Americans come to any country and complain about everything. I say you don't like it, then go back and don't contaminate our country with your American whiny smell. Americans like to whine especially in poorer countries about the things they would not dare complain in USA. The less cultured and the more stingy the more whiny. Popular American comments: "What is this?" (whiny voice) - real estate agent answers: "It's a bath", apparently Americans never seen one. Another good one is a complaint about wallpaper "What? Ewwww, wallpaper!" or "I like this and this but the colour on this one wall here is.. hmm..I can't handle it" or "Oh no! It's 25 dollars over budget" (rent per month, 25 over budget per month! American stingy tragedy). The best thing about American cheap, cheap and once again cheap rent hunters is getting into the clean, new bath just to show who the boss is with their 500 dollars a month budget, yes, Americans mistake baths for beds, not to mention you don't get into someone's bath with your clothes and shoes - you damage it and it's unhygienic. Did I mention jumping or lying on someone's bed during rental visits - just because customer is always right, especially American customer. I don't know where these people have brains or manners but we do not need them in our country.
American whinging and whining when buying or renting property in Poland
I say you don't like it, then go back and don't contaminate our country with your American whiny smell.
Same goes for all you backwards immigrants that come and contaminate our country. We dont want you as well!
Most Poles that immigrate to America stink like they haven't washed in years. Don`t you have deodorant in Poland??
We had deodorants until Jews monopolised our "drogerie" or chemist style of business and deodorants disappeared, while Americans took over many other businesses and Americans do not bother about deodorant production, nobody in USA tells them to do so, Americans are fine with the smell and this goes for most of them. Also, it is Americans who stink when doing rent hunting, just ask Polish real estate agents. Americans can't even dress properly when they meet other people during official visit, house and rental property hunting is such occasion and Americans disrespect it, add to it their whining and it is total put off. Despite wars we still are able to show some hygiene and present with proper dress code without the accompanying whinging.
So you blame the Jews for your uncleanness and lack of deodorant usage?
Some of the worse stench Ive ever encountered was from Polish construction workers, its like they haven't bathed in weeks! Phew!
Some of the worse stench Ive ever encountered was from Polish construction workers, its like they haven't bathed in weeks! Phew!
The problem is Americans are not used to criticism, especially by poorer countries, everyone bows all the way to the floor in front of Americans and they can not deal normally with any critique much like Jews or Westerners, just too much ego - that's the problem. The ego is most visible when Americans come to another country to spend money, than they act as lords of the universe and behave like they just came out of the zoo. You are the perfect example.
When was the last time you visited Poland?
Have you ever been to Poland?
If Polish people stink, why do you come to a Polish forum?
When was the last time you visited Poland?
Have you ever been to Poland?
If Polish people stink, why do you come to a Polish forum?
Some of the whiny requests include a swimming pool, lake or castle or some cathedral view, a parking space, a garden (big enough for a dog or child to run around with and play with its toys - larger garden) and modern open kitchen all for 200 to 300 dollar monthly budget hahahahhahahaha, it is not a joke, these are the real requests Americans make and they become annoyed when these can not be met, despite their "fortune" budgets.
Americans are bound to complain when they come to Poland. In US all is geared towards making everything that you may ever want a simple and quick transaction. US productivity ,as amount of USEFUL work each employee does a day , dwarves that of Poland, disposable income in us is huge compared to Poland. Things like hooking up all amenities, insurnance etc. in a new apartement can be done within an hour over the phone in US. In Poland its a project streched over many months and numerous visits to dingy offices asking for truckloads of forms, where employees basically treat customers like pests, make mistakes, fail to keep basic verbal promises. I love Poland because I was born here, but having lived in US for several years, have a lot if sympathy for them feeling miffed by the way we do things over here. In a nutshell communism taught us Poles that making an effort to bring joy to another person is a mark of a fool. That is totally opposite to how Americans are brought up to think.
If Polish people stink,
Nah, he is from Chiraq, very prickly people those Chiraq-ees.
