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jarnowa  4 | 499  
29 Apr 2011 /  #61
You deny that you're extremely lucky?

The girl that you like not only likes you too, but she even approaches you! Not many girls do that.
It's not about luck you say?

And it all happened very soon after you arrived in Poland! This hasn't happened to me in 2 years and i go out almost every week.

It's not about luck you say?

So instead of not getting the girl because you were too scared to approach (my fate), you instead were rewarded for being a coward. It's not about luck you say?

And you black males have the reputation of being promiscous, not interested in safe sex and more likely to carry diseases. Yet she chosed to ignored this.

It's not about luck you say?

Also if I read your post seems to me that you are a bit shy or maybe you feel intimidated by them, bcs why are you so upset of the few thousands foreigners to get "luckly" and find a girl.

Maybe you now understand? I've lived in Belgium and Holland and i've seen non-Europeans immigrants getting lucky everytime. I got so sick of it that i stayed in Poland after breaking up with my gf. And here i see the same on a smaller scale. Maybe you understand why i hate seeing blacks here getting lucky with white girls too?

I guess you life in another planet, bcs from my point of view Poland is becoming more and more open for foreigners to bring their intellect and tradition towards the Polish people, is becoming more and more multi cultural nation.

In case you didn't notice, rightwing parties in Western Europe are getting more and more popular. When immigration to Poland continues, it will grow here too.

But a question to you Jarnowa, do you really think you and me are so different???

You just confirmed that Africans are more lucky with white girls than other guys.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
29 Apr 2011 /  #62
PF moderators are at it again: This time it is 'Riki-Rwanda'...You have no imagination coming up with 'poster names' like this.

But, to the PF 'Riki_Rwanda' I would say this: Are there no medical schools in your country?

Oh, that's right, genocide, bloodthirsty war in Congo/Rwanda/Uganda, with reports of Ugandan and Congolese troops cutting of penises of opposing fighters, and eating them to increase 'fighting potency'...Quite a shame: ask the Israelis and Brits who control your mineral wealth and forment destruction in your homeland to build schools for you, maybe.

But sure, come to Krakow: Polish girls wait with open arms to have half breed babies and help populate the 'new Europe'...George Soros will provide 'seed money' for you.

Moderators, you can't do better than this?

A really bad case of paranoia here mate! Do you also think you will catch a virus when you switch on your pc, or that you will get hit by a bus when you cross the street?
grubas  12 | 1382  
29 Apr 2011 /  #63
Jarnowa, everyone here knows that I am a staunch opponent to the immigration of colored individuals to Poland but as much as I support your agenda I got to tell you man, you are making kind of fool out of yourself with this constant bubbling how you can't get laid because of 3rd world immigrants.They are no competition whatsoever to self respecting white man.I mean, how some Indian,Paki or a negro can be a competition to me in my own country is beyond my imagination.It's simply ridiculous my friend. So, grow some self respect and get yourself some p u s s y.If you don't know how to do it, I remember Southern offered to help you.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
29 Apr 2011 /  #64
Jarnowa couldn't score in a brothel of blind prozzies. Loser.
southern  73 | 7059  
29 Apr 2011 /  #65
I remember Southern offered to help you.

Yes,I can show you the path of light.Anyway Polki are so easy that one has to be very strange not to score.And even then he will score.I mean in case you posess two legs.
OP riki_rwanda  3 | 23  
29 Apr 2011 /  #66
PF moderators are at it again: This time it is 'Riki-Rwanda'...

Wow, seems to be you are the smartest one around here, before I was attacked because of ''stealing'' white women, but now it advance into a decease spreading, impregnating, bloodthirsty ''lucky'' penis eating Rwandian.

I know that was a ''mouthful'' of words. And even my ''wrongfully'' chosen PF name isn't worth to reply because is just ridiculous to discuss ones choice/preferences.

