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cheesymac  4 | 60  
11 Jun 2011 /  #121
So Jarnowa since you and me speak Dutch, I suggest I can invite you to some of my favourite clubs and assist you (since I am always luckly)

you are lucky... lucky you contracted Hiv AND IT hasnt become aids yet... i think personally the africans in poland are pathetic and hold no standards... just stupid kids..
jarnowa  4 | 499  
12 Jun 2011 /  #122
You are pathetic. VB gestemd zeker ?

VB is the only party in Belgium who doesn't accept African/Asian colonisation of Europe, so yes of course i would vote for them.

I'm proud to protect Europe, whereas you probably vote for parties who don't care about the problem.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
12 Jun 2011 /  #123
jarnowa et. al.

I have lived in Poland for 4 years now.

It seems to me, that Polish girls (in general) are more attracted to Spanish/Italian looks than non-european looks. And people from Spain/Italy are also from the EU (just like you and me). Do you mind if they come to Poland (and get Polish girls)?

immigrant group of 90% single males

Are 90% of the immigrants men? I never heard that before.
mephias  10 | 296  
12 Jun 2011 /  #124
I have lived in Poland for 4 years now.

He is lying and probably have psychological issues or just a troll. I was recently in Wroclaw for 5 days trip. I have been to many clubs and I can say everything he explain here is lie.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
12 Jun 2011 /  #125
I have lived in Poland for 4 years now.

It seems to me, that Polish girls (in general) are more attracted to Spanish/Italian looks than non-european looks. And people from Spain/Italy are also from the EU (just like you and me). Do you mind if they come to Poland (and get Polish girls)?

No of course i don't mind. European citizens are free to live anywhere in EU, whether they are Polish, Belgian, Italian or Spanish.
And you're right that these guys are quite popular. I can understand because many look good. However many of them are womanizers who don't care too much about staying faithfull to 1 girl, although Africans are much worse of course.

immigrant group of 90% single males

Are 90% of the immigrants men? I never heard that before.

At least the Africans.
9 out of 10 times you see a black it's a male between 20 and 30. You didn't notice this?
TheMan  - | 56  
14 Jun 2011 /  #126
Terrible title to the thread but I'm so disgusted at the bile coming from jarnowa. I'm new here and I was thinking of getting some tips or advice on proposing to my polish gf (of 4 yrs) but instead I get all this trash....

Fair enough, there are class/tribal/ethnic divides in EVERY country just ask the dark skinned indians how they get treated by the light skinned ones or the Albanians that get shunned in Russia. Everywhere you go, you'll get some level of prejudice but you would hope with a level of education comes some level of civility and tolerance (clearly not the case)

All the EU citizens bashing the non-EUs for trying to get ahead in life should not forget that this lofty perch on which you dwell is/was built on a foundation of wealth amassed from the sweat and labour all these countries which you are striving to keep down. Someone in another thread said Turkey is at the balkans only because of conquest... Don't you even get me started.

You never seemed to have a problem with having billions of hectares of Colonised lands sending you tribute and wealth and having the locals die just to provide you with you with sugar for your coffee. I think that should count towards PAYING for the EU. I work, I pay my taxes like anyone else and and they EU may not always use the money wisely we don't just come over to loot and pillage and defile your women. Our soldiers are just as dead as yours in protection of the same freedoms that are enjoyed here (In the same Wars), but selfish children that don't play well with others would rather keep every bit of fortune from our joint labours for themselves, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

When dictators were running the Niger-Delta, people were starving but halliburton was thriving... might makes right sometimes and despite the "democracy" we all still know who really runs things, so don't blame the common man in Africa for trying to get out of a rut by moving to pastures new by saying he ruined Africa, if he had A SAY then maybe it wouldn't be so bad today.

