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What About The Poles In The Netherlands?

mvefa  5 | 591  
8 Oct 2009 /  #31
the fact that they are closing down the Red Light District and most of the coffeeshops in A'dam has to do with the fact that the city of Amsterdam wants to clean up their act and desires a "clean image". Nonsense, but that's their reasoning. However, if that is what you're looking for, you can still go to Rotterdam or The Hague as this policy is not a nationwide policy, only in Amsterdam.

It has already begun :D Me very happy, no more stinky teenage american/british/spanish drug tourist stumbling by my door, littering everywhere.

Amsterdam should indeed clean a bit its face, there are some areas which just causes shame, dirty, filled with souvenirs shops, dirty coffeshops and wrong tourists.
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
8 Oct 2009 /  #32

So you think now that you can have the place for yourself, eh?



M-G (busy today)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
8 Oct 2009 /  #33
Amsterdam should indeed clean a bit its face, there are some areas which just causes shame, dirty, filled with souvenirs shops, dirty coffeshops and wrong tourists.

Aye,just dont feck around with the Jordaan(sp?), I likes it over there and you dont tend to find the usual sort of tosspots(ie brit stag parties and pervy old japs) wandering around.
mvefa  5 | 591  
8 Oct 2009 /  #34
So you think now that you can have the place for yourself, eh?

Offcourse, i will rule once more over the seven seas...! :P

By the way, i met a polish guy in train on monday, he asked me how to get to central station, his english was so cute.

But indeed where are all those 100.000!!!
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
8 Oct 2009 /  #35
Aye,just dont feck around with the Jordaan

I don't know of any restructuring plans for the Jordaan, they just refurbished the place, so I don't think there are plans to re-do that again. Thank God :)

Offcourse, i will rule once more over the seven seas...! :P

You???? We!!! We are a team, remember? ;)

But indeed where are all those 100.000

It's kinda odd as according to the KvK (Dutch chamber of commerce) there are at least 50 to 75.000 Polish ppl registered as "one-man" businesses. I take it that most of them are not totally on their own, so a number of 100.000 Poles is a safe number to assume there are present in NL.

Is it actually true what I heard that Polish chickadees have taken a liking for Dutch boys as they are tall and apparently good looking (according to Polish girls, that is)? At least they like them much better than the Irish blokes. That's what I've heard. Is that true?


M-G (riddles, puzzels, zoon!)
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
9 Oct 2009 /  #36
Which countries are Polish people invited to work?

Show me this "invitation"?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Oct 2009 /  #37
Well, Scotland for starters. I am guessing England and Wales too. Dentists get a golden handshake as they have a deservedly good reputation and are much sought after. I know this for a fact as my mum researched it for my ex who is now in England. She probably received a similarly attractive package and she said she was warmly invited.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
9 Oct 2009 /  #38

And the other 1,950,000 living in Ireland, the UK and Sweden who SeanBM claims were invited?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Oct 2009 /  #39
Then I'll let him answer that but who employed them? I can safely tell you that many got their jobs when in Poland and were invited as I went through their CV's with them.

However, I'm not as optimistic as Seanny on this one.

All please remember that this thread is about the Netherlands, not Ireland and not the UK.
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
9 Oct 2009 /  #40

The Irish dentists are definitively taking advantage of the shortage. Two years ago I needed an extraction. I asked the chickadee at the counter how much it would cost and she said about 90 Euros. Well, it had to be removed, and I didn't want to wait until I got back to Holland to have it done for 32 Euros, so I said ok. At the appointment they wanted to take pictures of my jaws, but I said, I know which tooth it is, I don't need that. They told me not to worry as it was included in the price. So I let them (the dentist's assistant was a hotty with a super sensual voice) do what they had to do. The (female) Dentist was pulling and pulling to get the tooth out for nearly 20 minutes(!) and then she asked a male colleague to give it a try. He got it out in about 20 seconds. Then I got the bill: 290 Euros. I asked angrily, but you said it was 90?? Yes, but that's only for the extraction itself. Photos were 50 extra, anaestetics 60 and the colleague had charged me as well 90 Euros for his part in the extraction! Just compare this with Holland, last time I was there, I had another tooth extracted and it cost me exactly 32,50 Euros, all inclusive. I asked him if he needed to take pics too. He said he didn't need them as he could see in my mouth straightaway who was the culprit.

So if cheaper Polish Dentists are coming to Ireland, they are more than welcome. The Dental Faculty of the Dublin University is also a good alternative. They are cheap, they only charge like 200 Euros for extraction of a wisdom tooth. Normal Dentists (or surgeons) charge about 1500 Euros for the same thing. I know ppl who have taken a loan at the bank to be able to have their wisdom teeth taken out as they were becoming a threat to their health.

Moderator: indeed, it's about the Netherlands. I only wanted to tell the Dentist's story and compare it to the Dentist in Holland. But from now on it will be on topic again.



M-G (Ireland for the Irish? Nah)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Oct 2009 /  #41
Mods, my apologies. I hastily responded to RN. OK, the Netherlands. I talked to a guy that went there and he really had a great time. He found the Dutch to be an agreeable and fun bunch and he said that his colleagues loved it too. He was the boyfriend of one of my colleagues who unfortunately lost her job. She was an uplifting source :)
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
9 Oct 2009 /  #42
Well, it's time to visit my country yourself, Seanus :) Now that Amsterdam is becoming clean, perhaps we will attract more of the decent tourists, not the ones that vomit all over the place or think that all our girls are prostitutes and harrass them or lie tripping out over too much too heavy hashies on doorsteps or at the Monument on Damsquare!


