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Erasmus in Kozminski - Warsaw - how difficult are the courses? Dormitories, area of stay.

8 Mar 2015 /  #1
Hey guys, I need your help.
I'm going to Erasmus next fall semester to Kozminski, in Warsaw and I wanna know how difficult are the courses. What you think? Easy? Medium? Hard?

Can someone help me?
8 Mar 2015 /  #2
What country are you coming from? If from the US, it will be hard for you; if from an European country then you should be fine. Still, consider that Kozminski is considered top 5 in Poland and it doesn't mean in popularity, but hard work, so if you plan to enroll just to get a reputable diploma you may be negatively surprised because it won't come easy (unless you take some part-time program then you should get by). Ok, I check and you're from Portugal.. then if English is not your first language it could be an additional barrier. Overall, if you're smart then go for it but consider part-time course first to test waters.
GiannisD  - | 2  
19 Mar 2015 /  #3
Merged: Erasmus in Warsaw

Hi, I am a student from Athens, Greece. I am accepted to study for the fall semester of 2015-2016 in Kozminski University. I would like to ask you a few things! Where would you recommend me to stay for these five or six months? I would like to travel everyday at most 30-40 minutes to get to the university. Also, during my internet research for information about the university and the city of Warsaw, I came across some discouraging comments concerning Praga Północ. If someone lives there or has some experience in the district, it would be very helpful to hear some thoughts about the life there. Also, i would like to ask if there are any dormitories (because Kozminski doesn't offer), where i could share a room with another person. Finally, which are the places that most of (erasmus) students live in the city and where is the center of entertainment (clubs, pubs...)

dziękuję! (I hope google translate did its work)
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Mar 2015 /  #4
If someone lives there or has some experience in the district

Praga Północ is more than just a district; it's a huge area comprising several districts. One or two parts of ithave a poor reputation (round Pl. Hallera and the side of the zoo for example, or Brodno/Targowek which are large 1970s housing projects) but some parts are OK and most of it is safe. The bit around Kozminski is industrial but easy to get to. You probably won't be more than 30 mins away unless you end up on the other side of town.

Yes, there aren't any student halls of residence - this is an ongoing problem even fo Polish people who attend. Your best option is to contact them directly for advice - they should be able to help you.

+48 696 046 102 - is the number (mobile) for a company who advertise a private hall of residence - I don't know if it's any good or not or even where it is.

This site: dpm.uksw.edu.pl/sites/default/files/inne akademiki.odt (it's a link to an Open Office file) is from another university in north Warsaw (UKSW) and is a list of various dorms that accept people from other institutions - you'll have to deal with them directly and I suspect each gives their own students priority.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
19 Mar 2015 /  #5
There are also private dormitories:
Check commuting times from a dormitory to the university here: warszawa.jakdojade.pl . As for Praga, it's neglected neighborhood and who can afford live elsewhere.
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Mar 2015 /  #6

That's the one with the phone number I gave. Looking at the site, I'm not sure at all. They seem very coy about locations and look to be quite small.

warszawa.jakdojade.pl .

Avoid this - it gives very misleading information.

As for Praga, it's neglected neighborhood and who can afford live elsewhere.

Some parts,, like Saska Kepa, are very desirable (and expensive). Plenty of other nice bits of Praga too, just a couple of places (like pl. Hallera/zoo as mentioned above) are best avoided. Quite a lot of students in Praga Polnoc too.
GiannisD  - | 2  
20 Mar 2015 /  #7
Thank you all for your answers. I'll probably look for an apartment/room in the city centre from all these choices of online accomodation.
jon357  72 | 23482  
20 Mar 2015 /  #8
Also try Gumtree Warszawa for a room in a shared flat. Many people advertising rooms that way are students or youngish so it could be a good idea.

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