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SeanBM  34 | 5786  
10 Sep 2013 /  #181
Nobody with an iq lower than 100 should be getting into any European country.

Report author Dr Pat Mottram said the average IQ of prisoners was 87, while a sizeable minority had very low IQs indeed.

citizen67  6 | 187  
11 Sep 2013 /  #182
One world one people

Yes, One People, all BLACK!
11 Sep 2013 /  #183
It Is Blackmen`s Dream to Sleep With White-women.

If it is, you and your ilk most certainly make it easier for them.
citizen67  6 | 187  
11 Sep 2013 /  #184
I'm simply asking when will white americans demand safety?

Fair point.

Recently i saw an increase in black girls and most of them have Polish boyfriends, I found out that Poles are very interested in dating black people (I hope you don't mind it)

Rather the black girls are more interested in getting a Passport that allows them to liv anywhere in the EU and be eligible for benefits.


guest00  - | 14  
12 Sep 2013 /  #185
Black Americans are as much American as Whites.

Blacks are as American as American whites are African.
Polson  5 | 1767  
12 Sep 2013 /  #186
Well, I heard we all originated from Africa, so you couldn't be more right I guess.
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
12 Sep 2013 /  #187
Americans (even the light skinned ones) are no longer white. Along the same lines as Jews
12 Sep 2013 /  #188

Please forgive me for using words which are too long for you to understand.

Americans (even the light skinned ones) are no longer white.

If you'd be so kind as to advise of your current location, I'd be more than happy to arrange for you to meet some Americans who would be very willing to physically discuss your views on their race. They don't like immigrants at the best of times and would be particularly eager to make contact (repeatedly) with an immigrant who states that they aren't white.
FishSupper  - | 3  
12 Sep 2013 /  #189
And there was me hoping aids and famine would thin out the numbers ...
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
12 Sep 2013 /  #190
Well, I heard we all originated from Africa, so you couldn't be more right I guess.

We did, yeah. But we have been in Europe for 40, 000 years and evolved in completely different conditions. If you want to be pedantic, rewind the clock far enough and we originated from fish. Go back even further and we evolved from bacteria.

Stick to the football threads, kid.
Polson  5 | 1767  
12 Sep 2013 /  #191
RN, do you always call people 'kids' when you lack arguments? Doesn't work on me, sorry.
And also sorry if you can't get my sense of humour. Now if you think that 'coloured' Americans are less American than White Americans, I'm all ears, wise boy.
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
12 Sep 2013 /  #192
Who cares about ghetto dump USA
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
12 Sep 2013 /  #193
And also sorry if you can't get my sense of humour. Now if you think that 'coloured' Americans are less American than White Americans, I'm all ears, wise boy.

The natives are red. Anyway, America and her demographics are not my concern. If it was 999.999% white or black, I couldnt give a damn. Alas, as the amerindians are indigenous to the Americas, whites, and only whites, are indigenous to Europe.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
12 Sep 2013 /  #194
If you'd be so kind as to advise of your current location, I'd be more than happy to arrange for you to meet some Americans who would be very willing to physically discuss your views on their race. They don't like immigrants at the best of times and would be particularly eager to make contact (repeatedly) with an immigrant who states that they aren't white.

This is a threatening
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
14 Sep 2013 /  #195
Typical Western culture: White guys are lazy, dorks and stupid. Will we ever see blacks showcased in this role?
citizen67  6 | 187  
14 Sep 2013 /  #197
that advert is typical in that it portrays the WHITE guy as the "Jerk", and the Black guy as "way Cool". (God, I hate using Americanism, but i hav to, you "Guys" wouldn't understand otherwise) Usual RACIST Crap we White people hav to put up with!

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