Also for the Africans here saying that all of Africa is the same as the THREE worst examples is ridiculous and wrong and you need to talk to more people. Apart from mugging (which occur in EVERY place on earth) generally, white people are treated with a respect usually reserved for royalty. I was once turned away by a security guard in my own country because I couldn't show a pass to get into somewhere I was entitled to go and he let a white guy in cos he ASSUMED he MUST have a right to be there cos why else would a white person be there unless they were powerful or influential. Zimbabwe, Rwanda and South Africa make up 1/14th of the population of Africa... so please don't generalise.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
14 Jun 2011 /  #127
was with you for most of it......but,please, get the fcuk over empire mate......Im surprised that Poles and black people in the States dont get on better,what with almost all of todays problems being blamed on ancient history......

You know what, my lands were conquered and colonised at the same time....you dont hear many Scotsmen p!ssing and moaning if something goes wrong in their lives that its all the Duke of Cumberlands fault......

But,on the whole,Im with you, who made jarnowa and his kind the gate keepers of white europe...whatever the fcuk that is.....as far as I knew europe has always contained people from pretty much every corner of the then known world.....
TheMan  - | 56  
14 Jun 2011 /  #128
Don't get me wrong mate, I'm not here to have a go at the "empire" just those that place themselves on a pedestal cos by birth they find themselves in the Northern hemisphere. I'm grateful for the education and everything I got here and have no qualms about giving back but to pretend the "aid" that's given to 3rd worlds isn't coming from a recognition of gains made at others expense would be naive.

I've never called anyone racist, yet so I won't start now. Jarnow, I'll give you some tips that could help and maybe with your tiny problem solved you won't hate every non-European so much....

1. Learn how to dance (salsa preferably, women like to pick mates by how they think they'll be in the sack)
2.Get a crazy haircut, a sense of mystique and a badboy attitude doesn't hurt either (women love that air of mystery)
3.Get buff (I'm sure a gym near you has some offer on)
4.Stop being so miserable (people can sense negative energy and are not drawn to it)

follow these simple rules and you won't have any trouble pulling*, trust me, a few places I lived those 4 tips have been the bane of my existence, Caucasian or Asian.

(*Disclaimer, you may still have trouble pulling, but what did you expect? Until they invent personality transplants, you might still suck)
15 Jun 2011 /  #129
Europeans have the right to tell African immigrants to leave European territory.
Not because they are black, but because they are not European.

I agree, completely. All leftists get wet just by thinking about the destruction of white countries... it's pretty sad they seek to destroy their own people and their own nations. Then again, these people only support free speech as long it's politically correct... otherwise, they don't support free speech because they fear the truth (they even know it). They'll just call you racist if they have nothing else to say... it pretty much means you won the argument/debate. If they love multiculturalism, I don't understand why they don't buy themselves a ticket to Brazil and experience their "utopia" that they oh-so love.

No one asked the European people if we wanted to become a minority in our own continent/countries by 2070.

I'm not a racist, I respect all other races and have nothing against them personally... I and many Europeans

It seems to me, that Polish girls (in general) are more attracted to Spanish/Italian looks than non-european looks. And people from Spain/Italy are also from the EU (just like you and me). Do you mind if they come to Poland (and get Polish girls)?

Who cares? Spaniards and Italians are European people... I find Spanish and Italians girls very attractive! I wouldn't mind to have a Spaniard/Italian girlfriend. :)

I'm not a racist, I respect all other races and have nothing against them personally... I and many Europeans don't want our motherland to become multicultural. Every race has it's right to self preservation, doesn't matter if you're black, asian or white, etc..
rychlik  41 | 372  
15 Jun 2011 /  #130
What's Danzig? A disease?

You're filthy.
OP riki_rwanda  3 | 23  
15 Jun 2011 /  #131
Funny thing Jarnowa, bcs the avarage IQ of Vlaams Belang voter is 80 ( which is pretty low, with IQ is good to have a higher number),and another thing is that most of these voters are "farmers" who don't have any multi cultural enverionment at all, which is strange, bcs they try to relate to something the don't understand at all.

And I guess you forget you most adverse group of the Arabs community, assuming you don't go well either.

