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Best Investment Deal In Poland Wroclaw !?

izyckilee  1 | -  
17 Jan 2011 /  #1
A Foreign property development company investing in Poland.
Izyckilee purchased a piece of land from an auction held by Wroclaw Council in Feb 2007. As you can see, 4 years have now passed they are still struggling in the sea of red tape trying to gain a building permit from Wroclaw Council. They believe that this lengthy and expensive delay has been caused by numerous obstacles deliberately created by the Architecture & Development Department of Wroclaw Council.

'We feel that we are not making progress and instead getting further stuck in bureaucracy. We realised that we had no option but to report the Department's behaviour.'

Please watch our interview in the Polish TV News on youtube:

jwojcie  2 | 762  
17 Jan 2011 /  #2
Well, I watched and it doesn't look so obvious to me.
On the one hand investor could assume that he can build apartment building because the plan for that area at the time admited that.
But on the other hand Zacisze is the area of detached houses and the idea of building even small apartment building there is not very good in the first place. It is a quarter of a city wich conserved it's character regardless of war damages and as such is treated by many people in Wroclaw as a gem worth to preserve. I'm really sorry that plan for that area wasn't strict enough and could somehow mislead the investor. Nevertheless, I'm sorry but if there are some legal ways to prevent it to hapen then as a city inhabitant I'm in favor of it. There are many other places in Wroclaw designed for apartment buildings.

I understand that you are one of the investors in that movie and again I'm sorry for your loss. I hope that you will manage to settle issue with a city and recover your money. But in the same time please try to understand that this area has it's charm which shouldn't be spoiled with big apartment buildings.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
17 Jan 2011 /  #3
The Chinese are coming....
Varsovian  91 | 634  
17 Jan 2011 /  #4
Strangely, construction companies want to maximise profits from sales and after sales and this doesn't always fit in with good taste or being a good neighbour!! However, they do have the resources to make films about how unfair it all is ...
Avalon  4 | 1063  
17 Jan 2011 /  #5
As someone involved in a similar business, my sympathies lie with the investors. They were totally misled by the council who tried to maximise the amount at auction by implying that permission would be granted for a multi-occupational building. The council have pocketed this money and then moved the goalposts.

It is balatently obvious that nobody would pay 2,000,000 pln for a single house building plot.
Jwojcie is probably right about an apartment block being inappropriate in that area, but, if it was in the "Studium", he should blame the council, not the developers.

The council misrepresented the use of this land at auction and should refund the sale price and any costs incurred to date.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
17 Jan 2011 /  #6
Jwojcie is probably right about an apartment block being inappropriate in that area, but, if it was in the "Studium", he should blame the council, not the developers.

I kind of agree with that. That is why I wrote that I support legal ways of stopping this construction.

Frankly speaking I suspect the origin of this misunderstanding. The guy in the movie said, that "studium" permits buildings with max 4 apartments. I bet "studium" creators had in mind just simple one level flats up to 50-70 square metres. This kind of buildings can be found it that area. What investor wants (judging by the graphics in video) is to build high building (three floors with a big roof, so almost four floors. I bet apartments there would be way beyond 100 square metres. I suppose devil lies in the details here.

Hm.. I digged a little more and some things don't add up here. In the video investor said that "studium" permits 4 apartments per building. The plot they bought suppose to hold two buildings (correct me if I'm wrong). Which means they suppose to build there max 8 apartments. But on their site:

it clearly says they would like to build 16 of them...

Hm.. after a little more digging the bottom line is that putting legal procedures of getting permit aside it looks like entire street is fighting with that investor. The issue with "Studium" is that investor is walking on the edge of it, and for example base on that "Studium" city conservator office denied permit. It also seems that opening post is a part of greater media campaing which aim is to put pressure on city in order to get permit before "Studium" for this part of a city will change and all hopes for bulding block of flats there will vanish...
Varsovian  91 | 634  
17 Jan 2011 /  #7
The devil is ALWAYS in the detail in planning matters.
I see many documents on this subject from both sides of the construction divide ... and have built/will build again myself.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Jan 2011 /  #8
Hm.. after a little more digging the bottom line is that putting legal procedures of getting permit aside it looks like entire street is fighting with that investor.

Always much more to the story once you dig into it, really.

I can't see people having much sympathy for the investors in Wroclaw - I know the part of the city, and if they want to stick 16 apartments in there, no wonder the locals are furious.
18 May 2017 /  #9
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