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Problems with recent inheritence in Poznan

vmi07c  1 | 1  
2 May 2012 /  #1

Recently I inherited an apartment in Poznan from my grandfather. He had a friend who lived there and was "zameldowana na stawo." She was paying him rent and lived there as a tenant. However she is now claiming that she has all the rights to all the property in the apartment and the apartment itself. I know that registry, or zameldowanie does not create property interest. I had some family check up on the apartment a few times. She had changed the locks and I had to pay a locksmith to open the door. Things have gone missing from the apartment and I believe that she is taking my dead grandfather's things and selling them. So far a set of crystal china and a laptop have mysteriously disappeared, and that is just all I know about. She has physically threatened my relatives who check in on the apartment, she threatens to call the police, and screams that an angel told her that she has a divine right to the apartment.

I am living in the United States and cannot travel to Poland to undertake a long legal battle against this lady. Is there any way to de-register her or get her to move out of my property? I would appreciate any advice you might have on landlord rights. As of today she has paid all the rent in the apartment. My grandfather tried to get her kicked out a couple of times but failed because she was paying rent. Please let me know if there is any rights that i have in resolving this unpleasant situation. In advance, thanks for your help.

terri  1 | 1661  
2 May 2012 /  #2
This is going to be difficult because as an elderly person she has rights because of this, i.e. you cannot ask her to leave during the winter months.

Also if you want to kick her out, you will have to provide her with another place which she can rent of you.
Tell her that you need to carry out repairs on the property and she needs to move out.
You will have to make sure who is in the 'ksiaga wieczysta' - title deeds. If she is not - she doesn't stand a chance.

Get the police - and get her out.
I cannot believe that a few strapping lads cannot encourage a dear old lady to leave the premises.
Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about all the items that have disappeared.
My advice is to get a few strapping lads and encourage her to leave - this is the only way - even if she has to be escorted out of the premises and be left outside on the pavement. When she takes you to court (which she will not do) it will take years before she has any rights. This is the only way.
OP vmi07c  1 | 1  
3 May 2012 /  #3
Thanks for the advice Teri, I will look into what you said.

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