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Should Poles help Germans organize protests demanding free media ?

G (undercover)  
19 Jan 2016 /  #121
Slowly ? You've got to be kidding me.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
19 Jan 2016 /  #122
If that group is fairly represented by the angry, bitter reactionaries on PF, I sincerely hope so.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 Jan 2016 /  #123
actually Roger that group is best represented by wrinkly old white men on PF who think their opinions are interesting and valid..:O
G (undercover)  
19 Jan 2016 /  #124
Why do you deny the right to survive to endangered nations ? Not everyone wants to commit suicide like you do. Ever heard about indigenous peoples ?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
19 Jan 2016 /  #125
represented by the angry, bitter reactionaries on PF, I sincerely hope so.

that group is best represented by wrinkly old white men on PF who think their opinions are interesting and valid..:

I'm not sure if I'm included in that group (wrinkly old white angry bitter reactionaries), but my view was meant to present the immigration crisis in a broader perspective. It is well known these days that the present population of Europe consists of a mixture of three major immigration waves: (1) oldest : archaic population (2) middle : hunters-gatherers (3) most recent : agriculturers from the Middle East. Each one came and fought fiercely with the predecessors to gain the best resources for themselves. The first one could compete with the Neanderthal men. Peaceful co-existence occured as well and the eventual result of these waves was a mixture of races of which mixture we are the final product.

Facing the fact that the white Caucasian-type procreates much less slowly than ever before and that it is richer than ever before and also the people in the neighbouring lands, it is easy quite easy to see in Europe some space to be fulfilled by another "race". My point is that there is nothing unusual about it bearing in mind the ancient history of Europe. Of course, it may be somewhat painful for the present population of Europe to see all those people coming in great numbers in too short a time. Incidentally, the term "wrinkly old white reactionary" nicely renders the nature of the deeper-level problem that is behind the current immigration crisis, but the huge immigration phenomenon like the present one to Europe is nothing new at all.

Of course, most of of the white Caucasian-type Europeans do not dig up archeology papers in the internet to read them and draw some disturbing conclusions on immigration. But don't we have some more recent examples? The herds of Europeans immigrating to scarcely populated North America and throwing out the natives of America to gain the land and other resources? An even worse thing happened in South America where the Spaniards exterminated the rather densely-populated lands and were truly merciless (in the name of God to be honest), to get out all the gold and silver from the hands of the natives and later on extract it from the mines in which the natives were forced to work usually until their premature death.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Jan 2016 /  #126
As to "Vichy", the socalled governement was not elected in the first place and situation in those days had nothing to do with nowadays's

Of course not, but still an awful lot of French were more than happy to follow Pétain and his regime. That's what I was hinting at. Given the right environment, why wouldn't it be possible for the French to move to the (far) right again? Everyone around you in Europe did or does it, why not you? Your answer that you just "know" it won't happen in France sounds more like wishful thinking. Look, I'm not trying to insult you. I'm trying to understand why you are convinced that the shift to the right will happen everywhere else but not in France.

You know, in order to get to know any population, you need to speak their language and live with them for a long time and have personal experiences

You seem to have negative feelings about Germany, I noticed. Do you know its people, their language and have lived with them for a very long time? ;)

Generally, I would agree with you, but you have forgotten that we live in an era where people move all across the globe for jobs and love. Cultures are mixing now, and the WWW adds another layer of information and cultural diversity. Countries these days are not isolated islands anymore where a culture stays "pure" and isn't influenced from the outside. So long story short: people are getting increasingly similar across the globe (which I find really unfortunate) and it's less and less unnecessary to live in a country to understand its people. Daily politics and stuff is of course a different story.


but some here still ask if the books by Houellebeq are worth reading

I didn't know the author, that's why I was asking... :)
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Jan 2016 /  #127
Is the supremacy of the white Caucacian-type man in Europe slowly coming to an end?

No great loss.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
19 Jan 2016 /  #128
Cause the middle east and the Indian sub-continent are such superbly well-run places?
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Jan 2016 /  #129
Can't speak for India, however there are parts of the Middle East that are fine. Europe during the Twentieth Century though was a living hell at so many times, for so many people and in so many places. The bad things that happen in the Middle East are usually due to chaos. In Europe it was mostly by design.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
19 Jan 2016 /  #130
I like the straw and the beam in the eye ;). Is there ONE country which has behaved in the most perfect way since the beginning of mankind???? ;);) EVEN tiny Switzerland, Monaco and Luxemburg (just to remain in Europe) are not that clean either. Although Switzerland stopped being involved in wars in the 16th century (since Marignan battle in 1515, including France's King François I?), they have become all the dictators' sand all kinds of crooks's secret safes. Tiny Monaco from its very beginning (check their history) has been linked to mafias and frauds. Tiny Luxemburg has become a washing machine for dirty money from everywhere in Europe and not only.

Yes, big, meddium and small countries all have "skeletons" in their closets. Some are shocked because in France, they had Pétain but so what, in other countries, at the same time, they had Hitler, Staline, Mussolini, Franco, Salazar, Mao, then Pol Pot, the Greek colonels and so forth and so forth. Some countries committed crimes against humanity, committed genocides (against the Jews, against the American and the Autralian natives..). Some countries (sometimes among the above) dropped atomic and napalm bombs over civil populations, including women, children, old folks and so on and so on. Unfortunately things have not stopped and still happen every day around the world.

So who in the hell can claim to be ... "perfect" ;)

There is a lot of ignorance in PF ....
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
19 Jan 2016 /  #131
Some are shocked because in France, they had Pétain but so what, in other countries, at the same time, they had Hitler, Staline, Mussolini, Franco, Salazar, Mao, then Pol Pot, the Greek colonels and so forth and so forth

Notice that we didn't have any Pétain government in Poland which makes one less skeleton in the Polish cupboard and one more skeleton in the French placard. Could the territory of the Vichy government of France be referred to as "France B" and the one under the control of Adolf Hitler could be referred to as "France A"?
19 Jan 2016 /  #132
Notice that we didn't have any Pétain government in Poland which makes one less skeleton in the Polish cupboard

You didn't have one because you weren't offered one (and you weren't offered one because of the terms of the German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty of 28 September 1939).
Ironside  50 | 12941  
19 Jan 2016 /  #133
You didn't have one because you weren't offered one

That is a big erroneous assumption on your part Harry. Isn't that true that they weren't offered one because Poland unlike other countries didn't sign an act of the capitulation. What was in itself a big mistake on the part of the Polish government as well as this silly idea to go to war with Hitler.
19 Jan 2016 /  #134
Poland unlike other countries didn't sign an act of the capitulation.

Yes, because they weren't offered one, because of the terms of the German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty of 28 September 1939.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
19 Jan 2016 /  #135
No Harry , you are confusing cause and effect.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
8 May 2016 /  #136
Rosum..........."that group is best represented by wrinkly old white men..."

Hmmm, perhaps you should work on your prejudices. Are you giving wrinkly old women a pass? What about unwrinkled old men? Feminist bitterness exposes insecurity.

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