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Information Needed: Skarbek University, Warsaw.

rhyme2free  1 | 3  
15 Aug 2011 /  #1
i'm from india. I have applied for Mba studies in Skarbek University, Warsaw. I have got the admission conformation letter. I'm confused as some people says its a good opportunity to study in this University and some not. Plz do Help me. I want to know 1) is it worth doing MBA from this university. 2) is part time job easily available. 3) what is the cost of living in warsaw. 4) what are the chances of getting job after completing MBA. 5) is polish language compulsory as i dont know a word of it ?

Anyone having any sort of experience of living in warsaw or is living their can reply. PLZ make it fast
pawian  226 | 27817  
15 Aug 2011 /  #2
for Mba studies in Skarbek University, Warsaw.

Wow, there is really sth that is called Skarbek University in Warsaw. Very funny name, never heard it before. :)


I will tell you sincerely, judging by the name, it is not too serious. But I may be wrong.
OP rhyme2free  1 | 3  
15 Aug 2011 /  #3
hey how can u so sure that there is no university of tht name. u have provided the link too
pawian  226 | 27817  
15 Aug 2011 /  #4
Hey, it seems you have problems not only with Polish

polish language compulsory as i dont know a word of it ?

but English as well.

I wrote:

Wow, there is really sth that is called Skarbek University in Warsaw.

It means I don`t doubt there is such a university.

What I meant was that I never heard of it and its name sounds funny.

I think you should check the ranking of universities in Poland:

grubas  12 | 1382  
15 Aug 2011 /  #5
1) is it worth doing MBA from this university.

Yes it is.

2) is part time job easily available.

Very easily,plenty of jobs in Warsaw.

3) what is the cost of living in warsaw.

Very little,it's Eastern Europe.

4) what are the chances of getting job after completing MBA

Very good.

5) is polish language compulsory as i dont know a word of it ?

You don't need to speak Polish.
OP rhyme2free  1 | 3  
15 Aug 2011 /  #6
hey thnx for answering. u stay in warsaw. how can u be so sure

hey thnx for the link. I will check it
pip  10 | 1658  
15 Aug 2011 /  #7
5) is Polish language compulsory as i dont know a word of it ?
You don't need to speak Polish.

ok- so where do you live? why do you think the cost of living in Warsaw is so little? And the days where you don't need to speak Polish are long over.
OP rhyme2free  1 | 3  
15 Aug 2011 /  #8
pawian  226 | 27817  
15 Aug 2011 /  #9
I have a strange feeling I was involved in a similar thread some time ago. Sort of Dejavu? Errors in Matrix?

No, impossible.

I will gladly help you.

Wow, there is really sth that is called Skarbek University in Warsaw. Very funny name, never heard it before. :)


I will tell you sincerely, judging by the name, it is not too serious. But I may be wrong.
terri  1 | 1661  
15 Aug 2011 /  #10
Just had a look at their website.
For a University you would think that they would ensure that there are no glaring in-your-face grammatical and ortographic errors. I don't have much faith in a University which offers courses/modules in English and can't be bothered to make sure that at least on their website there are no mistakes.
pip  10 | 1658  
15 Aug 2011 /  #11
I found this


I dunno but I am weary of a university that is set up in an office building. To me it looks like it targets foreigners- and quite possibly the degrees they offer may not be recognized.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Aug 2011 /  #12
To me it looks like it targets foreigners- and quite possibly the degrees they offer may not be recognized.

Nah, it's genuine enough - it's just the English name for this - wshifm.edu.pl

As far as I can tell, it's one of the better private schools.
jones prabu  - | 8  
9 Nov 2011 /  #13
Merged: I would like to study MBA in Poland - skarbek university / part time job - I'm from India

so i have selected skarbek university to pursue my Masters ..

skarbek university is good university ?

can i get part time job as easily in poland?

can i get the job in poland after complete my MBA in skarbek university??

What about the living cost in Warsaw?
Reena  - | 1  
9 Nov 2011 /  #14
I donot live in warsaw and neither from managment background..however as per your partime job is concerned...you can if you know the langauge...without it its almost impossible to get a job
9 Nov 2011 /  #15
can i get part time job as easily in poland?

No. There are no part time jobs for Indian students where you'll earn enough money to live. You can be a kebab shop slave for 5zl an hour, but that's about it.

can i get the job in poland after complete my MBA in skarbek university??


What about the living cost in Warsaw?

