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Should Poles help Germans organize protests demanding free media ?

Crow  154 | 9525  
16 Jan 2016 /  #91
In one hand, it would help to Europe if Germany africanize. Things would be clear then. i mean, one would know where are clear boundaries between Whites and Blacks, with all due respect on all, sure. Now we have situation where are Germans and entire western Europe white gypsies. One just can`t be sure about them.
Honest Pole  
16 Jan 2016 /  #92
Fourth Reich will be a german caliphate. Heh I wonder if they manage conquer Poland again.
Crow  154 | 9525  
16 Jan 2016 /  #93
What stays white in Europe would be Slavic again. People would gladly re-slavicize.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
16 Jan 2016 /  #94
Attempted execution by stoning by 3 North African men on Transgender Women

I wonder If Biedroń/Grodzkie and all are going to comment on that... Any homo already pushed off the roof ? Either censored or still ahead of us. The "funniest" thing is when the shyt really hits the fan, all the homos, lefties etc. will be hiding behind the backs of "kibole", "fascists" etc.
Crow  154 | 9525  
16 Jan 2016 /  #95
when i think to myself that i was on the verge of germanization or anglicization, i can`t found proper words to describe how i feel by escaping to that lunacy. i just know that i`m loved by God.
Honest Pole  
16 Jan 2016 /  #96
Any homo already pushed off the roof ?

I'm pretty sure immigrants already killed homosexuals in germany.

16 Jan 2016 /  #97
We will all be fine in this new world that Germany is building !!!, unless you are a woman, Transexual, Gay,Jew, Christian.

Grzegorz_ don't confuse gays with lefties, gays would stand up and fight if needed.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
16 Jan 2016 /  #98
We will all be fine in this new world that Germany is building

Get your facts straight. The majority of Germans were and still are against Merkel's social engineering experiment. If you want to blame anyone for the mess, blame the witch.
Crow  154 | 9525  
16 Jan 2016 /  #99
i pray for Duda and for Intermarium every evening before i going to sleep. All other options sound as pure lunacy.
16 Jan 2016 /  #100
TheOther I can't see masses of germans on the streets trying to get her out apart from Pegida who are small like kod.
Crow  154 | 9525  
16 Jan 2016 /  #101
Germans are now incapable for positive actions. Males in Germany are like a females fascinated with Arab males who on the other side seek to inseminate unprotected German females. It would be interesting to see what would happen with German LGBT population in this environment. Only hope is that Arab refugees turn to LGBT ways but, as we all know, its hardly part of the plan.

So, insemination of Germany with new seed.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
16 Jan 2016 /  #102
I can't see masses of germans on the streets trying to get her out

Germany is a democracy, not some backward hellhole. Merkel's term ends in 2017, although that might be too late for the country.

Germans are now incapable for positive actions.

Try the vigilante groups in Duesseldorf for a start.
16 Jan 2016 /  #103
the other "Germany is a democracy" then is is every citizens right to demonstrate against the government and its policy, sorry i don't see the disagreeing. as you say 2017 will tell.
Crow  154 | 9525  
16 Jan 2016 /  #104
On the other side, if Germans rebel against Islamization or if some right winged German party start to deal with migrants properly, considering moment we live in, it may result in homogenization of people within EU around `common` goal. If that`s the plan of western European magnates then its truly sinister. In a eventual wave of hysteria, political opposition- eurosceptics, would be wiped out. At the end, Duda`s work on Intermarium would be effectively destroyed.

See Poles, how EU hold you well. It would be hard escape, if ever. This very thread is example or trap at work. To mobilize Poles to help Germans.... how naive. Why to help? That Germans then continue to assimilate Poles?
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
16 Jan 2016 /  #105
The Germans, it seems, are having not too dissimilar media issues from the Poles! The mainstream German press appears to be backing Chancellor Merkel, yet the ever present rightist publicists are attacking her at every bend and turn. Mme. Szydło however is apparently not being supported by the Fourth Estate in Poland, and herein lies the key difference.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
17 Jan 2016 /  #106
it may result in homogenization of people within EU around `common` goal.

