on hands-on experience, especially for undergrads. Laboratory equipment is also hopelessly outdated, and you will have to fight to use it because there is far too little to go around. I teach a lot of engineers from Politechnika Wrocławska, and this is their main gripe.

I also studied industrial microbiology in Germany and Denmark, where the laboratories are well equipped and cutting edge, and university departments have real budgets with real money. I cannot even imagine doing the sort of work I did in those countries at a Polish university, where the laboratories are equipped with museum pieces, with access jealously guarded by professors who are far from generous, and, quite honestly, have little to be generous with.

Best bet is to study in Germany, even if it takes you two years to build up basic fluency in the language. When you finish, you'll be far ahead of Polish educated engineers, especially in terms of hands-on experience.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
26 May 2011 /  #8
Polytechnika Warszawska has every engineering degree besides mechanical from what I can see..

I'm so sorry to join this thread so late, perhaps too late for the OP. OP was completely wrong. Here are the faculties in Politechnika Warszawska with mechanical engineering degrees:

1. Wydział Samochodów i Maszyn Roboczych (SiMR) = Automotive Design <-- leading in Poland
2. Wydział Mechaniczny Energetyki i Lotnictwa (MEiL) = Mechanical Engineering for Power & Aviation <-- leading in Poland in its disciplines such as piping design and of course aviation technology

3. Wydział Mechatroniki - Mechatronics (formerly Precision Mechanical Faculty) <-- leading in Poland
4. Wydział Inżynierii Produkcji - Production Engineering (formerly Mechanical Technology Faculty)

It's a pity nobody answered that at the right time.
5 Dec 2011 /  #9
Which Universities in Poland have good programs where I can earn a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering?i am ghana.
roca  7 | 43  
5 Dec 2011 /  #10
I cannot even imagine doing the sort of work I did in those countries at a Polish university

Very true! and about the professors in polish universities.. omg, they are fully taken by the communist mentality
cekoottr  - | 1  
18 Mar 2013 /  #11
i study at fatih uni. in turkei. i passed erasmus exam new. so i want to join erasmus programme could suggest some uni. for erasmus in poland or anywhere in europe?? (i just know english for foreign language)
Monitor  13 | 1810  
18 Mar 2013 /  #12
As far as I know you can choose from universities participating in Erasmus program and not from any university in Poland, so your question is pointless. You should browse the list at erasmus website. Regardless you can see courses taught in English here: [studyinpoland]
raghu205  - | 1  
13 Apr 2014 /  #13
Hello I have completed my bachelor degree in mechanical and would like to do my masters in automotive engg in poland, could u please suggest me the top univ/colleges that offers Automotive programs? Does warsaw univ of technology has automotive program in masters degree?
DominicB  - | 2706  
13 Apr 2014 /  #14
You're better off doing that in the UK, Germany or the States at a university that has strong partnerships with the automotive industry. It might be more expensive in the short run, but the knowledge and experience you acquire and the contacts you make will end up being worth A LOT more than anything you can get in Poland. Plus, there's a chance that you will be able to get financial aid and work during your studies, neither of which is going to happen in Poland, so it actually may work out being cheaper.

Here's a list of the best schools for automotive engineering in the States:


Basically, there is little, if any, advantage of studying engineering in Poland over studying at a good school in India. An engineering diploma from Poland is not worth any more on the job market than one from India. Compared to the States, practical courses are sorely underfunded, partnerships with business and industry are sorely underdeveloped, and the quality of student life is abysmal. It's probably the same or similar in India, that's true, but at least in India you have the home court advantage. You would be able to work during your studies, something that is near impossible for you to do in Poland.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
13 Apr 2014 /  #15
Poland doesn't have automotive industry (at least nearly no R&D), so Polish diploma in this specialty is not worth much.