One of them had been on this forum about Polish people. In detail, he had some property in what one would consider not so great neighborhood (practically slums). As it happened there were some Polish people there, possibly illegals, so that dude was complaining about a people living in crappy place, illegals who happened to be Polish people. Not much of sense there.
Who one can expect from a person in such a predicament. I guess he had no chance in hell to run into a Polish professor or some other professional due to his own circumstances, like his perspective has been kind of limited. Who you can do people like to chafe, rant and pout.
I guess I'm saying there is no point in getting riled by some remarks.
Some of the whiny requests
You seemingly are the whiniest troll I have seen on this forum up to date. Excluding that sex obsessed dick. I guess in his case there some mental issues involved. What is your excuse?
Are you unable to leave you ma basement due to staircase not wide enough for you to fit.
You seemingly are the whiniest troll I have seen on this forum up to date.
I am obsessed with your dic. However, do not talk about someone's mum or someone's parent for that matter, golden rule in Poland, are you Polish? Americans do complain in the most idiotic of ways, if they expect everything to be like in USA then they should stay there. Looks like you do not know the situation in Poland and how Americans behave there, what planet are you on?
Americans are bound to complain when they come to Poland
For a budget of 300 dollars a month Americans have no right to complain about anything, for in USA they often live in rat holes and it is not as beautiful as you describe. Many of them do not experience wooden floors but cheap carpet linoleum or ugly, old tiles back in the good, old USA. In USA I have even seen carpet layed floors in the bathrooms (?????????). Let's not blame communism for everything, let's not forget wars and theft by Germans, Austrians, Prussians (Germans), Russians. In USA houses are much dirtier and in worse condition as they don't renovate as much and don't look after their dwellings as we do in Poland, so Americans have nothing to complain about, but they do, and it usually the ones with lowest budgets, uneducated, self absorbed punks who got the high position job in Poland while having the lowest education. Those Americans expect that Eastern Europeans will jump for joy when they seen them everywhere they go and that it is understood that Americans should lead the way. So, yes, I should have more sympathy for American requests regarding the swimming pool, poor Americans.
When was the last time you visited Poland?
Earlier this year, my wife is from Krakow. I have been there multiple times in the past and she stands to inherent a lot of property. We might move there and dont need the help of some sleazy "so called" realtor.
I guess he had no chance in hell to run into a Polish professor or some other professional due to his own circumstances,
Keep Trolling Ironside, you dont know anything as usuall!
Most Americans make $300 per day or more. Its too bad you will never have anything or will become successful, other than being a silly broke troll...LOL
So people in Kraków stink?
And so did your wife when she came to the US? Ok ...
Most Americans make 300 dollars per day? Good for them.
What a wonderful country and people!
Stop whining about whining Americans. Just tell them the price. 300 dollars per month is too little. Period.
BTW, what did you mean by 'we had deodorants'? Had?
So you don't anymore? Where on earth are you?
So people in Kraków stink?
And so did your wife when she came to the US? Ok ...
Most Americans make 300 dollars per day? Good for them.
What a wonderful country and people!
Stop whining about whining Americans. Just tell them the price. 300 dollars per month is too little. Period.
BTW, what did you mean by 'we had deodorants'? Had?
So you don't anymore? Where on earth are you?
Frankly, I think as Joker, that it cuts both ways!
I know soooo many Poles, Russians, Albanians who've recently arrived in the States, yet do little other than to bemoan the lack of similarity with their home country.
"English is too hard" is commonly heard, while amongst one another, they speak NOTHING but their mother tongue.
When my grandfolks arrived in the US, nearly a century ago, even at home (according to my granddad anyway) my relatives tried hard to speak nothing but English with one another, comical-sounding as it doubtless did:-)
I know soooo many Poles, Russians, Albanians who've recently arrived in the States, yet do little other than to bemoan the lack of similarity with their home country.
"English is too hard" is commonly heard, while amongst one another, they speak NOTHING but their mother tongue.