Yes, it will result in a general shift to the (far) right of the political spectrum. Many countries in Europe have already taken this step (like Le Pen in France for example), and it's only a matter of time before Germany will follow.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
17 Jan 2016 /  #107
@TheOther: le pen family are no more than big mouth billionnaire crooks (check re Lambert's inheritance, ;)) who NEVER will be elected since no way they can make 50.01% (= all other parties always get together to vote against them) at a general election.
Crow  154 | 9525  
17 Jan 2016 /  #108
Many countries in Europe have already taken this step (like Le Pen in France for example), and it's only a matter of time before Germany will follow.

More and more this in case with refugees sound me as orchestrated crisis (while EU ruling establishment pretended to losing control), with purpose not to weaken or destroy EU but in fact to strengthen it and increase control of western Europe. Now, Germany have reputations to be the motor of EU and so, all Europeans wait for solution from Germany. Right wingers consolidate in many EU countries, while Germans still didn`t come. When they come- solution. EU would be more German then ever. Sure, stronger. That would be the lesson.

Poland and Poles in particular, would after EU consolidation, after crisis is over, would emerge as totally chaotic, weak or eventually stronger then ever- if those who suggested Intermarium survive political onslaught. We shall see
mafketis  38 | 11127  
17 Jan 2016 /  #109
More and more this in case with refugees sound me as orchestrated crisis (while EU ruling establishment pretended to losing control), with purpose not to weaken or destroy EU but in fact to strengthen it and increase control of western Europe

Close. The consensus among people who've spent a lot of time on this and who understand how the modern world works (that is understnad ideas like the end of the nation state and liquidity) assume that the ultimate purposes of the "refugee crisis" are

1) wreck the welfare state by overburdening it with people who cannot hope to be economically productive (while stifling criticism of the policies that lead to this as 'racist') both Germany and Sweden are rapidly disinvesting and cutting social services to citizens in favor of "refugees".

2) destabilize western countries (liquid capital loves unrest and instability of certain kinds, look up the term IMF riot if you don't understand)

3) refocus the interests of the native populations western countries by importing a lot of people who aren't very good at creating and/or maintaining civil society and who are mostly politically apathetic though prone to mass violence in certain circumstances (this is done with latinos in the US and Muslims in Europe) so the various ethnic and religious groups in the borders of any given country spend their time focused on each other rather than on what the national governments are doing

there's moire but that's a start.

There are other theories (Merkel is actually mentally ill and/or being bribed/threatened by non-European actors) but I put less faith in them.
Crow  154 | 9525  
17 Jan 2016 /  #110
There are other theories (Merkel is actually mentally ill and/or being bribed/threatened by non-European actors) but I put less faith in them.

If Merkel is mentally ill, i would gladly remind that last German leader that was suppose to be mentally ill, also known as madman- Hitler, reduced population of Poland and Poles quite effectively. i don`t know, Poland would now have about 55-60 mil people if there was no Hitler`s Germany.

Or maybe this new mentally ill leader of Germany wants that Poland increase population. Always as suits to Germany. Downs and ups with population of Poland.

No, they aren`t ill. They are sinister.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
17 Jan 2016 /  #111
Read yesterday (in several French speaking media) that Schauble is thinking about a EUROPEAN (so Poland included) tax on gazoline in order to finance refugees. Already last summer, Merkel and Junker mentioned it but media did not do a big deal about it...

Although I believe GENUINE war refugees must be helped, I am 100000000000% AGAINST Merkelian policies of taking in ANYONE with no control whatsover, which include (potential) terrorists, criminals, crooks.... . I'm wondering whether Germans will keep her till end of this year... The woman is really sick...

