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TV Show looking for Expat Home Buyers in Poland

KristenHunter  1 | 1  
2 Mar 2011 /  #1
Hi everyone,

I'm a casting producer for a popular American real estate program. Our show follows expats as they look for a new home and new life abroad. We're looking to film in Poland and are looking for expats who have moved there and bought homes. Below I've posted our casting announcement. If you're interested in participating or learning more, please don't hesitate to get in contact!

If you are currently looking for or have recently bought a home in Poland, we would like to put your story on TV!

Our hit show is looking for energetic individuals, couples and families to share their story about moving abroad. Participating in our show is a lot of fun and a great way to document your exciting search for a home and new life abroad. Contributors should be fluent in English and have made a full time move to Poland.

If you are interested in participating with our show or learning more, please send an email. I look forward to hearing from you!
guesswho  4 | 1272  
2 Mar 2011 /  #2

House Hunters (International), good show. I'm watching it from time to time. I haven't see Poland there yet.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
2 Mar 2011 /  #3
How much do you pay?
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Mar 2011 /  #4
I've seen one: a medical student buying around Krakow, if I remember corectly.
OP KristenHunter  1 | 1  
2 Mar 2011 /  #5
Hi Guesswho & fstop,
I'm glad you like the show. We've filmed in Krakow with a Canadian family and in Poznan, we filmed with a medical student. We're very excited to be coming back to Poland so we hope to hear from some great candidates soon!

Sean, if you email me at househunterscasting@leopardfilms.com, I can give you more specifics. Thanks!
vndunne  43 | 279  
25 Mar 2011 /  #6
I allways wanted to appear on one of those shows but bought years ago.
Best of luck with your search.
dnz  17 | 710  
25 Mar 2011 /  #7
I'll do it. Looking to go back to PL soon and interested in buying when I get there.
grubas  12 | 1382  
25 Mar 2011 /  #8
Looking to go back to PL soon and interested in buying when I get there.

Don't you hate PL?
Ice cold  - | 43  
25 Mar 2011 /  #9
I love this show! ( and Invader Zim ) anyhoo..there was an episode where a teacher and family moved to Poland and chose a unfinished house, when they did the update months later....not much work was done to complete it.
dnz  17 | 710  
25 Mar 2011 /  #10
Looking to go back to PL soon and interested in buying when I get there.

Don't you hate PL?

I do but I hate Australia more, I've been offered a job on the same salary I get here in Sydney but living in Poland so it makes for a good lifestyle, Also my parents are getting old and need to be closer to them
grubas  12 | 1382  
25 Mar 2011 /  #11
Vaasa  3 | 14  
11 Sep 2011 /  #12
Too bad they already did Poznan. And I'm not looking to buy, just rent. Since I'll only be there for 2 years. :)
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
11 Sep 2011 /  #13
If you are currently looking for or have recently bought a home in Poland,

I doubt you ll find an expat who is currently looking into buying a home now( cheaper to rent) but you ll find quite a few who have recently ( 2 years ago)? bought one. Since you already filmed in Krakow and Poznan, i think Lodz and Warszawa were or are quite popular for expats.

Your program sounds great, maybe you could sell it to a Polish Channel, it would be good.

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