Some facts for you try to comprehend them:

- I have first Belgium nationality and as second Rwandian
- I am not a student, nor did I ever highlighted it
- I do have a ''half breed baby'', which I am very proud of him, and your insults would not change that
- YES, we do have medical schools in Belgium

And wow, are you sharing a single brain with Jarnowa, I can't figure out who is the smartest/intelligent one, pitty that a rather positive thread can be miss comprehend like this, and brought down to a level even a Neanderthal would be a shame to be affiliated.

Anyway it's Friday night, I am off course already surround by white and very,very,very (last ''very'' was just to **** off Jarnowa) attractive ladies, so I am probably going to be ''lucky'' and end up ''stealing'' an attractive girl(s)

jarnowa  4 | 499  
30 Apr 2011 /  #67
I remember Southern offered to help you.

Thanks mate, it's good to hear that they aren't a threat for you. But probably that's because you and our Greek friend Southern just look better? I never said that attractive white guys should fear for competiton from ******* etc. But do you think that white guys who are just average looking (like me on good days) or who are just ugly have nothing to fear from muscular ***** boys?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
30 Apr 2011 /  #68
Quite a shame: ask the Israelis and Brits who control your mineral wealth and forment destruction in your homeland to build schools for you, maybe.

hey,leave us the fcuk out of this one!!!! That neck of the woods is frog and peado territory,nowt to do with us. Why do you think they all speak french?!?!

ps, its China that has the mineral rights now......seriously mate,all this worrying about jews makes you drop the ball .
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
30 Apr 2011 /  #69
And wow, are you sharing a single brain with Jarnowa,

More likely a single brain cell.

I can't figure out who is the smartest/intelligent one

I don't think either of them are exactly Einstein.

pity that a rather positive thread can be miss comprehend like this, and brought down to a level even a Neanderthal would be a shame to be affiliated.

Imagine what it must be like living with so much hate sloshing around their neuropeptides. Both of those guys have taken advantage of relaxed immigration laws; living in another country as immigrants, use modern air travel and media; both shrinking our world and breaking down boundaries, and take advantage of imported manufactured goods; increasing wthe worldwide skills base and mobility. Yet still they complain when someone moves from one country to another, marries etc.

Maybe they'll crawl back under a stone one day, or better still take advantage of further technology and move to the moon and let the rest of the human race get on with it.

Thanks mate, it's good to hear that they aren't a threat for you. But probably that's because you and our Greek friend Southern just look better? I never said that attractive white guys should fear for competiton from negroes etc. But do you think that white guys who are just average looking (like me on good days) or who are just ugly have nothing to fear from muscular negro boys?

Sorry fellah, but that's the survival of the fittest, if you're inadequate (if?) make some money and pay for it.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
30 Apr 2011 /  #70
Anyway it's Friday night, I am off course already surround by white and very,very,very (last ''very'' was just to **** off Jarnowa) attractive ladies, so I am probably going to be ''lucky'' and end up ''stealing'' an attractive girl(s)


I wouldn't be surprised at all if you would score again tonight.

There's Jonny again. Welcoming anyone to Poland (unless they are white and have good arguments against African immigration of course).
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
30 Apr 2011 /  #71
Welcoming anyone to Poland (unless they are white and have good arguments against African immigration of course).

Better to greet people (whatever their skin colour or country of origin) in a civil way than to seize upon any post by a black person and start whinging on in the tawdriest possible about them 'stealing' 'your' women.

And after all - what have you done for Poland? Except get washed up there when your gf saw sense and chucked you for a black guy. And then drone on monotonously ever after about your inadequacies.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
30 Apr 2011 /  #72
And after all - what have you done for Poland?

Jonny, Jonny, Jonny this is the guy who forsakes his weekend nightclubing/socialising to go to clubs to "c#ckblocked" people.

