delphiandomine 86 | 17823
11 May 2013 / #31
I know that it's off the topic of the original poster, but wow, for someone relying on hearsay, with obviously little knowledge and understanding of how the medical programmes in English work
Etc etc. The point remains that they do not produce high quality graduates in any way - as I repeatedly say, the course is treated as a joke by the university (although not to the students faces for obvious reasons) and the Polish students who realise that the international students are buying their education. You might want to ask yourself why many of the students themselves tend to be exceptionally bitter by their 3rd/4th year.
What you also need to know is that I know several of their lecturers. None of them have a positive opinion about the American students - they are seen as spoiled, lazy and arrogant.
It seems you are missing the boat entirely by failing to make the effort to understand what these programmes aim to achieve.
These programmes exist for one reason - to make money. It's easy money for the university and easy qualifications for the students. Let's not beat about the bush - the amount of graduates from the course who were good enough to graduate from American medical universities are low - very low.
the 4yr MD I made reference to in previous post requires a set of 'pre-med' education, which you could have easily checked.
Unfortunately for you, while they might have a BS degree, no attempt is made to consider how good the degree actually is. As I keep saying, it's an open door for those who are willing to pay the roughly $70k USD to the university.
Do you think that the gov'ts guaranteeing loans and respective medical bodies would be willing to consider accrediting a programme they were not happy with?
Many of them aren't taking loans to get there. I do know quite a few of them, and many of them fall into the "rich but stupid" category.
Note also, most of these alumni have no intention of staying/working in Poland, so they are not a threat to the 'superiorly grilled' Polish programme alumni when competing for work on the local market..
Is that what they told you? Ah, of course, they would never admit that they actually went back home to work as a paramedic, would they?
The fact that most of them have no intention of actually repaying Poland in any way for her hospitality says it all - the course exists to take money from gullible American students who think that it make them a doctor. It won't.