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Foreigners can now buy houses in Poland

scorpio  20 | 188  
3 May 2009 /  #1
Important for all foreigners wishing to purchase a house in Poland, please read this news item carefully.

Title: Foreigners can buy houses in Poland
Source: Polska Agencja Prasowa (PAP)

Warsaw, Poland - May 1, 2009

As of May 1, this year, European Union citizens can buy houses in Poland without any special permits, no matter whether they live or have ever lived in Poland.

Legal limitations on the purchase of agricultural and forest land by all foreigners will still be in force till May, 2017.

The above results from the foreign purchase of real estate law from May 1, 2004, which says that EU citizens cannot buy agricultural and forest land in Poland for 12 years, and houses for five years, after the EU accession.

Hope this helps as there have been numerous inquiries on these forums regarding the purchase of real estate by a foreigner.
nierozumiem  9 | 118  
4 May 2009 /  #2
This does not apply to all foreigners, just citizens of the EEA (27 EU + Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein).

It may be possible for a non-EEA national or company to incorporate in an EEA country and purchase property in Poland.
OP scorpio  20 | 188  
4 May 2009 /  #3
I know. That is why I included the line "...European Union citizens can buy houses in Poland without any special permits...".
magdalenaG  2 | 67  
4 May 2009 /  #4
At last .... it's been a long wait !
LovePolska  - | 8  
15 Sep 2009 /  #5
Do anyone have information if a non-EU citizen married to Polish citizen can buy flat in Poland given that I have legal residency her in Poland

tipy_typ1  - | 8  
26 Sep 2009 /  #6
Doesn't matter that you are non EU citizen if you want to buy a flat. You can buy even 10 flats( apartament), the only restriction is about land.

Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
28 Nov 2009 /  #7
How about getting credit? Do I still need a residence permit to get a mortgage in my Polish bank?

I'm looking to buy in Lodz, I want to live in the house, its not an investment.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Nov 2009 /  #8
Do I still need a residence permit to get a mortgage in my Polish bank?

Depends very, very much on your own financial situation. Generally speaking, if you want a mortgage in Poland and have the money to buy outright, but don't want to do so - then you won't need a residence permit. But if you're taking a mortgage on without being able to pay the entire loan off immediately, then the EU residence permit is a very wise idea. Having said this, the situation can vary according to who you talk to - my advice is to stay well away from English speaking consultants.

My company, Lindenia, can impartially advise you on this (we don't have financial links to banks, mortgage consultants, estate agents - we are impartial, unlike most in Poland!) - lindenia
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
28 Nov 2009 /  #9

That is very helpful. Where are you based?

wildrover  98 | 4431  
28 Nov 2009 /  #10
That is very helpful. Where are you based?

I believe he is in Poznan...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Nov 2009 /  #11
Yep, based in Poznan - but I do know Lodz fairly well.

To give an idea of what we can do as an example - we can send someone to Lodz to spend a day exploring the property market there, talking to people that own the kind of flats that you want to buy, etc - then once we've developed an idea for the 'real' prices, we can then look at what might be achievable. By acting as a go between, we can do things such as approach sellers directly - and even discuss with flat owners about the potential of selling up. We can do anything, really!

The general idea is that we should be able to save you a considerable amount on the kind of prices that 'expats' get charged - even when it comes to finding a mortgage consultant, we look for one that knows the market and isn't looking to profit from foreigners who don't know the market.
28 Nov 2009 /  #12
is thats why you are telling us to use your services saying same time to stay away with english speaking consultants? what are u?seriously make your mind?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Nov 2009 /  #13
Pretty obvious, isn't it? Most English speaking consultants will see native English speakers as being gullible and willing to pay a ridiculous price for things. We get people things for Polish prices - and we tell them straight if they're being ripped off. For people that don't have a grip of things in Poland, it's pretty useful - and not expensive!
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Nov 2009 /  #14
we can send someone to Lodz to spend a day exploring the property market there, talking to people that own the kind of flats that you want to buy, etc

Spend a day exploring the property market?? why dont you just check out web sites and buy local magazines with add's from direct sellers? Its pretty basic stuff really for anyone to figure out their own. Who are you going to send, yourself?