When my grandfolks arrived in the US, nearly a century ago, even at home (according to my granddad anyway) my relatives tried hard to speak nothing but English with one another, comical-sounding as it doubtless did:-)
"English is too hard" is commonly heard, while amongst one another, they speak NOTHING but their mother tongue.
My friends parents emigrated to the USA probably 30+ years ago and still cant speak a word of English! And everything in America is "No Good" they constantly complain about our rules and laws. At what point to you tell these ignorant immigrants to get with the program or get out? If everything is so much better in Poland, why are you living here?
my relatives tried hard to speak nothing but English with one another, comical-sounding as it doubtless did:-)
At least they tried learning Lyzko.
with their 500 dollars a month budget
I thought it was $300?
Get your story (lies) striaght!
I agree with you, Joker! Your comments in response to mine suggest we are indeed on the same page here.
Deodorants - joke - stupid
It is usually 200 a month - Americans are too poor to afford Poland. Poland is the future, what future awaits USA? However, if Americans continue to misbehave when renting out then Polish will start to fire back, it is just a matter of time. 30 years ago western foreigners had their feet licked by Polish, today they are still treated way too well but things are changing and there will be more and more Polish who will simply refuse to succumb to American whining.
Deodorants - joke - stupid
It is usually 200 a month - Americans are too poor to afford Poland. Poland is the future, what future awaits USA? However, if Americans continue to misbehave when renting out then Polish will start to fire back, it is just a matter of time. 30 years ago western foreigners had their feet licked by Polish, today they are still treated way too well but things are changing and there will be more and more Polish who will simply refuse to succumb to American whining.
- Americans are too poor to afford Poland.
Apparently so are you! LOL Why do you live in the UK then????????
Is it that you couldn't become successful in Poland that you had to run to the UK to find work?
Youre the biggest hypocrite on this forum!!!
Polish who will simply refuse to succumb to American whining.
Im more Polish than you, fool!
British and Americans used the transition period from communism to capitalism to drive in with their businesses, that is what they were waiting for. As a result Polish lost their competitiveness, only few had businesses and those could not compete with richer, manipulative Western firms. Western firms used gaps in Polish law, they could avoid paying taxes, they could hire who they felt like for any wage and so on and on, complete Eldorado for foreign businesses. Many Polish fabrics closed and now Polish who could have jobs have to venture overseas, while a Western foreigner gets a job on Polish tv, runs Polish media, becomes manager overnight, runs Tesco without knowing a word in Polish and so on. Not to mention Poland has been destroyed by wars instigated by Westerners (Germans, Austrians, Swedish) who after WWII was over made it even harder for Poland to rise up from the ashes - Britain and others imposed embargo on Polish products for they wanted Poland to open Its doors so the Western businesses could enter with their products. First you destroy Poland and then you come on Polish Forum with smart ....... remarks. You hide on this forum but face to face you wouldn't be making such empty, arrogant comments.
As for American whining, there is more. They often make snide remarks about furniture and lack thereof. They come to see someone else's property for rent or sale and yet dare to make remarks about the furniture, that it is from another century, too small, too ugly and so on, disgusting behaviour.
As for American whining, there is more. They often make snide remarks about furniture and lack thereof. They come to see someone else's property for rent or sale and yet dare to make remarks about the furniture, that it is from another century, too small, too ugly and so on, disgusting behaviour.
You hide on this forum but face to face you wouldn't be making such empty, arrogant comments.
You really think so? Big man, bring it on, come to Chicago, if you can afford it? Put your money where your mouth is!
First you destroy Poland an
How would you know, you dont even live there?
Everything you say is B.S. and the whole forum knows it.
Hahahaha, you live in Chicago, that explains the smell, noone uses deodorants in Chicago except...Polish. Guess what, many home buyers and rent sharks who come to Poland are from Chicago - the word of mouth spreads about the situation in Poland and many Americans decide to go there. I can't promise you a swimming pool and designer kitchen with brand new cupboards and no scratches on kitchen bench (why you Americans complain about kitchens since your women don't cook?) though when in Poland.
