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Buying a flat in Krakow; prices are still falling?

milky  13 | 1656  
15 Nov 2010 /  #61
can't see prices falling as the yield would be too attractive.

So prices are not falling???
Wroclaw Boy  
15 Nov 2010 /  #62
not falling
convex  20 | 3928  
15 Nov 2010 /  #63

Bought studio flats in Warsaw 6 years ago. Rent I get for one I leases last week is 1700 per month (plus bills)

Yield 7-8% can't see prices falling as the yield would be too attractive.

Does that mean that you paid about 250k for them 6 years ago?
16 Nov 2010 /  #64
milky  13 | 1656  
16 Nov 2010 /  #65
Just spent a while driving around Lublin and checking house prices ,and they are still, in my view, insanely and criminally high. The people i know there, who bought there, are up to their necks in debt, trying to survive, and they have 40 odds yrs left in repayments. Poor feckers.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
16 Nov 2010 /  #66
around Lublin and checking house prices

How much are they?

The fly asked the spider ;)
Wroclaw Boy  
16 Nov 2010 /  #67
The people i know there, who bought there, are up to their necks in debt, trying to survive, and they have 40 odds yrs left in repayments. Poor feckers.

But if they had bout pre 2007 they would be laughing, many would have had 100% capital appreciation.

Did everybody you know take 45 year mortgages then? also were they not aware of their monthly mortgage repayments? or was it the currency of the loan? or did they all suddenly lose their income? You're talking outta your ass as usual.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
16 Nov 2010 /  #68
Just spent a while driving around Lublin and checking house prices

How did u do this ? Houses don't have a price tag hanging from the door knob. wouldn't it have been easier to check: nieruchomosci-online.pl/
Wroclaw Boy  
16 Nov 2010 /  #69
driving around Lublin and checking house prices ,and they are still, in my view, insanely and criminally high.

Just found these nice semi detached town houses going for 1947 PLN / m2, 169 m2 for 329,000 PLN thats 83,000 Euro's.

They're located well within the city about 5 minutes drive time from the centre.

SeanBM  34 | 5786  
16 Nov 2010 /  #70
What standard are they selling at? Have you a link?
milky  13 | 1656  
16 Nov 2010 /  #71
How did u do this

Checked out the asking price on newspaper and then visited the owner's, to see if they are willing to drop their insane western prices."nie" was the answer.

You're talking outta your ass as usual.

LOL... says the man, who claims the prices have NOTHING to do with POles working in the west. Mr Joker.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
16 Nov 2010 /  #72
Checked out the asking price on newspaper and then visited the owner's

How much are they and what do you get for that?

I know nothing about Lublin prices etc...
Avalon  4 | 1063  
16 Nov 2010 /  #73

Checked out the asking price on newspaper and then visited the owner's, to see if they are willing to drop their insane western prices."nie" was the answer.

What did you offer them? 300PLN m2?. According to your early posts, prices should have dropped by 60%-80% by now. Please do not t3ell me that this has not happened!!!!!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Nov 2010 /  #74
Just spent a while driving around Lublin and checking house prices ,and they are still, in my view, insanely and criminally high.

It's not a crime to not be able to afford a house. Generally speaking, in Poland, both partners work for a living.
milky  13 | 1656  
17 Nov 2010 /  #75
It's not a crime to not be able to afford a house

Or to think you can afford a house. I agree ,just stupid i guess.
The zloty is weakening big time ATM. Wonder why?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Nov 2010 /  #76
Or to think you can afford a house. I agree ,just stupid i guess.

True, that's why most responsible husbands get out and work, rather than sitting online all day. I know plenty of Poles who own their own property - but - guess what - the man works too :)

The zloty is weakening big time ATM. Wonder why?

Weakening big time? Against what? It's held at around 3.9/euro for months now. Wonder why you keep lying?
convex  20 | 3928  
17 Nov 2010 /  #77
The zloty is weakening big time ATM. Wonder why?

Good question. Seems to be pretty much the same it was at the beginning of summer, and much stronger than it was at the start of the year.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Nov 2010 /  #78
Strange, isn't it?

It's weakening against the Pound, but the Pound and Zloty are always flying around unpredictably anyway.

If I recall rightly, the Zloty and Euro (and before that, the DM) have always been rather stable in relation to each other.
milky  13 | 1656  
17 Nov 2010 /  #79
True, that's why most responsible husbands get out and work, rather than sitting online all day.

convex  20 | 3928  
17 Nov 2010 /  #80
If I recall rightly, the Zloty and Euro (and before that, the DM) have always been rather stable in relation to each other.

Did this exercise with SeanBM a while back :)

The Zloty is at the exact same rate against the Euro as it was 10 years ago.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Nov 2010 /  #81

Not hard to explain. In our Western culture, men generally are seen as the main breadwinner, due to decades of pay discrimination against women. That's why it's strange that someone would want to sit at home rather than provide for his family.
milky  13 | 1656  
17 Nov 2010 /  #82
That's why it's strange that someone would want to sit at home rather than provide for his family.

who are you taking about?
and what's this got to do with the topic raised? are you confused?
Mark76  - | 20  
18 Nov 2010 /  #83
Cost me 140K PLN 6 years ago. Based the return on current price 8000 PLN/m2 which to be honest is on the low side fo the property and location
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
18 Nov 2010 /  #84
The zloty is weakening big time ATM. Wonder why?

Poland controls the value of the zloty so don't expect big variations. However when Poland accepts the Euro, than what??
18 Nov 2010 /  #85
The zloty is weakening big time ATM. Wonder why?

No it isn't. The one-year low was last April and was 3.81. The one-year high was June and was 4.10. Today it is 3.96. Which is what it was back in August.

who are you taking about?

He is talking about the fact that you spend all day every day online pretending to be the next Bill Gates while your wife goes out to earn the pittance that pays your internet bills.

and what's this got to do with the topic raised?

Everything: unless you go out and get a job, you'll never be buying a flat in Krakow or a house in Lublin.
28 Nov 2010 /  #86
Poland controls the value of the zloty so don't expect big variations. However when Poland accepts the Euro, than what??

The markets control the value of the PLN, the NBP can influence sometimes, by buying or selling or releasing information.
milky  13 | 1656  
7 Dec 2010 /  #87
So anyone got the latest on Poland massive property bubble??
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Dec 2010 /  #88
Prices stable, market improving. After a long wait to see what happened with the market buyers that have been in waiting are beginning to make moves.
milky  13 | 1656  
7 Feb 2011 /  #89
Foreigners abandon Polish property market, as bubble deflates.

wildrover  98 | 4431  
7 Feb 2011 /  #90
Now is the time to buy in Poland....unless you are a bit milky....

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