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Information on suburb in Krakow - is Gorka Narodawa a good suburb to live?

Kielbasa Kid  2 | 4  
25 Jul 2010 /  #1
If Gorka Narodawa is a good suburb to live in Krakow.
andy b  4 | 156  
26 Jul 2010 /  #2
It depends on whether you have a car or not - if no, I don't think it is very well connected in terms of public transport. This area is on the Northern outskirts of the city, near the road to Warsaw, but also close to Opolska which will get you to other parts of the city. Most of the housing is quite new. One benefit is the fact that there is lots of nice walking/cycling in the vicinity - outside of the city limits. It is also a hill (górka) so some of the flats will have nice views over Krakow. It is not so close to the centre, but even though it is on the outskirts of the city, it's only about 5km from the centre via al. 29 Listopada
art apartments  - | 4  
10 Sep 2010 /  #3
Avoid Ruczaj - terrible traffic. I recommend the area where you can get by tram line. The quickest way to travel in Krakow.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Real Estate / Information on suburb in Krakow - is Gorka Narodawa a good suburb to live?Archived