Some ranking of top technical universities in Poland:

1. Politechnika Warszawska (1)
2. Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie (3)
3. Politechnika Wrocławska (2)
4. Politechnika £ódzka (4)
5. Politechnika Śląska w Gliwicach (5)
6. Politechnika Poznańska (7)
7. Politechnika Gdańska (6)
8. Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego w Warszawie (8)
9. Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki (10)
10. Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie (9)
Jardinero  1 | 383  
13 Apr 2014 /  #16
Poland doesn't have automotive industry

That's not true. GM/Opel, Fiat, VW among others all have large scale production plants there (currently ~30,000 pass. cars/month) + trucks by Volvo, Scania (~10,000 units) + bus production by Solaris, Solbus, (PESA makes rail vehicles) + a few others with plants specialising in component manufacturing, as is some manufacturing for the aviation industry (Boeing, GE) in the south of the country. Obviously the scale is much smaller than say Germany, but to say that there isn't any is plain inaccurate.
DominicB  - | 2706  
13 Apr 2014 /  #17
As Monitor said, there's little R&D done in Poland. It's R&D that drives partnerships between universities and business/industry. Production much less so.
rapol  2 | 2  
13 Apr 2014 /  #18
call to Think Poland educational consultancy.
Speak to Mr. Marcin, He'll guide you for your admission, Visa, Accomodation, Travel, etc.
This is only educational consultancy which provides a best in class service for students who want to come to Poland for education.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
13 Apr 2014 /  #19
@Jardinero: There are many production plants in Poland, but they're not Polish, so R&D is not here. Few mentioned by you Polish companies produce mostly from parts designed by western companies. They do some designing too, but it's really not much for the size of country. Reality of graduates is often quite sad, as this man writes (google translation):


I realized that google translate is not readable so here it's the same text with few fixes (very few):

One thing it is to study, level of difficulty , etc., the second thing - much more important it really is future work .

I can write it as it looks from the perspective of nearly 10 years of professional experience as a design engineer .

Studies on MiBM are quite difficult (at least that was when I was studying ) but now you can earn a degree while doing nothing , and nothing get from studies, except of the paper, which today no longer has any meaning. Studies will be difficult for you then when you want to reach something with it. If you want to work later in the profession, have it easy to find work in the future , unfortunately you'll have to do some work for it .

MiBM always enjoyed big popularity among high school graduates - but it's just not an argument . Pedagogy for example, has great interest and what does it mean? The decisions of young people are rarely rational.

However, I absolutely do not intend to encourage you to study, on the contrary - advise against .
I managed to find a good job Poland (several national averages , developmental work , interesting ) , but most of my friends with ( even very good students ) or not working in the profession, or work for 3-3.5 zł on hand doing really difficult and responsible profession .
After MiBM in truth you can work in various positions , but they are all rather similarry paid . Most earn traders and it is respectively the easiest job. Unfortunately, a designer engineer earns on avrage very badly. Given the enormous responsibility that lies on the constructor ( the error may cause a disaster , and prison ), the average salary for this position is embarrassing. For comparison, a civil engineering designer earns several times more ! ( which of course now changing due to the crisis in the construction sector ) .

I somehow managed to find my place in this difficult construction labor market and earn good money .
But many of my colleagues, graduates of economy, often even various funny private universities , earn a lot more than I am, doing a simple not stressfull and irresponsible work .

Yes, I admit that during the month I receive few job offers, which most of them are simply embarrassing when it comes to salaries . It would seem that no intelligent and reasonable person would risk his nect for the salary of room painter , but the reality is different - I do not know how to explain it but there it is .
This is a scam that there is shortage of engineers , do not believe the media. There is no deer to work for 2500 PLN on hand.

Of course, after 10 years the situation may be different , it describes the current state . But I advise you seriously to consider the choice of the Technical University - not unless you want to choose IT.

Jardinero  1 | 383  
14 Apr 2014 /  #20
There is no deer to work for 2500 PLN on hand.

Love this one ;-)
rohan zia  
27 Nov 2014 /  #21
My name is rohan i live in Pakistan i am belong to poor christian family and my parents cannot afford the expenses of higher education and i want to study more so please allow me to study there.THANK U.
DominicB  - | 2706  
27 Nov 2014 /  #22
my parents cannot afford the expenses of higher education

The last place you should be looking is in countries like Poland. There is extremely little in the way of financial aid available, and you will not be able to earn any money with a part-time job. Sorry, but Poland is not an option for non-EU students who cannot pay their own way.
niphredil3  - | 1  
27 Dec 2014 /  #23
Merged: Erasmus Work Placement in Poland-Mechanical Engineering

Hello, everyone!

We would like to come to Poland for internship with my boyfriend. It is easier for me to find internships as my department is more suitable to do internships at universities.