For me, what happened in several German cities and in some other Northern and Central European cities on 12/31 is a true form of terrorism (since of course planned, what the jerk Germany uses as a minister for Justice had a hard time to believe, otherwise how could such acts take place at same time, in same manner in several places????). Unfortunately, German and other Northern/Central European women have not received much support internationally! As a woman, I have been hurt....
TheOther  6 | 3596  
17 Jan 2016 /  #112
le pen family are no more than big mouth billionnaire crooks (check re Lambert's inheritance, ;)) who NEVER will be elected

What makes you so sure that voters won't jump ship and join the Front National in large numbers? At some point in time the established parties might not be strong enough to prevent Le Pen from reaching the 50.01%.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
17 Jan 2016 /  #113
@TheOther: The dynasty has tried for 50 years and has never made it: logical since 1. at least 80% of the voters are democrats and tolerant 2. Fhaine (pronounced like FN with "haine" = hatred) has NO program (simplist slogans are no program) 3. at least 80% of voters prefer to stick to what they know ("on sait ce qu'on quitte, on ne sait pas ce qu'on trouve" 'we know what we leave behind, we don't know what we'll find ;)) and don't want to take risks to have a civil war. 4. all democratic parties always get together when necessary to beat fhaine and 5. and Conclusion: The crooked family (living in a castle (Montretout in Saint-Cloud, west of Paris) and hiding their millions in Swiss banks (cf. justice, not "YouTube" ;)) shall never make it and they know it. They all have big mouths and bark a lot and those who are uneducated, frustrated with their lousy lives buy whatever bs. This is called POPULISM, DEMAGOGY when "leaders" say what the lowest people want to hear. This is so everywhere but fortunately majorities in at least democratic countries don't buy cheap garbage from charlatans....

In Poland, this corresponds a bit to Korwin-Mikke and maybe to Kukiz!

PS: How do I know? Simply because I'm French and I know France and French political situation ;)
mafketis  38 | 11127  
17 Jan 2016 /  #114
At some point in time the established parties might not be strong enough to prevent Le Pen from reaching the 50.01%.

I have no special feeling about FN but the recent election situation does not seem healthy. The number of voters keeps growing and the ruling parties are not addressing any of the issues that FN is talking about which makes it possible that they will at some point win some significant victory.

Usually the quickest way to tame a radical party is to make it responsible for ruling something (it doesn't always work but it does more often than not). The burdern of having to satisfy citizens is a great big bucket of cold water over the heads of most radicals.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
18 Jan 2016 /  #115
...logical since 1. at least 80% of the voters are democrats and tolerant 2. Fhaine (pronounced like FN with "haine" = hatred) has NO program (simplist slogans are no program) 3. at least 80% of voters prefer to stick to what they know

You seem to have a lot of faith in the French voter. Hopefully, you are right. On the other hand: if something like the latest terror attack in Paris happens again, do you really believe that the French will not shift to the far right politically then? It has happened in Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, and Hungary before, the trend in Germany, Italy and Poland point into the same direction, and even the Brits are slowly moving to the right (UKIP). Why would the French be different?

How do I know? Simply because I'm French

I know... :)
When was the last time you lived in France?

The number of voters keeps growing and the ruling parties are not addressing any of the issues that FN is talking about which makes it possible that they will at some point win some significant victory.

That's what I meant.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
18 Jan 2016 /  #116
@TheOther: NOT, faith BUT reality! I know the place, the people, their language, the situation, the system. In second tours, people ALWAYS vote for whomever is against Fhaine! They vote for the "moins pire" (litterally, the "less worse") and fhaine always lose. What is fhaine? A fascist party funded by former waffen ss now officially financed by ... Russia (they love Putin ;)). Le pen father tortured a lot in Algeria and is proud of it and made a living in the 1950's selling records of ... nazi music. He has become a billionnaire through frauds (Lambert's inheritance, also including Montretout Castle where the whole family lives (and fights a lot ;)), was condemned several dozens of times by justice for tax and other frauds (right now, investigations re their campaign funds), violence (he lost one eye while fighting inside a church...) and for his countless pro-nazis and antisemitic and racist comments.... All these are LEGAL facts and not made up stories in YouTube or in garbage tabloïds.