Sometimes I feel sorry for you but then again realizing your IQ, you must be pretty happy being simplistic and narrowed minded.
Only thing you do is steriotype people and it would be ok, if you come with some new argument or some new facts, but no always the same wining about Africans they "steal" my potential dates (can not imagine you with a girl),even now when you are here in Poland, you have less change then paying 5 euro for a wank job from a Heroine addictive granny with no teets,in't "schippers straatje",....

I can'T imagining you in conversation with a girl, hope she is deaf, blind and share the same ideals,,,,
15 Jun 2011 /  #132
hope she is deaf, blind and share the same ideals,,,,

And doesn't have a sense of smell either.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
15 Jun 2011 /  #133
I'm not here to have a go at the "empire"

Good, I can manage that myself ;)
jarnowa  4 | 499  
18 Jun 2011 /  #134
Terrible title to the thread but I'm so disgusted at the bile coming from jarnowa. I'm new here and I was thinking of getting some tips or advice on proposing to my polish gf (of 4 yrs) but instead I get all this trash....

That's lame, calling a normal discussion 'trash' because not everyone thinks that Africans like you have the right to live in Europe.
Europeans have died to defend the freedom of opinion, if you don't like this i wonder why you're still in Europe.

Fair enough, there are class/tribal/ethnic divides in EVERY country just ask the dark skinned indians how they get treated by the light skinned ones or the Albanians that get shunned in Russia. Everywhere you go, you'll get some level of prejudice but you would hope with a level of education comes some level of civility and tolerance (clearly not the case)

Get used to the fact that most people like to live with people of their own kind and don't like to see more than just a few foreign people in their area.

Hahaha, you're funny. Most European wealth has to do with Europe having less natural disasters, better soil for farming and of course because Europeans are smarter and work harder. European domination of Africa ended a long long time ago, you cannot blame Europeans anymore for Africa being less wealthy than Europe.

I work, I pay my taxes like anyone else and and they EU may not always use the money wisely we don't just come over to loot and pillage and defile your women.

I don't care why you are coming to Europe, you just don't belong here and you know it.

Our soldiers are just as dead as yours in protection of the same freedoms that are enjoyed here (In the same Wars), but selfish children that don't play well with others would rather keep every bit of fortune from our joint labours for themselves, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Almost no African fought for the freedom of Europe so stop lying.

When dictators were running the Niger-Delta, people were starving but halliburton was thriving... might makes right sometimes and despite the "democracy" we all still know who really runs things,

Contact Halliburton and tell them, but stop holding Europeans responsible for any mistakes they made.

so don't blame the common man in Africa for trying to get out of a rut by moving to pastures new by saying he ruined Africa, if he had A SAY then maybe it wouldn't be so bad today.

Africans who can afford hundreds (if not thousands) of US $ to come to Europe are not the poorest Africans. They could as well invest their $$ in a nice house, education, farmland etc. in Africa. So they don't come here to escape the rut, they just want to live in Europe so they can buy a big car and fcuk as much white women as possible. We don't need more of them in Europe.
OP riki_rwanda  3 | 23  
21 Jun 2011 /  #135
Hahaha, you're funny. Most European wealth has to do with Europe having less natural disasters, better soil for farming and of course because Europeans are smarter and work harder. European domination of Africa ended a long long time ago, you cannot blame Europeans anymore for Africa being less wealthy than Europe.

are you kidding, Europe had the most colonies of any other continent in the world, the vast majority of european wealth is from their colonies, such as Indonesia,52 african countries,south & north america.And as you should know they colonized bcs of the opposite what you claimed to be true.

