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Home loan in Poland based on my US credit score?

Iwrite4Food  2 | 11  
27 Dec 2019 /  #1
This is probably a really dumb question...but are there any international banks in Poland that could potentially provide me with a home loan based on my U.S. credit score (and proof of annual income over 3 years)? I think I saw ING Direct and HSBC are located in Poland. I am self-employed and have American clients (remote work), get paid in U.S. dollars, and a great credit score.

Or perhaps I should ask: How do American expats get a loan in Poland to buy a home?
terri  1 | 1661  
27 Dec 2019 /  #2
Best thing is to go to a Polish bank in Poland and ask. This costs nothing. After the first 3 banks refuse you then perhaps you will know the answer.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 967  
27 Dec 2019 /  #3
There is no Polish bank that uses USA scores. There is another system in Poland. If you don't have a PESEL, you aren't getting any kind of credit, and if your money isn't going into a Polish bank from USA, your income is not verifiable. Mortgages in Poland are based on your Polish score, income, and your age which gives a maximum duration for the mortgage. Lenders are much more conservative than in USA, so if you don't have some cash, its not going to be easy.
OP Iwrite4Food  2 | 11  
28 Dec 2019 /  #4
and if your money isn't going into a Polish bank from USA, your income is not verifiable.

Technically this is exactly what I intend to do. I would come in with 20% cash (or thereabouts) of the total cost of the loan. Was hoping HSBC in Poland would be a good bank to get a loan with considering they can "see" my good U.S. credit score and coupled with a few years of bank statements (money coming from U.S. into Polish bank account)....that would make them feel more confident in giving me a loan. And yes I know it's based upon my income. I can't ask for ten million dollars or anything like that.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Dec 2019 /  #5
Was hoping HSBC in Poland would be a good bank to get a loan with considering they can "see" my good U.S. credit score

Nope. It's legally a separate bank and they're simply not allowed to take foreign income into consideration if you weren't in Poland at the time if you intend to buy residential properties.

You'll need two years of verified accounts as a self-employed person in Poland if you want to get a mortgage here.
DominicB  - | 2706  
28 Dec 2019 /  #6
Nobody would ever give you a loan. You have no reliable source of income as far as a bank in Poland is concerned. Nobody would give you a loan in the States, either.

Really, you are not going to solve any problems by moving to Poland. You don't have a plan, or anything even resembling a realistic clue about how life in Poland operates, and, since you're mind is hopelessly clouded by desperation, you never will. If you were to move to Poland, or any other country, you would definitely fail and lose what little you have.

If you want to improve your lot, forget about writing and get a real job. School up for a real career.

As the great writer Robert Heinlein wrote: TANSTAAFL. There ain't no such think as a free lunch. And that's doubly true for Poland. If you want to eat, you gotta work. And work doesn't mean sitting around all day on your fat a$$ pretending you are a "writer".

Talk to a responsible adult ASAP because your life is going down the $hitter fast. You need a massive dose of reality ("I need at least a 110 m2 two bedroom apartment in an attractive location, but I'm on Medicaid" - spewed my cornflakes laughing at that one)

Snap out of it, kid. Your dream isn't going to come true. In Poland or elsewhere. Unless you do some actual work.
Joker  2 | 2457  
28 Dec 2019 /  #7
You don't have a plan, or anything even resembling a realistic clue a

He cant afford his own health Insurance in the USA nor less a down payment on a house and he isn't going to get any free benefits in Poland either.

I don't understand how person who cant earn a decent living in the USA thinks it will be easier in a foreign country?

School up for a real career.

This is his best option!

Stay in the USA and make your money here, our yankee dollars go a lot further over there:)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425  
28 Dec 2019 /  #8
I don't understand how person who cant earn a decent living in the USA thinks it will be easier in a foreign country?

I assume they can Joker,LQQK how many English economic migrants in Poland are living and even they have been bragging about there high life on this forum.They even can afford winter,summer and spring vacations that too with family.
DominicB  - | 2706  
28 Dec 2019 /  #9
I don't understand how person who cant earn a decent living in the USA thinks it will be easier in a foreign country?

Desperation. The only thing keep them from putting their head in the oven is the faint hopeful fantasy that someone, somewhere must think that they are worth something. It's like buying a lottery ticket with your last buck and then fantasizing what you will do with the winnings.


Poland isn't kind to silly dreamers, kid. It will chew you up and $hit you out without a moment's hesitation. It's not Fantasy Island, where Ricardo Montalban magically grants you your every silly wish.

If you can't make it in an extremely cushy country like the States, then you aren't going to make it anywhere else, either.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425  
28 Dec 2019 /  #10
I dont think States is a cushy country,it is very competitive here.People have to really hustle here where there are people from all over the world trying to succeed.I still feel there are more opportunities in Poland,maybe not work wise but business wise yes.

The golden pavements and the American dream was never easy nor would come to some.Yes coming from third world,the living standards are higher but so are they in Poland.Lets face it,and how does a average worker live here on the salary in Micky dees/Walmart or working in a factory.Most people loose a job and house/cars all Kapoot.Real example here is Rich who in his 70s finally got the car he wished and boasts about money after 50 years of surviving here,imagine his mid age,working and trying to save pennies.

I have never seen or known anyone who has lived of his parents money(beside billionaires) in Poland I do know many.LOL as you get old and or sick everything is kapoot,the new generation starts toiling again.
DominicB  - | 2706  
28 Dec 2019 /  #11
I dont think States is a cushy country,it is very competitive here.

Compared to Poland, it's very, very cushy. The opportunities you have to improve and advance yourself are enormous, IF you are willing to get off your duff and do the work.

If you are poor in the States, if they are working at McD for a living rather than for extra cash, it's almost always because you find being poor more attractive than actually putting in the work to improve your saleable skills. Dollars to doughnuts, that's the case with the OP.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Dec 2019 /  #12
I don't understand how person who cant earn a decent living in the USA thinks it will be easier in a foreign country?

Beats me. Unless I'm totally misunderstanding your Medicaid system, you need to be on a seriously low income by US standards to qualify for it, which means that there's no way he's going to afford a nice life here.
terri  1 | 1661  
29 Dec 2019 /  #13
A person would have to have exceptionally sought-after skills to be able to get an employer to seek working permit for them. If the poster possesses such skills, then the only way is to find an employer to do the necessary paperwork. If anyone thinks that Poland is a cheap country to live in - they are very much mistaken. Without any family connections you will end up on the streets quicker than anything.
Joker  2 | 2457  
29 Dec 2019 /  #14
Medicaid system, you need to be on a seriously low income by US standards to qualify for it,

Yes, A lot of ppl that are on medicaid also receive food stamps as well.

His whole plan is nothing but a pipe dream without any money. He should stay here, find a decent paying job and save up for 10-15 years and then decide what to do.

He said in one post that's he's getting old and in another post he wants to have children, makes me wonder if he's just trolling.....
Cargo pants  3 | 1425  
29 Dec 2019 /  #15
There is another system in Poland

Its called BIK(Biuro Informacji Kreditowej).I think if you pay cpl zlots you can check your score there.BIK.PL

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