As to their "program": only simplist slogans "let's get out of EU!" "let's get out of Euro!" but of course they never say HOW. They have NO economic program other than a pale copy of JL. Mélanchon's anti-capitalist party. They NEVER talk about economics and whenever they are asked about economics while being interviewed, they always change the topic. Who votes for them: 1. the fascists 2. the ultra catholics - 1+2 = a tiny minority of their electorate and in the country and 3. and mostly, the uneducated (fhaine has only 17% of post high school diploma holders) and frustrated because lousy jobs or on welfare. The older ones used to vote for communists but now they vote for fhaine as they believe in cheap charlatans. Populists know how to talk to simple minds...

Saying that most voters could switch to Fhaine is pure ignorance of situation and also insulting voters. No, the huge majority of voters and the huge majority of the population do not share fhaine's "values", they strongly believe in democracy, human rights, freedom and equality for all, so nothing in common with fhaine.

In Poland, I suppose the closest would be Korwin-Mikke but fortunately voters even if not always coherent will never vote for the worst evil! Korwin-Mikke and consorts have no chance either in Poland.

No chance for the evil! ;)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Jan 2016 /  #117
No, the huge majority of voters and the huge majority of the population do not share fhaine's "values", they strongly believe in democracy, human rights, freedom and equality for all

You are very optimistic, InPolska. No right-wing France à la Vichy possible then?
InPolska  9 | 1796  
19 Jan 2016 /  #118
@TheOther: No, it is only .... KNOWLEDGE! You know, in order to get to know any population, you need to speak their language and live with them for a long time and have personal experiences rather than relying on foreign NON expert "medias". As to "Vichy", the socalled governement was not elected in the first place and situation in those days had nothing to do with nowadays's:). The current constitution was written in 1958 (and currently under changes) and has changed the whole political system so comparing apples and oranges does not make any sense. It is as stupid as to going back to Robespierre, Louis XVIII, Napoléon, Henri VI, or even .... Clovis or Vercingétorix to refer to .... 2016. ;).

If foreigners are accused including in PF not to know Poland (I surely know Poland much better than a lof ot those Polonia members who have most often never set a foot in Poland), the situation is the same re ANY other country.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
19 Jan 2016 /  #119
Everyone has been jumping on Frau Merker, but did she have any other choice then let the refugees and immigrants in? She has tried hard to distribute the immigrants among other member states, but Poland and other Eastern European countries opposed the idea which is what Bavaria does at the moment. At that stage InPolska called Poland stupid and racist, but these days InPolska - in accordance with her twisted French logic - calls Frau Merkel a "witch" for letting the immigrants in. On what principles the French logic is build upon? - no one ever knows!

In my view Europe has had no choice. Frau Merkel has fallen victim of the political correctness that has been developing in Europe for decades now. Imagine the Bundeskanzlerin declaring "We don't want any refugees who are mostly muslim in Europe!" in the beginning of the immigration crisis. She would simply have been called xenophobic and racist! Now that the crisis is in full progress, the political correctness as we know it has started to be challenged by some.

It has been very easy to exclude Christianity and Roman Catholicism in particular from the scope of political correctness. Poland and its people as predominantly Roman Catholic followed suit. Even the British expacts on the PF along with InPolska find it very easy to ridicule Christianity as some sort of "superstition".

In my view, Europe will not be able to get rid of those immigrants who came last year. She will not be able to stop those who plan to come this year either. It's impossible to stop any massive influx of people by any other means than military force which is unlikely to happen. Building walls is to no avail, too. Did the wall once built by the ancient Roman Empire on its northern borders stop the influx of those barbaric Germanic tribes who eventually put an end to the existence of this empire? No, but some here still ask if the books by Houellebeq are worth reading.

You obviously didn't read Michele Houellebecq's book "Soumission"

Is it worth it?

The future ahead of Europe seems to be bleak. And not only because of the political correctnes that reigns over it. It is because Europe has commited suicide in the last two world wars. Or is it because Europe wasn't in a particularly good shape before that so it put the fire to start those wars?

Is the supremacy of the white Caucacian-type man in Europe slowly coming to an end?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 Jan 2016 /  #120
" Is the supremacy of the white Caucacian-type man in Europe slowly coming to an end? "


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