You should know european history, and as Europe has progressed, also the demographics of europe will change into multi cultural standards.this is a fact,c an't changed it anymore, world is getting smaller and smaller, so for people like you, you are becoming in danger, soon your kind will be extinguised, bcs the majority of the people enjoy having multi cultural surrounding,...

suggestion for you is to start a group of white people and life in the forest and complain about all the foreigners (which you don't see at all), and maybe you can all share the same wife and have some inbreed racial bastards with low IQ, but you can still feel superior of all the foreigners (which you don't see at all),...that's my suggestion.
5 Oct 2011 /  #136
Riki Rwanda is right about this, now it is october and I was wondering how many other african students started their year here in PL?
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
5 Oct 2011 /  #137
bcs the majority of the people enjoy having multi cultural surrounding,...

Thats not true at all, fro any group. Though I dont minorities as long as its not to the extent of Germany, France and UK.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
5 Oct 2011 /  #138
Though I dont mind minorities as long as its not to the extent of Germany, France and UK.

that makes me an utter racist too edit - because I wouldn't like my vicinity 'completely multicultural' - yes some spice is ok - but if you consume spice instead of rice well you're gonna end up sick
6 Sep 2013 /  #139
The excuse when people complained about 3rd world immigrants going to places like Holland France and UK was that the Europeans had gone over there and colonised their countries so now they are just doing the same thing,but Poland never dominated poorer countries in Africa so what is the excuse to let these people live in your country.Its not logical why allow these people to live in Poland, what do they bring that other Polish and European people cannot bring?.
jon357  72 | 23482  
6 Sep 2013 /  #140
If you want to move foreign people out of Poland, then logically you'll have to move Polish people out of other countries.

Hey, why not go the whole hog and restrict people to their own village?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
6 Sep 2013 /  #141
Funny thing Jarnowa, bcs the avarage IQ of Vlaams Belang voter is 80 ( which is pretty low, with IQ is good to have a higher number),and another thing is that most of these voters are "farmers" who don't have any multi cultural enverionment at all, which is strange, bcs they try to relate to something the don't understand at all.

The average iq in rwanda is 70. Which is not too bad for Africans. But I wouldnt slate people over their perceived low iq if I was an African. People with an iq in the 70s are borderly mentally retarded. The average Rwandan is a retard.

Nobody with an iq lower than 100 should be getting into any European country.
jon357  72 | 23482  
6 Sep 2013 /  #142
The average Rwandan is a retard.

Do you know many people from Rwanda?
6 Sep 2013 /  #143
Africa is not part of the EU, we don't need a labour force from outside of Europe, the only reason they bring in African workers is so big business can save money with a cheaper labour force but its to the detriment of the local workers.The whole point of a united Europe is to cease future wars and to level out the living standard across the continent.You cannot do that with Africa aswel because their populations are too vast and their social problems too extensive.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
6 Sep 2013 /  #144
Do you know many people from Rwanda?

The stats dont lie, baby!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Sep 2013 /  #145
If one of my feet is frozen and the other on fire, statistically I am okay.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
7 Sep 2013 /  #146
You got ripped because you are one naive old man. Need a loan? Hehehe
ufo973  10 | 88  
7 Sep 2013 /  #147
You sound racist to me.
I have a black friend in Warsaw who is playing in Polish national football team and has Polish wife.
There are lots of Black people in Poland and living happily and have Polish mates. Recently i saw an increase in black girls and most of them have Polish boyfriends, I found out that Poles are very interested in dating black people (I hope you don't mind it)
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
7 Sep 2013 /  #148
There are lots of Black people in Poland

Haha no.

I spent 10 days in Wroclaw and I saw 1 black (male) on the street. I saw a group of blacks at a crappy Night club and told them how I felt about their presence in Polska.
Polson  5 | 1767  
7 Sep 2013 /  #149
I saw a group of blacks at a crappy Night club and told them how I felt about their presence in Polska.

Po polsku?
What do Americans say about your presence in the US?
7 Sep 2013 /  #150
Haha no.

I spent 10 days in Wroclaw and I saw 1 black (male) on the street.

Haha yes.
I've not long come back from Wrocław and I saw a fair few black males and females on the streets.


I saw a group of blacks at a crappy Night club and told them how I felt about their presence in Polska.

Sure you did.

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