And you dare ask what he has done for Poland? ask not what Poland can do for you but ask how can you be the most pathetic ****** you can be and blame it on "in the name of Poland"!!! (brave heart music plays in Background with some race obsessed ass with a painted face in the Foreground).
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
30 Apr 2011 /  #73
But the majority of the African nation are more then welcoming for white people, check South Africa and Kenya, they all became richer bcs of the white influence, but now those days more and more Indians are taking the role of the whites.

Well again you make some good observations, but I have to disagree with you on one point. I have lived in South Africa and they use affirmative action in the workplace and in education institutions. Normally affirmative action is used in support of the minority and not the other way around, this has caused many skilled white South Africans to abandon the country and emigrate elsewhere.
grubas  12 | 1382  
30 Apr 2011 /  #74
Thanks mate, it's good to hear that they aren't a threat for you.

Oh come on man,look is important but not decisive.I am not Fabio in any case though I have a very pretty big blue eyes (I say that because women tell me that very often sometimes completelly out of blue e.g once I got lost in Philly,found myself in a black naighbourhood waiting for change of light at the traffic stop and some black women yelled to me "I love your pretty blue eyes") and can be charming and I can't complain.To tell you more,never in my life I have picked up a women, all the girlfriends I had picked me up.

Eye contact man,eye contact is a key to succes.When a chick is staring at you you,stare back,make eye contact and smile if she smiles back just walk up and be charming.It is very helpfull if you like to dance (I don't).Also you have an advantage over regular Polish guy like me because you are a foraigner,and man,chicks like foraigners.And dress man, you got to dress for succes,I may have empty pockets but I will be dressed like a milion dollars,you know suit,shirt,nice tie(I love ties),shiny shoes they love it and there is no resistance when grubas puts on the shiny shoes.Contrary to what Southern is saying money is irrelevant.Only losers like him give money to women.When I was younger I made a point of honour to make women paying for dinners,clubs and drinks and they did.
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
30 Apr 2011 /  #75
Blacks, Asians, whatever minorities are fine to have in Poland as long as they stay minorities. Under 10 percent of Population, no more is acceptable. Inter racial breeding should certainly not be encouraged. Problem is eventually, what will be a Pole if that happens too much? Minorities are nice, as they bring some variety to society, but if it gets out of control our own culture is threatened. Poland is for everyone, but most of all for Poles. It would be a big shame to see Poland the way GB is.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
30 Apr 2011 /  #76
I made a point of honour to make women paying for dinners,clubs and drinks and they did.

I admire a man who consents to such 'equal rights'. That's eeeeekwallety for ya.

all the girlfriends I had picked me up.

None of my business but do you live up to your name in a physical sense?
grubas  12 | 1382  
30 Apr 2011 /  #77
I admire a man who consents to such 'equal rights'. That's eeeeekwallety for ya.

I am 100% for sex equality and even women domination as long as they don't expect me to spend my money on them.Actually it was always enaugh to simply say that I don't have any money and they were usually eager to pay for me.Kinda unconventional huh?

None of my business but do you live up to your name in a physical sense?

Let me put it this way,this is my oldest nickname back from elementary school.
rychlik  41 | 372  
30 Apr 2011 /  #78
Black medical students in Poland? I'm worried.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
30 Apr 2011 /  #79
JonnyM and SeanBM, i don't see any counter arguments to the many arguments i gave against African immigration. Try a bit harder as i don't see the point reacting to your insults and your questions i already answered.

Maybe for a change, you can answer some questions to you?

Why do you think that the many differences between European and African immigrants can be neglected?
Why do you think the benefits, threats and risks for both groups are equal?

The only reason seems to be that you are sad equality thinkers, preferring to ignore reality.

Please have a good look to the multicultural countries of Europe. Maybe this will enlighten you about the "success" and the many "joys" of African immigrants in Europe so far. :D

To tell you more,never in my life I have picked up a women, all the girlfriends I had picked me up.

