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What do you think of my house in Poland? Pictures and description.

OP Yosemite  2 | 88  
18 Mar 2016 /  #31
Finally, Atch's comments stopped me from my intention to buy this vast villa ...

Ha ha ok buddy. You too stupid to figure it out for yourself then?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
18 Mar 2016 /  #32
Do you have any more pix WB? Maybe of some interiors of rooms?
Property porn at its best...
OP Yosemite  2 | 88  
18 Mar 2016 /  #33
To the moderator who created this thread please delete it. I didn't ask for it to be created nor did anybody contact me to ask permission.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
18 Mar 2016 /  #34
do you mean that you posted it in random, and a mod made it into a thread?
quite annoying then.
OP Yosemite  2 | 88  
18 Mar 2016 /  #35
mod made it into a thread?

Yeah i posted up four images of my house on a thread by Adrian about his property in Wroclaw and the next day this new thread was created.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
18 Mar 2016 /  #36
Nobody's having a dig at you Yosemite. Quite the opposite. It's all very interesting, so what's got you riled?
18 Mar 2016 /  #37
Jeez how can such an interesting thread / topic about houses start causing hassle.

I tried posting some pics of mine , but it just doesn't happen. membership thing i guess.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
18 Mar 2016 /  #38
To the moderator who created this thread please delete it.

Why should this most interesting thread be deleted? Is there a law that can be applied to this bizzare request? Whose intellectual property the messages on the PF is? Are they the poster's or the PF's property (in physical sense)?
OP Yosemite  2 | 88  
18 Mar 2016 /  #39
Why should this most interesting thread be deleted?

I don't have the time to dedicate to it, it was created without my permission and because of fcuk heads like you. You have spoiled it for everyone dick head. Especially me.

The thread is nothing without my input and do you really think i want to have people like you take jabs at me for my efforts. Are you fcuking nuts?
Atch  22 | 4299  
18 Mar 2016 /  #40
Very interesting question Ziemowit (and very typically Ziemusz if I may say so!). Regarding photos, the copyright of the photos belongs to the photographer even after they are published. However he published them on the forum, thus giving the Mods the right to move them around according to where they feel they should go. I don't think that the OP has any right once he's posted the pics here to place restrictions about where on the forum they can go. I imagine, we all agree by default when we register, to whatever terms and conditions are imposed by the Mods and Admin.

dick head

fcuk heads

Are you fcuking nuts?

Come, come now Yosie. What about your role models, you name checked the Dalai Lama at one point as 'an influence' in your world view. Remember what he says - 'try to practise tolerance and compassion'.
OP Yosemite  2 | 88  
18 Mar 2016 /  #41
Must be painful coming from such riches and yet leading such a poor life Atch. Your posts have jealousy and nastiness all over them. Im sorry i was able to live in a 1700 m2 house and you have a 40m2 flat. But my compassion for equality essentially helps people like you. So embrace it not attack.

Those who can't do teach......
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
18 Mar 2016 /  #42
You have spoiled it for everyone dick head. Especially me.

Ay, ay, ay, I thought you were blaming Atch for spoiling it, but now you are blaming me. In short, I'd say you have no proper distance to yourself and you get irritated easily. This remark of 17,000 sq m vs. 40 sq m has obviously struck a cord in you, so you are reacting somewhat too histerically.. Grow up, WB! This is still a very nice house despite being so large. But there are larger ones in this world, so don't be so upset, mate!
Atch  22 | 4299  
18 Mar 2016 /  #43
coming from such riches

Ah no, the riches were on the wane for a long, long time. We were already well established distressed gentlefolk as my mother laughingly called it for many years before I was born.

leading such a poor life Atch

Financially I lead an average life, no big money worries, no great riches, same as most people. And I know it sounds corny but a poor life is not one lacking in money. I've been very, very lucky in that I've always been loved, I was given an essentially sunny disposition and a happy outlook on life. I was blessed with talents and a joy in music, art, nature, a love of reading, all of those things that enrich life. To be lucky enough to be able to sing, paint a picture, you can't buy that. I remember reading years ago that if you live in an ugly place especially an urban one 'lift up your eyes to the ever changing panorama of the heavens'. To know that you can always find beauty somewhere is a wonderful thing. Some people can't find it in the world and that's a really poor life.

'Give me delight in simple joys
Craving not life's cheap, tinselled toys
And for the gifts thou dost impart
Give me dear God, a thankful heart'

Have to go and make meatballs now! Cheer up.
porky pok  2 | 127  
18 Mar 2016 /  #44
Im sorry i was able to live in a 1700 m2 house and you have a 40m2 flat.

But You cant anymore.2 mil Zees nowadays dont even buy you 125 sq m lokal in Warsaw honestly.
Walk arounda high rise in Warsaw and look at the Lokals and see how many multi mill around.
OP Yosemite  2 | 88  
18 Mar 2016 /  #45
Financially I lead an average life, no big money worries, no great riches, same as most people.

The first thing she comments is 'no big money worries', so immediately making a false association to suit her agenda in that people with money have big money worries, forgive silly me but isn't not having money a greater worry? no! I know which camp I'd rather be in despite my equality beliefs.

