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Seanus  15 | 19668  
30 Apr 2011 /  #91
That there has been no discernible invasion here. Simple enough?

And how many have exercised their right to come to Poland in terms of overall entitlement? We are talking about students anyway so you are just gibbering APU.

The UK is prohibitively expensive for most of them. If they had any forward planning skills whatsoever, they'd know that and stick with what they've got back home.
OP riki_rwanda  3 | 23  
3 May 2011 /  #92
I can not reply anymore on Jarnowa's posting, they are just pathetic.

I mean it started as a nice thread and now we are involved in giving a guy tips on how to pick up girls.

One thing I don't understand (probably will never understand), why he can feel like a few hundred of non EU citizens are so come ''more lucky'' then him, is this jalousy, envy, hate or a combination of it all.

Maybe we should all pinch in and find him a nice lady, so he will not feel be treaten by some African students try to have a better life and probably safe some in the way too...

So Jarnowa since you and me speak Dutch, I suggest I can invite you to some of my favourite clubs and assist you (since I am always luckly), by the morning we should have match you with a girl.

If you don't like the idea, I can suggest just to continueing whining on this forum and maybe place an add in the local paper,... who knows you might feel ''lucky'' too
jarnowa  4 | 499  
3 May 2011 /  #93
You don't have an argument. Just moaning that certain people have an advantage when attracting members of the opposite sex. So what?

So you think there is no problem if a group of blacks in a European disco gets lucky with some very hot European girls making many a lonely European guy feel miserable? It's obvious whose side you're on and it's not the Caucasean side.

One thing I don't understand (probably will never understand), why he can feel like a few hundred of non EU citizens are so come ''more lucky'' then him, is this jalousy, envy, hate or a combination of it all.

Because i have observed this a lot.
If you haven't, just think about it. You probably heard Chinese or Indian guys complaining that they get rejected by white girls every time. Have you ever heard the same from Africans or Turks? Me not. Maybe now you understand?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
3 May 2011 /  #94
if a group of blacks in a European disco gets lucky

Whats your major problem with Bony M?
jarnowa  4 | 499  
3 May 2011 /  #95

A cool African/Caribean (whatever) guy with 3 African ladies, i don't see any problem.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
3 May 2011 /  #96
Im desperatly reaching for flemish connections here J',closest I could get was Holland......without a bit of horizontal Black and White Unite then that cute bird from 2unlimited would never have been born .............ok,for music fans that might have been a godd thing,but when I was 14 I wasnt listening to the words ;)
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
4 May 2011 /  #97
So you think there is no problem if a group of blacks in a European disco gets lucky with some very hot European girls making many a lonely European guy feel miserable? It's obvious whose side you're on and it's not the Caucasean side.

Why would he be miserable? Or lonely? Unless he was obsessed with sex. The colour of someone's skin really doesn't matter except to the shallowest among us.

And a discotheque is very much the wrong place to find a girlfriend.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
4 May 2011 /  #98
Unless he was obsessed with sex.

I'm getting the inkling that Jarnowa's step dad is black...

And a discotheque is very much the wrong place to find a girlfriend.

Yeah, i'm not one for pulling 50 year olds too ;)
wildrover  98 | 4431  
4 May 2011 /  #99
I'm getting the inkling that Jarnowa's step dad is black...

I was thinking his girlfriend ran off with a black guy....
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
4 May 2011 /  #100
his gf ran off with his dad!!!??? how bad is that!!!
mvefa  5 | 591  
4 May 2011 /  #101
hahaha that Jarnowa guy is really pathetic...come on dude..if u are not lucky with the ladies, go to the gym, educate urself to be more interesting, get a haircut, burn ur army pants but stop blaming others for ur inefficiencies it is really sad and pathetic..period!
antheads  13 | 340  
4 May 2011 /  #102
some of the 'poles' posting with their racist attitutudes are only slightly less pathetic. many poles who otherwise are non prejudiced their achilies heel is racism towards blacks, tho mostly it goes as far as a drunken occaisonal joke. however as the amount of africans increase in poland this will decrease as it is based in ignorance.
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 May 2011 /  #103
Why are some people complaining so much. We have a society with practically no minorities. Cannot hurt to have small minorities. Certainly a few hundred Africans coming to study or even live is almost a non topic.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
4 May 2011 /  #104
Call me pathethic, at least i can count correctly and my observations are far more realistic.

You guys don't understand the basics of maths if you don't understand that an immigrant group of 90% single males can cause serious competition disturbance wherever they go.

If you compare it to a city's total population, one or two hundred of them might sound like nothing, but if you've ever been unlucky enough to see a group of 4-5 of these guys coming to your favourite club and then some of them getting a hot white girl instead of you, you'll understand that non-European immigration doesn't need to be big to become threathening for Europeans.

Especially if the immigrants are known to be more lucky with white girls. And to those who still deny that one ethnic group can be more lucky than others i advise to go out with a Chinese guy and see his "luck" with Polish girls. As soon as he shows sexual interest, they all say "i already have a boyfriend".

