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Substantial amount of agricultural land in Poland - what to do with it

10 Jul 2007 /  #1
I wonder if you can help. My Father, who now lives in UK has a substantial amount of Agri. land in Poland. He has no idea of it's value. He wishes to sell the land.

Where does he start?

He will, I guess, need to check the Land Registry first - how can he do that? And then need to get a valuation.

Thank you.

Sharon (Kaye)
hello  22 | 890  
10 Jul 2007 /  #2
What region is it? Which part of Poland (near which city)?
gishy  - | 6  
10 Jul 2007 /  #3
Thanks for the reply.

60 miles from Warsaw
the district is


Near Cutno

the village where the land is: Podatkowek.

Does this make any sense?
hello  22 | 890  
10 Jul 2007 /  #4
So it's about 100 KM? It's not so near Warsaw then; I guess it's on the east from Warsaw. The value may depend if it's possible to build there and the kind of neighborhood it is. If it's just a farmer land it's not going to be that expensive as a building place (or at least near a shopping center or highway).
gishy  - | 6  
10 Jul 2007 /  #5
Guess I need to do some work on this.

I have asked him to speak to a niece of his there and first of all check the Land registry.

Sorry, I amended the original entry where I put NEAR but you were too fast for me and read the incorrect entry.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
11 Jul 2007 /  #6
Farming land used to be very cheap, now It isn't anymore, but still not expensive by western standards - average is something like 10 thousand PLN for ha, but like hello said everything depends on exact location, status of this land (only farming or also for construction) and its quality (which class) so It could be less but also much much more.
gishy  - | 6  
11 Jul 2007 /  #7
Thank you so much for the info. More than I expected. Although he is 84 and still works 3 days a week (when he is needed) he has Alzheimer's and wants to ensure Mum's future is as comfortable as possible.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
11 Jul 2007 /  #8
land value varies tremendously depending on location, whether there is an ashfalt road, water, gas, electricity, whether it is agricultural land only, whether it can be used for recreational purposes or whether it can be built on... applying [and getting] permission to build etc will add value but takes time...

an article in one of the big papers last week announced that now was the time to get your holiday house before the prices sky rocketed... people are grabbing land within an hour or so driving distance from larger cities to build holiday homes on...
gishy  - | 6  
11 Jul 2007 /  #9
Everything's changing over there - hope the Polish people prosper because of it.

Thanks for the help - greatly appreciated -- the land is obviously worth something and will help him.

Anyone know of anyone who can help with Land Registry searches?

I have relatives near Warsaw who may be able to help Dad but we may need a point in the right direction.
19 Jul 2007 /  #10
Try Mamdom.com. They're in the business and may be can point you in the right direction. I found them because I was looking to buy a farm. Problem is we are U.S. citizens (I'm looking into my Polish ancestry to may be get back to Poland) I'd be interested in the land myself but being a foreigner we are only allowed 5000 Square meters for residential purposes? Farm being a business though.....och! Anyway ask them. It can't hurt to ask.
gishy  - | 6  
20 Jul 2007 /  #11
Thank you. I have tried them but received no reply.

I have googled the land on google earth and to the South of his village the land looks quite industrial/commercial.

It's hard going - his nephew, in Poland, has now agreed to make some enquiries. I have been searching for Solicitors near there and am waiting for replies from various E enquiries.
24 Jul 2007 /  #12
How much land? Any buildings? what kind? Any of it forested, and if so how much? river/lake/pond? Do you know about access? (what roads to and on the property) Land grade? (quality)

Do let me know, I have someone in my family looking for land (to live on and use, not an agricultural moloch or development agency!)
21 Apr 2008 /  #13
In nice place , close to lake , pond and forest , hill land property 10,4 ha for sale in northern part of Poland , close to road ,
phone number +48 660 427 805
+48 662 006 302
or e-mail adress :alex.man@wp.pl
Krzysztof  2 | 973  
21 Apr 2008 /  #14
I don't know Pacyna (nor Podatkówek - spelling?), but Żychlin is almost exactly 100 km west of Warsaw (Kutno is about 120km) and it lies at the train line Moscow-Warsaw-Poznań-Berlin, also not far from the road Warsaw-Poznań (I can't call it motorway, because it's just one lane in each direction, but still it was the main road on that route for decades), but the new highway goes a different way, I think, more to the south (it goes close to £ódź and then back north-east in the Warsaw direction)
aligator_s  - | 77  
21 Apr 2008 /  #15
Hi. How many hectares is the land? are there any farm buildings with it?
denkl  1 | 2  
22 Sep 2008 /  #16
I am interested in purchasing Agri land.
please contact me with details as I can
give you a quick answer being based in Poland
and with Capital access.
9 May 2009 /  #17
Dear Sir/madam
I am looking for an agricultural land. The location would be any where in Europe any countries were ever it is adjusted with the weather good soil for the crops to grow efficiently. The Price of land would be preferred value for many.

Please contact me with full information, no time waster

Kind regard
A Munim
London UK
My e-mail, amunim31@gmail
Mob no. 07985 736 489
2 Sep 2009 /  #18
Hi Sharon,
How are you doing? My name is Baba from the UK, and looking to buy a land in Poland. I'm interested in your father's land, and would like to know where about is your father's land in Poland and of course I will need the size of the land also te price.

I'm in Lodz Poland at the moment until Saturday then back to the UK.

Looking forwads to hearing from you soo.

jedi  - | 13  
9 Sep 2009 /  #19
The Voultures are out.
misskend  - | 26  
10 Sep 2009 /  #20
Yes the vultures are out!!

Savilles have an office in warsaw - use this company to value your property, it will cost a bit more but its worth it, they can advise in advance if its worth your while to spend alot on the valuation. Contact a bank like wbk, deutshe bank - in Warsaw and ask them to recommend Valuer in that area.

you don't know what you could be sitting on so be careful of agents and do your homework and maximise your sale potential.

best of luck.
Wroclaw Boy  
10 Sep 2009 /  #21
Yes the vultures are out!!

Its only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it. I wouldnt trust any of the surveyors here in valueing any property. Buy the all the Nieruchomosci magazines possible and value your property yourself based on that. If any properties are comparible try and have a look at them in detail, you can always reduce your price if need be.
jedi  - | 13  
10 Sep 2009 /  #22
why not list you land on ebay.pl or allegro.pl, give as much detail as possible, land size, planning permission, etc etc. and see what it goes for, you can always get a friend to bid on it, and win if you dont want to sell it, then cancel the transaction.....this way you will see what someone is willing to pay... All these agents just look for rich pickins, do you homework carefully, and make up you own mind.
rysia21  3 | 7  
8 Mar 2010 /  #23
I have agriculture land in Zaborow Poland which is by Krakow. The goverment just bought a portion of this land to build a road. My understanding is there is only one road currently so this a great advantage. We are looking to sell. Please response and I can supply you with my email address if you are interested.

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