M-G (Seanus is more than welcome to visit my little country by the Sea)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Oct 2009 /  #43
Holland is definitely on my list of countries to visit. I've travelled a fair bit this year so it will be sometime next year. Unlike the Poles, I will be looking for sth beyond Heineken ;) ;)

Seanus (I must get up in 6 hours so must turn in. Goodnight said to all)
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
9 Oct 2009 /  #44

The seen you coming.
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
9 Oct 2009 /  #45

If you need tips on where to go from an insider, I'd be glad to help :) Goodnight!


M-G (always glad to help)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Oct 2009 /  #46
That would be cool but I thought you lived in Ireland now.
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
9 Oct 2009 /  #47
I do, but I still know the nice places to go though :) True, I may not be up to date whereas pubs are concerned, but I still can point out the things you really should visit...And that you won't find in the tourist-guides.


M-G (guide)
Arien  2 | 710  
9 Oct 2009 /  #48
Holland is definitely on my list of countries to visit. I've travelled a fair bit this year so it will be sometime next year. Unlike the Poles, I will be looking for sth beyond Heineken

Feel free to stop by if you ever find yourself in North-Holland. I always keep a few beers in the fridge, and if you really are looking for something beyond Heineken, I know this whole region like the back of my hand, and could probably show you where to find whatever you're looking for..

mvefa  5 | 591  
9 Oct 2009 /  #49
If you need a guide to Amsterdam and Utrecht, here i am, i know those 2 cities like the back of my hand...
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
9 Oct 2009 /  #50
So you see, Seanus, there's plenty of help available when you come to the Netherlands :) I can most definitively help you with the places to go in Eastern Holland, with cities like Arnhem, Nijmegen, Enschede, Zutphen and so on...But also, I know quite a bit of Amsterdam (lived there for nearly a decade) and to a lesser extend of Rotterdam.

By the way, and I think I speak for Arien and mfeva as well, I'd be most glad to help out everybody who plans on visiting my country.


M-G (thinks Seanus won't get lost when visiting the Netherlands)
Arien  2 | 710  
9 Oct 2009 /  #51
By the way, and I think I speak for Arien and mfeva as well, I'd be most glad to help out everybody who plans on visiting my country.

Yeah, I'd say we're a hospitable bunch.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Oct 2009 /  #52
It certainly seems that way. The Dutch are a smart bunch of people. Respect! So, any Poles floating around your neck of the woods?
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
9 Oct 2009 /  #53
That's why I started the topic in the first place :) I hope I have time to post one of the recipes I promised tonight on here. You will enjoy it in our little country by the sea :)


M-G (Seanus is welcome - hope he will be there when I'm in the country too, would like to meet him)
Stu  12 | 515  
31 Mar 2010 /  #54
M-G, try the Betuwe (for the non-Dutch, the fruit region in the middle of the Netherlands) and the provinces of North-Brabant (agriculture) and Limburg (building, with great access to Germany).

As for myself, I live in Geldermalsen (in the heart of the Betuwe) and I can practise my Polish in the local Lidl and Aldi :). Of course there are a lot of Polish people working in fruit picking, but we also have a substantial number of self-employed builders and quite a lot of lorry drivers.

Even the owner of our local off-licence is learning Polish so she can communicate with her customers more easily. And she is selling Polish beer and other alcohol as well :D.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
31 Mar 2010 /  #55
Even the owner of our local off-licence is learning Polish so she can communicate with her customers more easily. And she is selling Polish beer and other alcohol as well :D.

it is so nice that some people are friendly to other nationalities and they see that learning another language will bring the profit to the business. Being friendly pays off.
AussieSheila  5 | 75  
18 Sep 2010 /  #56
My friends are currently working in holland and are not very happy because they were promised Euro 5 an hour but they are paid only 3.21 Euro after tax + free accommodation (for 18 yrs old) and 4.01 Euros for others (without a room). They work 10-12 hours most of the time, 5 days a week (extremely hard work requiring heavy lifting of goods weighing 10-20 kg).

Any person doing the same work here in Australia will be paid minimum $20+ /hr + 9% superannuation (around 15 Euros).

It seems like slavery is alive and well in the old Europe.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
18 Sep 2010 /  #57
What About The Poles In The Netherlands?

What about it? Just kiddin', lol
A J  4 | 1075  
18 Sep 2010 /  #58
They work 10-12 hours most of the time, 5 days a week (extremely hard work requiring heavy lifting of goods weighing 10-20 kg).

Yes, and people like me don't have any work because they agree to work for less than minimum wage, and something tells me that they don't speak up for their rights either, but it's not like I can do much about that, since they've agreed to do this.

Any person doing the same work here in Australia will be paid minimum $20+ /hr + 9% superannuation (around 15 Euros).

Sounds great! So can I get a job in Australia for a while? Or am I not Polish enough to do such jobs?

It seems like slavery is alive and well in the old Europe.

Yes it is, all thanks to those wonderful politicians in Brussels.

southern  73 | 7059  
18 Sep 2010 /  #59
It seems like slavery is alive and well in the old Europe.

Yes mad'm,here in Europe we carry our slaves by the leash.
Wroclaw Boy  
18 Sep 2010 /  #60
My friends are currently working in holland and are not very happy because they were promised Euro 5 an hour but they are paid only 3.21 Euro after tax + free accommodation (for 18 yrs old) and 4.01 Euros for others (without a room).

Do your friends have two arms and legs and do they talk?

Any person doing the same work here in Australia will be paid minimum $20+ /hr + 9% superannuation (around 15 Euros).

Cough cough bull shite, lets not forget the Ozzi beaches they have waves too.

What is Ozzi Sheilas problem with Europe? especially Poland.

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