Terrible title to the thread but I'm so disgusted at the bile coming from jarnowa. I'm new here and I was thinking of getting some tips or advice on proposing to my polish gf (of 4 yrs) but instead I get all this trash....
That's lame, calling a normal discussion 'trash' because not everyone thinks that Africans like you have the right to live in Europe.
Europeans have died to defend the freedom of opinion, if you don't like this i wonder why you're still in Europe.
Fair enough, there are class/tribal/ethnic divides in EVERY country just ask the dark skinned indians how they get treated by the light skinned ones or the Albanians that get shunned in Russia. Everywhere you go, you'll get some level of prejudice but you would hope with a level of education comes some level of civility and tolerance (clearly not the case)
Get used to the fact that most people like to live with people of their own kind and don't like to see more than just a few foreign people in their area.
Hahaha, you're funny. Most European wealth has to do with Europe having less natural disasters, better soil for farming and of course because Europeans are smarter and work harder. European domination of Africa ended a long long time ago, you cannot blame Europeans anymore for Africa being less wealthy than Europe.
I work, I pay my taxes like anyone else and and they EU may not always use the money wisely we don't just come over to loot and pillage and defile your women.
I don't care why you are coming to Europe, you just don't belong here and you know it.
Our soldiers are just as dead as yours in protection of the same freedoms that are enjoyed here (In the same Wars), but selfish children that don't play well with others would rather keep every bit of fortune from our joint labours for themselves, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Almost no African fought for the freedom of Europe so stop lying.
When dictators were running the Niger-Delta, people were starving but halliburton was thriving... might makes right sometimes and despite the "democracy" we all still know who really runs things,
Contact Halliburton and tell them, but stop holding Europeans responsible for any mistakes they made.
so don't blame the common man in Africa for trying to get out of a rut by moving to pastures new by saying he ruined Africa, if he had A SAY then maybe it wouldn't be so bad today.
Africans who can afford hundreds (if not thousands) of US $ to come to Europe are not the poorest Africans. They could as well invest their $$ in a nice house, education, farmland etc. in Africa. So they don't come here to escape the rut, they just want to live in Europe so they can buy a big car and fcuk as much white women as possible. We don't need more of them in Europe.