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Land dilemma - registering land and properties in Poland

ukangel  8 | 56  
19 Feb 2013 /  #1
Hi,I need some advices here. Here is the story and it is about land heritage from grandparents. After the death of grandmother,the youngest aunty said that grandmother has signed the will and gave her her house, lands and the farm.grandmother was uneducated and can't even write her name,how can she signed? We don't know as aunty never and will not show the documents.my questions are if someone can help: is there somewhere in Poland where lands and properties are registered legally and can we find out as a third person? I mean maybe a government bureau where we can contact. and if we can find out about the owner of lands and properties,how do we get to contact the office in regards of this matter...any help highly appreciated.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
19 Feb 2013 /  #2
how can she signed?

the youngest aunt is probably the one who spent most time with grandmother. figure it out.

the problem you present is similar to others that have appeared on the forum.

,how do we get to contact the office in regards of this matter...any help highly appreciated.

another poster may be able to help you with this problem.
thetenminuteman  1 | 80  
19 Feb 2013 /  #3
grandmother was uneducated and can't even write her name,how can she signed?

Quite common in Poland, especially among uneducated people. Normally random relatives turn up after the death when they realise that the property was actually worth something.

We don't know as aunty never and will not show the documents

How much contact have you had with the grandmother over the years?

is there somewhere in Poland where lands and properties are registered legally and can we find out as a third person?

It is possible, but the best advice is to get a good lawyer from the beginning.

However, you should think about this in moral terms. If your partner barely saw his grandmother and took little interest in her, then he really has no moral right to anything.
OP ukangel  8 | 56  
19 Feb 2013 /  #4
The tricky part is that grandma promised all her children for their share of the heritage and she was genuine about it.then grandmother had a sudden death,she had a car accident and passed away on the spot.

So grandma was still fit as a fiddle,her death cause was the road accident.no one was really looking after her.

Is it possible to contact land registry and ask about the name of the legal owner of the land?
If the land was on aunty name,why she cleanly show the will to the rest of the members of family? Tricky!
thetenminuteman  1 | 80  
19 Feb 2013 /  #5
If she was genuine about it, why didn't she go see a lawyer and deal with it properly? It's not the first time and won't be the last time that an old person says one thing to your face and does something different in reality.

Is it possible to contact land registry and ask about the name of the legal owner of the land?

Of course it is - you can check it online here:

But you need to know the number. If you don't know the number of the property, then you need to write to the local council and ask them for it.
ziggy1234  - | 4  
19 Feb 2013 /  #6
If there is no written will, by polish law all children of the deceased inherit in equal parts. If the aunt doesn't want to show the written will I suggest you should hire polish lawyer, as sorting this out will require court procedure called "confirmation of inheritance" (stwierdzenie nabycia spadku). In this proceedings the court will confirm who is/are the heir/s, and if there is a written will, your aunt will be required to present it. The good thing is that without this procedure none of the heirs can be stated in land register as the owner (unless someone was given the land before grandmothers death). The land register is available on the internet, but you have to know the number of the real estate (KW (księga wieczysta) number). You can check the KW number in local office, but they will give this information only if prove your legal interest, which means you have to prove you are the children of the deceased owner of the land, for which you will need your birth certificate and grandmothers death certificate, which you aquire from the same office (for a small fee), but you need to have it before you ask for the real estate number. So as you can see it requires some paperwork, so i think it's best if you hire lawyer with practice located in the city /town near the real estate, providing he speaks english.
15 Aug 2013 /  #7
What is common practice in Poland is for the elderly person to sign over the house and land to a younger person in the family, at that time the elderly person can claim more monthly benefits as they have no assets.This is what happened in our family my mother in law is the youngest of three sisters, she arranged all for her mother the other two sisters took a back seat, when grand mother died no one contested the decision as my mother in law arranged all hospice/funeral and payments, we are not a feuding family and respected the quality of life my mother in law provided our grandmother in later life. I am with the others who point to the moral issue in these cases, nothing worse than pathological family's fighting before the coffin is in the ground.
PolskiNorris  - | 2  
22 Mar 2015 /  #8
Merged: Website with a map to look at dzialki (lot / piece of land) to buy in Poland?

Is otodom.pl the only website with a map that we can use to look at potential dzialki to buy? I cannot find another one. Thank you for any help if anyone knows.

Here you can check similar pages to otodom. Maybe you'll find yet some.

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