However, he is on his 4th year -mechanical engineering bachelor degree. We are thinking to send mails to universities to find an internship for him. Could you please help us about how to find internship for a mechanical engineering student in Poland especially in Cracow or maybe Warsaw??

Thank you all!
Vivi Kandy  - | 1  
16 Apr 2015 /  #24
Merged: Indian trying for Bachelors in engineering

Hi, I am vishnu.
I had done my 3 years diploma course in Mechanical Engineering from a top ranked college of India.
Now i would like to pursue my Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering in Poland.
Is it worthy to do Mechanical Engineering in Poland?
I don't know Polish.
Is it possible to earn by part time job?
3 Jul 2015 /  #25
Merged: Study MSc in Mechanical Engineering; what are part-time job opportunities in Poland?

I graduated in mechanical engineering & have 2 years job experience.I want to study MSc in mechanical.so Poland is right place for it?. What is part time job possibility during study?. And After study job opportunities in Poland????
terri  1 | 1661  
3 Jul 2015 /  #26
No, there are no jobs for you during the time of studying and no chances of a good job after. If you spoke Polish perfectly, there may be some opportunities. No one will bother getting a work permit for you when there are thousands of other people after the same job.
3 Jul 2015 /  #27
There are no jobs for foreign students, and is not easy to find job in mechanical engineering.

If it was IT, well, that's a different beast.

I'm from a western EU country working as a web developer in an international firm in Wroclaw and I totally can't speak polish, a very recent addition to my team is a non-EU guy with one of the worst passport on the planet earth, a country where he graduated, then he took the so taunted Master in english language in Poland, he still can't speak polish after 2 years, and is now working here for 10k PLN gross a month with very few experience.
13 Aug 2015 /  #28
I'm a prospective Civil Eng. student from the US. Like the others, I'm thinking about a degree from a Polish school, mainly due to the low cost (compared to the US) and proximity to Germany. After my BSc in Poland, I would probably get an MSc in Germany or Poland.

Are jobs available in Poland for English speakers upon graduation? What about being bilingual in English + German? I realize I'm leaving out an important language here (Polish) but I feel like knowing German is the safer route as you could work in other countries with a German influence, like Austria or Czech Republic.
DominicB  - | 2706  
13 Aug 2015 /  #29
Are jobs available in Poland for English speakers upon graduation?

In civil engineering, not likely. And the pay for entry level positions is very low.

As for going to school in Poland, you get what you pay for. The level of education you would get is lower than in Germany, the UK or, especially, the US, most especially in terms of practical courses. Second of all, Polish universities do not have strong ties to business and industry, so that greatly limits your ability to make useful contacts that will help you in your future career. Last of all, there is little research and development done in Poland, which limits your chances of participating in innovative and interesting research projects.

Another thing is that no one is going to care for you in Poland. You're on your own as a student, unlike in the States where you have plenty of help and guidance. That alone is worth any difference in price.

My advice would be to study engineering in the States. Another thing I would recommend would be to study a high-paid field like petroleum, geological or biomedical engineering. The first two are recession-proof, and job prospects and pay are stellar, especially if you don't mind stints in some harsh environments, desert, jungle, tundra, mines, offshore oil platforms, and the like.

Also, don't forget about state universities in the States. A lot of them have very good engineering programs, and the tuition is low. In the States, cost and quality of education are not necessarily correlated. In any case, get into the best program you can afford, and explore scholarships.

Bottom line, I see no reason for you to study in Poland, or any advantage you could gain by doing so. Polish engineering students dream of being able to study at universities like we have in the States.

As for Germany, that is a real option for graduate school. I did my graduate studies in Germany, and loved it. Undergraduate is another story. Best stick to the States.
13 Aug 2015 /  #30
Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

The main reasons why I want to study Civil Eng is:

1) I'm interested in real estate investing. I bought a house in a foreclosure which looked quite bad but it really only required a bit of handywork to get it good enough condition to rent. I can find more properties like this in my area (outside NYC) and I'm certain I can do the same in Europe.

2) I also like public transportation systems and I think Europe does a MUCH better job in funding these projects than the US. NYC is a joke compared to London and Prague.

3) I want to leave the US for good. I don't want to get too deep into this but I think this country will change for the worst in the coming years. I was hoping my Civil Eng degree would've provide me with a visa under a skill-shortage scheme.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Study / Bachelors in Civil / Mechanical Engineering Degree in PolandArchived