Okay, in all seriousness, I don't want to come to Chicago, I'm scared of you now. I just realised, you are really American, you did not pretend to be one, the way you challenged me is really courageous and tough, it's the American way, and look at me I'm just a small, weak Polish boy: no muscles, no height, tiny testes, scared of everyone. You are big strong man and you have nuclear weapons too. I apologise for my hurtedful words here, I must have really hurted you with my ugly, attacking style of commentry. It was rude and inappropriate of me, I will never make fun of Americans again, sorry for hurteing you and the whole American nation.
Okay, in all seriousness, I don't want to come to Chicago, I'm scared of you now. I just realised, you are really American, you did not pretend to be one, the way you challenged me is really courageous and tough, it's the American way, and look at me I'm just a small, weak Polish boy: no muscles, no height, tiny testes, scared of everyone. You are big strong man and you have nuclear weapons too. I apologise for my hurtedful words here, I must have really hurted you with my ugly, attacking style of commentry. It was rude and inappropriate of me, I will never make fun of Americans again, sorry for hurteing you and the whole American nation.
I just realised, you are really American, you did not pretend to be one,
And we all know you do not live in Poland, but pretend too.
Great troll thread, it becomes you:)
This is not a troll thread, it is reality. This is what Americans do when they come to Poland. They complain, whiny and whinge and wince at everything. What is funniest is that many houses and apartments are hundred times better than what most of the junkies experienced in their moma land. yet, Americans complain and offend the country and people who struggled so much to raise buildings from the dead after Hitler's German army demolished them to the ground. We can only be proud of our properties and the conditions they are in - it is only to our credit, we do need Americans swarming in, and complaining because they think they can (they think they can).
I promise Joker this is the last time.
What I don't understand is why Americans who visit Polish units or houses for rent or purchase present with this twisted compulsion to sit or lay down on someone's bed. I already mentioned that they tend to jump into a clean new bath with their shoes and clothes on just to get a feel of a bath that they may or may not use. It could be that they like it that way - empty bath waiting for an American to just sit in it fully clothed and just chill out for the day, who knows? Never mind the scrathes and dirt left in a bath Americans like to repeat this unprovoked, weird behaviour on someone's bed. This is not quite normal, not only do they contaminate someone's bed (they have not bought or rented the place yet may never do so) they may also damage it. I just wonder who pays for this arrogance.
I promise Joker this is the last time.
What I don't understand is why Americans who visit Polish units or houses for rent or purchase present with this twisted compulsion to sit or lay down on someone's bed. I already mentioned that they tend to jump into a clean new bath with their shoes and clothes on just to get a feel of a bath that they may or may not use. It could be that they like it that way - empty bath waiting for an American to just sit in it fully clothed and just chill out for the day, who knows? Never mind the scrathes and dirt left in a bath Americans like to repeat this unprovoked, weird behaviour on someone's bed. This is not quite normal, not only do they contaminate someone's bed (they have not bought or rented the place yet may never do so) they may also damage it. I just wonder who pays for this arrogance.
This thread is beyond ridiculous. Just a bunch trolls trying to outdo each other.
This is what I am talking about:
This links with how Americans behave when they choose property in Poland, disgusting.
This links with how Americans behave when they choose property in Poland, disgusting.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
23 Sep 2018 / #25
This thread perfectly sums up why Americans shouldn't be allowed to buy or rent property in Poland. Ktos accurately describes the appalling behaviour of Americans here, including behaving like a bunch of uncultured (well, what culture?) savages when viewing property. They have no boundaries or decency, and Polish language forums about property are full of complaints about Americans vandalising rental properties.
I know someone who owns Airbnb apartments, and she won't rent to Americans because of the abuse they suffer. One clown even managed to break the toilet because he was such a fatass, LOL!
I know someone who owns Airbnb apartments, and she won't rent to Americans because of the abuse they suffer. One clown even managed to break the toilet because he was such a fatass, LOL!
johnny reb 49 | 8003
23 Sep 2018 / #26
One clown even managed to break the toilet because he was such a fatass, LOL!
Speaking of fat
Now Pigsy told me quite a different story about his rentals in Poland.