More than you can afford.
jones prabu  - | 8  
10 Nov 2011 /  #16
hi sir please let me know is it good university or not (skarbek university)?
hythorn  3 | 580  
10 Nov 2011 /  #17
according to their website

Skarbek University (SU) in Warsaw, Poland (Wyższa Szkoła Handlu i Finansów Międzynarodowych) is one of the leading Polish private university founded in 1995.

In 2007 one of the biggest Polish magazines 'Wprost' placed our University on the 2nd position among more than 100 private business universities in Poland and magazine 'Polityka' put us on the 3rd place. Skarbek educates students from different parts of the world, Bangladesh, China, Gambia, Germany, India, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Tunisia, Vietnam, Italy, Spain, and much more.

Skarbek University offers full programme of studies in English language of instruction. The University provides Bachelor Study in Management (BBA, BSc) and Master Study in Economics (MBA, MSc).


what you have to bear in mind is that the private universities are struggling and have been ever since national conscription was abolished as university education meant that you were exempt from serving in the army

having checked out their website most articles are from 2007

I do not know the university however if they are telling you that you can get a great job working part time to finance your university education then they are lying and you should find another university. It is not as bad as the Ukranian universities which advertise that Ukraine is an EU country however if they have lied about your job prospects then they have lied about how good their course is

so a question to you

did the Skarbek University tell you that you could find a well paid job in Poland whilst studying?
jones prabu  - | 8  
10 Nov 2011 /  #18
yes , they told me that students can get good job during studying as well as getting good job in poland after complete the course as well.

Hi sir can i get a gud part time job in warsaw with in 3 months after enter to the poland?
hythorn  3 | 580  
10 Nov 2011 /  #19
my dear Sir,

it is with great sadness that I must write to tell you that I think you have answered your own question

the school has clearly lied to you because they need money
it will be impossible for you to find a well paid legal job in Warsaw within three months

if they have to lie to get students it means that it is a very bad school

if you have other options please take them but you cannot trust the school

perhaps European students can find part time work but Indian students cannot work legally in Poland
without a work permit

I am sorry
jones prabu  - | 8  
10 Nov 2011 /  #20
Thanks you very much sir ...... As a student can i do part time job during studying in poland as legally ??
hythorn  3 | 580  
10 Nov 2011 /  #21
you will not be able to get a work permit so no you can't
jones prabu  - | 8  
10 Nov 2011 /  #22
ok thanks..... please suggest me a good Europe country to pursue my MBA and where i need to get a part time job also.......
hythorn  3 | 580  
10 Nov 2011 /  #23
you can always try the UK.
you speak English and students can work up to 20 hours per week on a student permit

what were the tuitions fees from Skarbek for a school year?
10 Nov 2011 /  #24
Wyższa Szkoła

Which says it all. It's not a university, it's a "higher school" - small, but important difference in Poland.

Hi sir can i get a gud part time job in warsaw with in 3 months after enter to the poland?

No. You'll find work in a kebab shop, or perhaps a cheap Indian restaurant. that's about it.

ok thanks..... please suggest me a good Europe country to pursue my MBA and where i need to get a part time job also.......

The UK. But it's much harder to get in there than Poland, isn't it?
hythorn  3 | 580  
10 Nov 2011 /  #26
how long is their MBA program?

not that I would suggest going anywhere near this teaching establishment
jones prabu  - | 8  
10 Nov 2011 /  #27
where are you from ?

2 years program. but UK is highly competitive country to get job and difficult to get a gud job . Aacording to uk there is no stay back option after study we have return to home country.

Hi hythorn: i checked in google regarding part tine option during study in Poland it seems can do part time during study up to 20hours per week....
10 Nov 2011 /  #28
but UK is highly competitive country to get job and difficult to get a gud job

And what makes you think that you can get a good job in Poland, given that you -

a) don't speak the language
b) don't appear to speak English particularly well

Aacording to uk there is no stay back option after study we have return to home country.

Likewise in every European country - Ukraine is perhaps unique in having a specific dollar amount needed for permanent residence ($100,000).
jones prabu  - | 8  
10 Nov 2011 /  #29
then i have a plan to study in georgia as well ,, so can u suggest me which is best or not?
10 Nov 2011 /  #30
I'm sure theKnowledge will tell you when it comes to the issue of buisness degrees East-Europe ex-communist countries are little more than clown-colleges by the west standards. If you already speak English, (seems passable frankly, only an anal tefl may have a problem with your standard of communication) spend the extra and get a qualification from a country that has experience of trade and not simply believing that applying for grants from richer economies constitues business.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Study / Information Needed: Skarbek University, Warsaw.Archived