How is this magic one day property analyzer going to carry out his work? a door to door investigation. Thats a rediculous idea.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Nov 2009 /  #15
I'm sure an expert like yourself knows fine well that many of these adverts are utter nonsense in one way or another. Poles are among the best in the world when it comes to false representation and propety - I think anyone who's ever had any sort of dealings with property in Poland can tell you this. Private listings are meaningless - the prices quoted can be nothing but fantasy compared to what they actually want.

How is this magic one day property analyzer going to carry out his work?

It's one of the most effective ways to find out what people have actually paid to others - if not the most effective way - and it can often reveal things that aren't public knowledge. You also never know what might be offered - one of the best ways of finding property is, after all, getting out there and knocking on doors.

Who are you going to send, yourself?

Yes, because an English speaker is really going to obtain things at Polish rates. Don't be silly - I have people to do this sort of thing for me.
28 Nov 2009 /  #16
I have bought more then 11 propertys in poland in 9 years and let me tell u there is no way in poland to find really how much anyone paid even if they take mortgage so stop telling us that they pay something and mortgage on something else same way its registered so dont tell me u can accurately find what they paid looks u had lots of namasteindia food that u r blurring now
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
28 Nov 2009 /  #17
I was asking where you came from so I could meet with you and discuss things. My gf and I are looking in Lodz at properties, its the mortgage and legal side that we have trouble with.

is thats why you are telling us to use your services saying same time to stay away with english speaking consultants?

I understood what he meant. Stay away from "Polish" people who speak English. Its nothing against the Polish, I would not take advice in any country from a local without checking it to see if it was correct.

I would recommend the same if you go to England, the English try to rip foreigners off too.
Wroclaw Boy  
29 Nov 2009 /  #18
Private listings are meaningless - the prices quoted can be nothing but fantasy compared to what they actually want.

Thats why you make offers. So in your words advertised properties and their prices are false, youre forgetting the fundemental fact, its only worth as much as someone is willing to pay.

Do you honestly think the Polish residents of Lodz are going to share how much they paid for their homes with a stranger?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Nov 2009 /  #19
Do you honestly think the Polish residents of Lodz are going to share how much they paid for their homes with a stranger?

Yes. Polish people by nature who live in new developments are very, very open about this sort of thing - in fact, Poles are not so bothered by talking about money in general. It's also a question of who you send - after all, a short skirt can do wonders ;)

Thats why you make offers.

Yup, which is why it's worth sending someone on the ground to find out exactly what something is worth. There's also the fact that someone on the ground can often find out things that aren't published anywhere - for instance, flats going cheap because some Brit bought an overpriced flat and now can't get rid of it.

People can do it themselves - it's not a black art, it just saves them time and potentially money. If you've got time to do this stuff - great! But many, many people don't.
29 Nov 2009 /  #20
I get someone who has the time to do this for me and I pay money.

EXACTLY! and sure why not then again just make sure what u pay money for???
professionals or made in home consultants
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
29 Nov 2009 /  #21
Did you think i was going to pay money from what was said on here? I will meet and see how it is.

I know what I'm doing.
29 Nov 2009 /  #22
How can anyone take legal advice from a native who has only lived here a year and setup a tin pot company in the last couple of months... it beggars belief lol

How many houses have you purchased compared to Wroclaw Boy, CARL MARXXXXX or even myself come to think of it, none as you still live in a flat.

If anyone is ripping people off it is you!!!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Nov 2009 /  #23
Did you think i was going to pay money from what was said on here?

Which is how any professional service should be operated, and we're no different. We might be of use to you, we might not - who knows?

How can anyone take legal advice from a native who has only lived here a year and setup a tin pot company in the last couple of months... it beggars belief lol

You again? :)

I'm quite glad you've cropped up - every time you do, I seem to get more people visiting the site and sending me enquiries. It's actually fantastic, free marketing!