So you can continue calling me names, or for a change start to think a bit more realistic and then try to answer the question if it really doesn't hurt anyone if Polish or other European cities would see a further increase of African immigrants.
antheads  13 | 340  
5 May 2011 /  #105
4-5 of these guys coming to your favourite club and then some of them getting a hot white girl instead of you,

As you stated before, you wouldn't have got the hot white girl anyway, so it makes no difference if these african guys had come into the club. If they had not come into the club the hot white girl would have gone home with a white or asian guy who is more attractive, confident and more personable than you. You lose and remain lonely no matter if there is african in poland.

Looks like i have solved your racist problem.

with a Chinese guy and see his "luck" with Polish girls

You obv haven't met some of the 'triads' and visiting vietnamese mafia in the upper class clubs in warsaw.
5 May 2011 /  #106
As you stated before, you wouldn't have got the hot white girl anyway

He never gets anything with a pulse.

the hot white girl would have gone home with a white or asian guy who is more attractive, confident and more personable than you.

Let's face it, she can't go home with anything less attractive or less personable than jarnowa, nevermind anybody less attractive or less personable.

Especially if the immigrants are known to be more lucky with white girls

They are certainly more lucky when you are around: members of the Hitler youth fling themselves at black Jews just to get away from you!
jarnowa  4 | 499  
5 May 2011 /  #107
As you stated before, you wouldn't have got the hot white girl anyway,

BS, i only have stated that i've never been approached by hot white girls. But i picked up a hot white girl myself (2 times), so don't say that i don't have any chances. It's just very hard for me, but not impossible.

And every time negroes or turks are around i notice that they are always the ones who end up talking or dancing with hot white girls.

I've never seen blacks getting cold stares when they smile to a white girl. This only happens to white or Asian guys.
And i've also never seen a negro approaching a white girl and then the girl turning away from him, not even the most ugly ones!

Whereas white guys and Asians often hear "sorry, i have boyfriend" within 1 minute if they don't look good enough.

If you don't agree with this you probably don't have much clubbing experience or you are just too blind to see.
southern  73 | 7059  
5 May 2011 /  #108
And every time negroes or turks are around i notice that they are always the ones who end up talking or dancing with hot white girls.

It is not like that.When I was in Poznan disco on Saturday night I could pick up girls on will.They invited me to dance with them and got phone numbers easily.Some were the hottest ones in the disco.Generally in my opinion polish girls like mediteranean looks but not our mentality so I really change to very slavic when talking to them.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
5 May 2011 /  #109
It is not like that.

So you've seen blacks who didn't talk or dance with a decent looking white girl all night? It's hard to believe. I bet that you just didn't notice it.

When I was in Poznan disco on Saturday night I could pick up girls on will.They invited me to dance with them and got phone numbers easily.Some were the hottest ones in the disco.Generally in my opinion polish girls like mediteranean looks but not our mentality so I really change to very slavic when talking to them.

I know that Italians are quite popular, so i'm not surprised other Southern Europeans are doing ok. Or maybe it was because you are a white chick magnet? ;)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
6 May 2011 /  #110
Why are some people complaining so much. We have a society with practically no minorities. Cannot hurt to have small minorities. Certainly a few hundred Africans coming to study or even live is almost a non topic.

funniest thing is,one of the first Polish people who moved to my village in the UK back in 04 was of Angolan descent and,pardon the phrase,as black as the ace of spades ,but as proud Pole as Ive ever met.
OP riki_rwanda  3 | 23  
6 May 2011 /  #111
you don't have to apologies, some of us are just pitch black, why not say that, that's how they look like,...

Call me pathethic, at least i can count correctly and my observations are far more realistic.

I guess it is pathetic, even I invited you in a night out, and fix you with a date bcs, I always get "lucky" and I guess I could me some of the white extremely good looking groupies surrounding me, the moment I arrive in a club.

But you never replied, are you scared or jealous ,...

Let me know, invitation is still open
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
6 May 2011 /  #112
funniest thing is,one of the first Polish people who moved to my village in the UK back in 04 was of Angolan descent and,pardon the phrase,as black as the ace of spades ,but as proud Pole as Ive ever met.

Really?? with other nationalities such as canadian I would understand, but this is a new one to me. Is he part Polish? whats his connection?
gille  - | 6  
7 Jun 2011 /  #113
In Hungary 10 years back a black person would get everyone staring and interested..... nowadays in Budapest there are many many blacks, and more as we speak are coming in, mostly Nigerians.... I think it will create problems as eastern Europeans are not like the French or the Brits that are exposed to all those people from their former colonies in Africa.

In Eastern Europe they are less politically correct too.
Meowmeow  5 | 57  
7 Jun 2011 /  #114
wow is every thread about black people on here?
wildrover  98 | 4431  
7 Jun 2011 /  #115
They are sneaking in at night....so you can,t see them....
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #116
wow is every thread about black people on here?

PF = The Racist Haven.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
11 Jun 2011 /  #117
Freedom of Speach Heaven.

Europeans have the right to tell African immigrants to leave European territory.
Not because they are black, but because they are not European.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
11 Jun 2011 /  #118
Not because they are black, but because they are not European.

Tell it to the Americans.
nunczka  8 | 457  
11 Jun 2011 /  #119
sobieski  106 | 2111  
11 Jun 2011 /  #120
It's obvious whose side you're on and it's not the Caucasean side.

You are pathetic. VB gestemd zeker ?

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