He said the drunken British were of the worst type..
No manners what so ever and totally out of control.
I guess it all boils down to which provoking post you want to believe.
This thread is beyond ridiculous. Just a bunch trolls trying to outdo each other.
You nailed it Texas, why the Mods would even allow it is beyond common sense.
It is just a thread to provoke and BAIT with to start a pis sing contest.
Mods, please take this thread down to avoid further provoking and BAITING.
delphy no mates
23 Sep 2018 / #27
I know someone who owns Airbnb apartments, and she won't rent to Americans
Tell your imaginary friend that Airbnb is an American company and that she is paying commissions to the two POL-AM founder and co-founder of the company who have a net worth $3.8billion each.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
23 Sep 2018 / #28
Now, let's be serious for a second here. Americans are the worst sort of tenants in this country, becuase not only do they argue about every last złoty, they very often go missing at the end of the contract without settling up. You can't rent to them without ensuring that you get a deposit AND an advance towards the bills, because everyone knows that they tend to go missing with a trail of debts behind them.
Strong advice is also never to let them register themselves or a business to the address. Keep them on a short leash with monthly property inspections, because they live like animals. Cleaning is alien to them, so it's not a bad idea to also require monthly external cleaning of the property. Or just find non-American tenants, which is easy enough.
Strong advice is also never to let them register themselves or a business to the address. Keep them on a short leash with monthly property inspections, because they live like animals. Cleaning is alien to them, so it's not a bad idea to also require monthly external cleaning of the property. Or just find non-American tenants, which is easy enough.
. Americans are the worst sort of tenants in this country,
How would you know Delpf, do you own rental properties or are you just trolling again?
Every post you make is just to insult and provoke American or Polish ppl on this forum. Just look at your profile history and it shows you are clearly looking for arguments with each and every post and this is against the rules.
I wonder they dont enforce the rules against you but apply them towards other posters?
Im sure nobody here takes you seriously, we all know youre a liar.
because they live like animals. Cleaning is alien to them,
This is clearly Abuse by this forum Bully and it seems the rules dont apply to him?
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
23 Sep 2018 / #30
More advice when dealing with American tenants:
1) Do not give them a contract in English. They'll argue over every single last word, often while claiming that they will CALL MA LAWYER even though their lawyer is only qualified to practice law in some crappy redneck state where no sane person goes. Best to give them a contract in Polish, and if they want it in English, they can translate it at their own cost.
2) Take at least two months deposit, if not three. The chances of them returning the property in any habitable state is almost zero.
3) Don't give them a phone number, only e-mail. If you give them a phone number, they'll plague you with phone calls at all hours over the most trivial of things. No joke, a friend had a dumb tenant calling her at 3am to remove a spider web from the bathroom.
4) They'll always threaten MA LAWYER. Call their bluff and remind them that American law doesn't apply in Poland no matter how much they beg Daddy for help.
5) Avoid renting to American medical students, who are a special definition of dumb. Most of them are ignorant failures who are trying to buy a medical degree, so avoid the hassle and don't rent to them.
Anyone got any other advice?
1) Do not give them a contract in English. They'll argue over every single last word, often while claiming that they will CALL MA LAWYER even though their lawyer is only qualified to practice law in some crappy redneck state where no sane person goes. Best to give them a contract in Polish, and if they want it in English, they can translate it at their own cost.
2) Take at least two months deposit, if not three. The chances of them returning the property in any habitable state is almost zero.
3) Don't give them a phone number, only e-mail. If you give them a phone number, they'll plague you with phone calls at all hours over the most trivial of things. No joke, a friend had a dumb tenant calling her at 3am to remove a spider web from the bathroom.
4) They'll always threaten MA LAWYER. Call their bluff and remind them that American law doesn't apply in Poland no matter how much they beg Daddy for help.
5) Avoid renting to American medical students, who are a special definition of dumb. Most of them are ignorant failures who are trying to buy a medical degree, so avoid the hassle and don't rent to them.
Anyone got any other advice?