And I know it sounds corny but a poor life is not one lacking in money.

and yet you feel the right to preach to me about my morals and to make comments of poor Yosemite maybe waiting years for a buyer....and that after you saw fit to ridicule the place from pretty much every conceivable angle. I guarantee lady that you saw my thread, looked at the pictures, read a few comments and thought "im not having this muscle bound chap who convincingly beat me in our last exchange get away with this".

You're jealous, plain and simple, even if you don't admit it - at some point you will say to yourself, "yeah i was a little bit". and that you shouldn't have posted it. You fit the profile for somebody who would comment the things you did. Nasty and spiteful. I read it to somebody who was next to me at the time and they agreed..

It's not quite swish enough to appeal to a Russian oligarch, it's not modest/manageable enough to tick the boxes for a person with a reasonable income from some business that can operate from the middle of nowhere (something internet based or maybe dealing in something stock-exchange-ish!)

Fcuk me, look at that, the great one has spoken....Are you married to a Nieruchomosci agent? the above can only some from somebody with such vast real estate expertise and knowledge! 'Its not swish enough for a Russian Oligarch', there you have it folks. Damn Damn Damn, i really thought a Russian oligarch would buy my house. and its not able to tick enough boxes for somebody with 'an internet based stocky brokerish thingamajik', again damn i really wanted a 'stock exchange-ish/brokerish' type of person to buy it.


Could you be specific?

Would you like more specifics? just say the word and i will dig out some more.

I've been very, very lucky in that I've always been loved

Yes i can tell you are on the second or third marriage/relationship. You see how deducing goes? do you like that? shall i make some more negative comments on YOUR personal morals and nature based on things you've posted on here?

So, do i have better things to do than dedicate my time to an important thread detailing a very serious part of my life in Poland with jealous nasty people commenting negative posts? Uhmm yes i do have better things to do.

Have to go and make meatballs now! Cheer up.

Hope you enjoy them.....
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
18 Mar 2016 /  #46
how do any large old buildings get heated

Lots of insulation, new energy efficient windows & doors and electric heat.
The high ceilings usually have efficient fans that blow the hot air that rises back down to the living area.
Put on a pair of iżółówąńę kąłęśóńąćh over your mąjtki'ś.
That place will sell to someone that is fed up with London seeking peace and safety, has more money then they know what to do with, that wants some garden space to grow their own crops, raise their own meat, plants some fruit trees or what we call here in Texas, "A Gentlemans Farm".

Plenty of room for some live stock.....The wife likes horses or raise some grass fed organic beef.
There is so much potential there for someone with money.
You have the right idea Yosie, no hurry selling knowing it will take that special person that can't live without it and gives you your asking price without batting an eye.

Property will always go up in value simply because they don't make it anymore.
Great thread (let's stay on it and not stray) with hopes of other Poland property owners to share with us their estates.
porky pok  2 | 127  
18 Mar 2016 /  #47
Nojohnny, lately there are lots of places in Poland like that sometimes unfinished.you see a beautiful places in middle of a forest nowhere in boondocks.

Or it's a long wait maybe a decade or to not to forget the costs to maintain it.
OP Yosemite  2 | 88  
18 Mar 2016 /  #48
lately there are lots of places in Poland like that sometimes unfinished

You won't find many in that condition, at that price and in such an attractive location.

you see a beautiful places in middle of a forest nowhere in boondocks.

The property market in Poland is strange like that. In the UK, France or Germany these places can be worth a fortune.

That place will sell to someone that is fed up with London, has more money then they know what to do with, that wants some garden space to grow their own crops, raise their own meat, plants some fruit trees or what we call "A Gentlemans Farm".

It might sell to somebody like that. I personally think it will probably end up with a Polish company for business. We've had interest, a Swiss guy was going to buy it and build a film studio there. Got planning permission and everything, but something spooked him. Also had interest for a nursing home.
Atch  22 | 4299  
18 Mar 2016 /  #49
big money worries

What I meant is that I don't have any big worries about money!

this muscle bound chap

What is your obsession with your muscles?? You referred to them in our last discussion as well.......I never even realised you had any until you made an issue of it.

ridicule the place from pretty much every conceivable angle.

Where did I do that? I said it was a beautiful old house which it is. Please do quote the part where I ridicule it from every conceivable angle.

Are you married to a Nieruchomosci agent?

No. I worked in one about a hundred years ago in Hampstead Village. But look it's easy enough to figure out the market and normal people discuss such things. Yes it's a lovely place but when it comes to selling, rural properties of that kind can be difficult to shift for the reasons I outlined, what's the big deal?

you are on the second or third marriage/relationship

What I mean by love Yosie, is that I was lucky to have a loving mother and grandparents, then to have a happy marriage. Some people don't experience either.
Crow  155 | 9724  
18 Mar 2016 /  #50
Truly nice looking house. Have that external beauty and internal warmth.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
18 Mar 2016 /  #51
The house isn't bad appart from those red walls, they are terrible.

