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Moving to Gdansk - Wrzeszcz area?

1 Jul 2015 /  #1
Hello, I am moving to Gdansk for a year with my family, I am considering a flat in Wrzeszcz (Aldony street) it seems nice and centrally located. Pardon my ignorance, but anybody could share there opinion on life on Wrzeszcz? Safety? Any real problems that I should be aware? I will use the Tram, SKM, or bus to move around....using the internet and google earth it seems nice, but what is your opinion?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Jul 2015 /  #2
Wrzeszcz (Aldony street) it seems nice and centrally located. Pardon my ignorance, but anybody could share there opinion on life on Wrzeszcz? Safety?

Yes - know it well. Up and coming area. Being gentrified. Lot's of shops Two tasteful malls either side of the SKM. Excellent bus hub. New train centre for the airport. City parks. Old German style - which is clearly superior. But....... a lot of problems with drunks who were housed here in the 1990s........generally it pipes down after dusk. A long way from the sea, but close to the wonderful forests and close to the city centre. Superb buildings - German built. Far superior in taste to anything the Poles have managed post-war......

Zero pubs - only the crappy "Scruffy O'Briens." Important for me, but for you...?

Just seen where you are thinking of. That area has just been renovated, but has a problem as I said. You are two years too soon. The other side of the railway tracks is more up-market. I would not consider the side of the railway that you are thinking of moving to if I had a family - sorry.

PS: It is boring, but safe. I would recommend Gdansk Morena or Gdansk Orunia Gorne for families.

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