How many houses have you purchased compared to Wroclaw Boy, CARL MARXXXXX or even myself come to think of it, none as you still live in a flat.

Why would I purchase a house when I'd like to live in the city? :)

If anyone is ripping people off it is you!!!

Our clients are more than satisfied, thank you :)

But hey, the rantings of a jealous proofreader in a backwards town in Eastern Poland are very enjoyable to read - keep them up!

By the way - how's the piracy of UK television getting on? :)
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
29 Nov 2009 /  #24
We might be of use to you, we might not - who knows?

I was just telling that marx guy that I will find out from myself by meeting you, that I'm not stupid.

Like you said these guys must be jealous.

I take people as they are with me, I don't listen to other peoples opinions of other people.
29 Nov 2009 /  #25

Now that is quite funny :)

Keep dreaming little boy, a University drop-out trying to screw people in Poland, you will get your comeuppance...that's a certainty.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
29 Nov 2009 /  #26
a University drop-out

There is no problem with leaving university to try and get a job.

I'm doing well for myself after leaving University early, i'm now using the previous study to finish off my degree.

I don't see why you are attacking him if you are not jealous. What he does is not affecting you.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Nov 2009 /  #27
Keep dreaming little boy, a University drop-out trying to screw people in Poland, you will get your comeuppance...that's a certainty.

Oh dear. If I was a university drop-out (I'm not - still studying!), then you might have a point. But I suppose that you're just bitter that 'online proofreading now!' courses aren't really comparable to Higher Education.

As for 'comeuppance' - really, shouldn't you be spending time with your family rather than issuing pathetic little threats on internet forums? Oh wait, that's why you're banned from quite a few internet forums, isn't it? :) But hey - jealousy won't get you far, except maybe proofreading a few restaurant menus in small Eastern towns.

There is no problem with leaving university to try and get a job.

Didn't hurt some of the most famous names in business, did it?

I don't see why you are attacking him if you are not jealous.

Ah, it's personal you see. He's a forum admin on some TV streaming site, and we had a bit of a row on here because he threw the toys out of the pram. Since then, he's been trying to personally attack me here, there and everywhere - instead of answering one very simple question that he refused to answer :)

I like to call it the 'bored expat can't speak polish' syndrome.
30 Nov 2009 /  #28
Oh wait, that's why you're banned from quite a few internet forums, isn't it? :)

You are just full of lies aren't you, never been banned from one internet site in my life :)

Still we will see where you are in a few months wont we, you know it and I know it... a failed conman running back to Scotland/

We have seen too many of your type over the years in Poland screwing people, and what makes it even more worse is you screw your fellow countrymen.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Nov 2009 /  #29
You are just full of lies aren't you, never been banned from one internet site in my life :)


I wouldn't go calling other people liars if I were you...

We have seen too many of your type over the years in Poland screwing people, and what makes it even more worse is you screw your fellow countrymen.

Oh dear. It's a bit difficult to con people when they pay for advice and results, isn't it? :)

Still - I suppose liars can always find it difficult to deal with honesty.
30 Nov 2009 /  #30
nce then, he's been trying to personally attack me here, there and everywhere - instead of answering one very simple question that he refused to answer :)

No, it's not just UKPolska. You've irritated quite a few folk on here with your smart-arsed comments and attempted Watchdog-style investigations of other people's business attempts. Now you can expect a sustained effort pulling apart your attempts to get a business off the ground yourself.

The fact that you keep responding on PF to some of the comments against you on here illustrates your poor judgement. You don't have a clue about marketing or PR if you believe that all publicity is good publicity. First you claim that, because you're a British-owned company, you are somehow more trustworthy than if the company were owned by a Pole. Now you're making derogatory comments about Eastern Poland. Do you sound like the kind of guy someone would want to do business with? It all fits in well with the link to your Bebo page we saw on here a few weeks back.

You're clueless, young, inexperienced, and not qualified to ask for payment on complicated matters related to life in Poland.

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