So how much profit you make on those 2 million and how many years it took you?
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
18 Mar 2016 /  #52
Yose I'll trade you my 2 story on 1.3 hectars with 'hotel possibilities' as the agent called it for your villa XD

I do like it though very quality work. You got a good price on the roof considering the size. What kind of heating do you have in there? Is it a modern one or does it run on the old school kaloryfery? I personally preferred the old cast iron column radiators but they're very rare in the US unless the home is old and hasn't been remodeled.

I can't wait till I can build my dream house in Poland. At least the property taxes won't kill you. If you had that house in Crook County you'd be paying $25k+ a year or even as high as $90k if it was near the lake.

Also, did you have to get any special permits or anything to remodel? I know some places are sticklers about what you can and can't do to historic homes.
OP Yosemite  2 | 88  
18 Mar 2016 /  #53
Yose I'll trade you my 2 story on 1.3 hectars with 'hotel possibilities' as the agent called it for your villa XD

Ha i'll have to request that you shift all that rubble first. Really hope that works out for you BTW. You have a good location there with real potential. Not sure about a hotel but perfect for a house or maybe business.

What kind of heating do you have in there?

We ripped out all the cast iron radiators when we got there. We used electric radiators and wood burning fireplaces, in the winter we retreated to smaller living areas....... -20 will have that effect. If we were looking to stay i would have installed more suitable heating in the living areas, some kind of independent fossil fuel burning internal system. There were plenty to choose from.

I can't wait till I can build my dream house in Poland. At least the property taxes won't kill you.

Yeah my wife and I may retire there, there are lots of appeals for sure.

Also, did you have to get any special permits or anything to remodel?

We knocked down quite a few false walls at the beginning, we had a renovation project which we stuck to fairly accurately. We weren't really looking to make any major modifications, merely to renovate.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
18 Mar 2016 /  #54
This isn't a sales advert, its more a renovation story.

And I'm loving it.

It's a total disgrace how, in the Beskidy, and I'll give the villages around Sczawnicza as one prime example, the locals were permitted to build their communist concrete block houses next to dad's folklore brick and wooden house, and son is permitted to build his tasteless and ill-fitting 250 metre "villa" next to that - all in the same grounds.

Grotesque, and the environs are completely ruined.

Hats off to people like you for dedication and attention to aesthetics.
Sparks11  - | 333  
19 Mar 2016 /  #55
I agree that your house is lovely, I don't know why people feel the need to bring negativity about its potential on the market into the discussion, jealousy, I'm sure or perhaps they just feel better when they tear others down. It would be great to see more pictures of it and any other info. It really is a fairy tale-like place. Maybe some rich American with fantasies of living in a European manor will buy it. It's a good deal, I believe.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Mar 2016 /  #56
and I'll give the villages around Sczawnicza as one prime example


Christ. Look at this.

I see exactly what you mean :/ It's no different to that absolute horror of a hotel in Karpacz.

WB : Maybe a daft question, but how did you come across the place?
porky pok  2 | 127  
19 Mar 2016 /  #57
You won't find many in that condition, at that price and in such an attractive location.

Yup I agree with the first part but second part is debatable.

In the UK, France or Germany these places can be worth a fortune.

YUP! I wouldnt know much about those countries but in states easily worth between 2 to 3 mil bucks,and dont forget the freaking taxes will be around 30 to 50k$ a year plus around 5k for insurance and utilities another 25 to 40k. lol the code inspectors love to visit bathroom & kitchens in a custom home.

You will need only at least 100k a year just to own.Then again its Poland:) one good reason I love Poland for negligeble property taxes,they are changing but will take 25 years to where they are in the states.

As you mentioned rent for 12k,the real price should be between 1.7 to 1.8.
A question..how much are your property taxes on it a year?Does it has sewer or city?Gas and power?
Cpl of yrs back I was looking at a hotel in walbrzych near wroclaw,I knew the lady who remodeled and furnished the 39 room hotel(i think) very tastefully and a huge catering place and wanted 3 mil Zees,but we are not into work mode now,and I think Ibis bought it from her for 2.5.It included all equipment furniture etc.Its right in the centre of the town next to gmina office.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
19 Mar 2016 /  #58
Does it has sewer or city?Gas and power?

I was wondering the same when thinking about heating it.

We used electric radiators and wood burning fireplaces,

Why not heat it with a propane furnace like I do ?
(Much cheaper than electric where I live anyways.)
Electric is $$$$ and a fireplace usually loses more heat then it creates unless it is designed very well.
What does it have for a water source, city pipe or well ?
How deep in Poland are the water wells on an average ?
So many variables to determine an honest price for a castle like that.

. Also had interest for a nursing home.

One of my first thoughts also until I saw that beautiful stairs case.
You would have to put in an elevator big enough for a bed to fit in.
I think it would make for a beautiful house of ill repute.
19 Mar 2016 /  #59
we are not into work mode now

Interesting to see you claiming that now; back at the time you were posting here asking if anybody wanted to invest, strange that there nobody was interested, isn't it.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 Mar 2016 /  #60
I think it would make for a beautiful house of ill repute.

it would be fab wouldn't it?
I could be the madam and swish down the stairs to greet the punters....:)

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