I've never been picked up. I do get approached but very rarely and only by girls that i'm not interested in. So you must be better looking than me. Good for you, you seem to be an OK guy (at least), but please realise that there are many guys out there who only can dream about being picked up by girls. I tried to explain why your dating advise doesn't work for me, but this would again put the attention to me. I think it's better to focus on the problem of African immigration. :)
Mateusz_A Ty  - | 12  
30 Apr 2011 /  #80
I really don't mind. I know a few, their pretty good people.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
30 Apr 2011 /  #81
JonnyM and SeanBM, i don't see any counter arguments to the many arguments i gave against African immigration. Try a bit harder as i don't see the point reacting to your insults and your questions i already answered.

You don't have an argument. Just moaning that certain people have an advantage when attracting members of the opposite sex. So what?

Why do you think that the many differences between European and African immigrants can be neglected?

People are people. What differences?

Please have a good look to the multicultural countries of Europe. Maybe this will enlighten you about the "success" and the many "joys" of African immigrants in Europe so far.

I come from one of the most multicultural places in the world. A great city.

I've never been picked up. I do get approached but very rarely and only by girls that i'm not interested in

So time for a rethink. If you look like a toad, you won't catch a princess.

So you must be better looking than me. Good for you, you seem to be an OK guy (at least), but please realise that there are many guys out there who only can dream about being picked up by girls

Have you only just realised this? Nothing to do with colour or race.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Apr 2011 /  #82
From what I can gather based on film accounts of themselves, many African students seem to be fun-loving and respectful folks. They tend to learn Polish very well and not transgress boundaries. They seem to be aware of their guest status which is more than can be said for lower-end Poles that travel. It's just a question of intelligence and those that study Medicine would certainly appear to hold their own and maintain their dignity.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
30 Apr 2011 /  #83
It would be a big shame to see Poland the way GB is.

What,succesfull and a magnat for people with the entrepenerial spirit from around the world, in the top ten econamies in the world,member nation of all the G groups you can name,perminant member nation of the UN security council etc etc ad nauseum......................
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
30 Apr 2011 /  #84
Money is not the only thing to life. Another thing wrong with the west. Some things are not worth sacrificing for money. Besides that is not the only way to become rich. Look at Germany. Almost completely ethnically homogeneous yet one of the richest nations in the world.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Apr 2011 /  #85
The number of Poles that went to the UK far exceeded the number of African students that have come here. I don't think any criticism of them would be warranted.
grubas  12 | 1382  
30 Apr 2011 /  #86
What Poles in the UK have to do with Africans in PL?Get a life man and compare apples to apples and orages to oranges.I may be wrong but according to my knowlage PL doesn't have a treaty of free movement with Africa or does it?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Apr 2011 /  #87
It's not an invasion on the same scale, that's what. I compare apples to apples because people are people. Are Africans allowed to come to Poland or not? How many Africans are allowed to come here? How many more Africans are there than Poles?
grubas  12 | 1382  
30 Apr 2011 /  #88
It's not an invasion on the same scale, that's what.

You got to be ******* kidding me man.Let's wait till UK opens borders for Africans like it did for Poles and then we can compare the numbers.How's that sound to you?It would be interesting to see the numbers if the UK gave the rights Poles in the UK have to say Kenyans since population of Kenya is roughly same size as pop of Poland.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Apr 2011 /  #89
Geez, are you even aware of how many Africans are already in the UK? I don't think you have a clue! Walking around my home city, you'd be forgiven for thinking that we'd been colonised. Don't forget that the UK is much smaller than Poland.

Kenyans might find it hard to carve out a life for themselves. Many couldn't even afford the flight to the UK in the first place. Ever think of that???
grubas  12 | 1382  
30 Apr 2011 /  #90
Are Africans allowed to come to Poland or not?

Of course they are allowed to come for a visit if they get a visa.What's your point?

How many Africans are allowed to come here?

Too many.

Kenyans might find it hard to carve out a life for themselves. Many couldn't even afford the flight to the UK in the first place. Ever think of that???

I am sure they would find a way.

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