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Should Poles help Germans organize protests demanding free media ?

TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Jan 2016 /  #31
Thanks, I'll check. Unbelievable.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
11 Jan 2016 /  #32
What's unbelievable ?
nothanks  - | 626  
11 Jan 2016 /  #33

step up or step aside
G (undercover)  
11 Jan 2016 /  #34
I might be no expert on rape but I believe that when a teenage girl is being isolated from the crowd and surrounded by 20 Arabs, who are touching her crotch, that's (next to cultural enrichment) a sort of crime too... perhaps not a rape rape thought...
11 Jan 2016 /  #35
The German official responsible for investigating the attacks on women in Cologne on New Year's Eve says the suspects were "almost exclusively" those with a migration background, mainly North African and Arab.

Source BBC.

It looks now as if the German government and media have come to their senses and are now reporting the facts as they stand.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
11 Jan 2016 /  #36
It looks now as if the German government and media have come to their senses and are now reporting the facts as they stand.

It must be killing them poor things, but in other news a Jewish guy (with beanie) was beaten up by two migrants on a train and the German media could care less...
11 Jan 2016 /  #37
Maybe a complaint to the EU about German government media suppression would be in order, maybe our prime minister will step in and lodge a complaint.
G (undercover)  
11 Jan 2016 /  #38
It looks now as if the German government and media have come to their senses and are now reporting the facts as they stand.

After they failed to hide it and everyone knows about it anyway. Obviously there's a serious issue with censorship in the German media.
11 Jan 2016 /  #39
Maybe it will take a new government to step in and make replacements at the head of state media to ensure that the reporting is free and not encumbered.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jan 2016 /  #40
Broadcasting/media isn't run by the State in Germany, it's run by the states. There's no possibility for the government to make appointments.
G (undercover)  
11 Jan 2016 /  #41
Whoever run it, there's clearly a huge problem with censorship.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jan 2016 /  #42
Wrong, over 500.

Wrong. Over 500 incidents, of which around 40% were sexual assaults.

The whole thing is a disgrace, but let's not get the numbers wrong.
11 Jan 2016 /  #43
Germany's public broadcaster, ZDF, was forced to apologise for its decision not to report on the attacks until Tuesday, four days after they had occurred.

"The news situation was clear enough," the show's deputy chief editor, Elmar Thevessen, wrote on the Heute (Today) programme's Facebook page. "It was a mistake of the 7pm Heute show not to at least report the incidents."

Andreas Scheuer of the Christian Social Union, the Bavarian sister party of Angela Merkel's conservative CDU, accused the media of exercising too much caution and forming a "cartel of silence". Source The Gaurdian and ZDF facebook page.

Interesting to note that the CDU stepped in to complain and accusing the German press of forming a cartel!!!!!
Something does not add up here
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jan 2016 /  #44
Interesting to note that the CDU stepped in to complain and accusing the German press of forming a cartel!!!!!

The CSU isn't the CDU, they are sister parties - and the CSU is only active in Bavaria. For instance, the CSU's Transport Minister was the one demanding the PKW-Maut which the CDU was against - but the CSU demanded it as a condition of entering the coalition. The CSU is much more socially and financially conservative than the CDU.

Something does not add up here

You need to know that there's no Federal broadcaster in Germany. Broadcasting is constitutionally a matter for the individual states, and ZDF is a channel created as an alliance between the individual state broadcasting companies. Hence the comments about a "cartel", because the CSU is suggesting that ZDF is controlled by rival political elements that hushed up the news.
G (undercover)  
11 Jan 2016 /  #45
Investigation is badly needed.
11 Jan 2016 /  #46
spot on Delph "CSU is suggesting that ZDF is controlled by rival political elements that hushed up the news." Hushed up.....
TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Jan 2016 /  #47
What's unbelievable ?

That this was allowed to happen. Not only in Germany, but in Switzerland, Austria and Finland, too.
G (undercover)  
11 Jan 2016 /  #48
That this was allowed to happen.

The whole thing is a manufactured crisis, someone wants it to happen because that will trigger off something else... hard to say what but most likely nothing good.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Jan 2016 /  #49
The whole thing is a manufactured crisis

It's about cheap labor and global politics, just like in the early 1960's when the US pressed the Europeans (and particularly the Germans) to open their borders to the Turks.
11 Jan 2016 /  #50
Interesting that the head of German TV was voted in without any candidate in opposition , The voting setup is a bit like FIFA, so no chance of any problems there then.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
11 Jan 2016 /  #51
It's about cheap labor

What cheap labor? Statistics tell you that 97% so called Muslim refuges from middle east or Arabs are not working in Europe.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Jan 2016 /  #52
Statistics tell you that 97% so called Muslim refuges from middle east or Arabs are not working in Europe.

Of course not, because they are asylum seekers and as such not allowed to work legally (yet). The Europeans either send them home or have to integrate them, which probably won't be successful looking at the third or fourth generation Turks and Kurds in Europe for example. You can't have tens of millions of people leeching off the social systems long term without going bankrupt. Not even talking about the health systems which will collapse very soon if the flow of refugees to Europe continues.

What cheap labor?

The ones that will be allowed to stay in Europe (hopefully not too many). They will be more than happy to slave away for peanuts and undercut local wage levels. Happened in Britain, still happens in the US.
milky  13 | 1656  
11 Jan 2016 /  #53
But I do think it's pretty f*ckin stupid that every refugee gets tarred with the same brush coz of the actions of some boozed-up idiots.

Racists want and need reasons to justify their racism. No need to look into it too deeply.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
11 Jan 2016 /  #54
No need to look into it too deeply.

G (undercover)  
12 Jan 2016 /  #55
Hundreds arrested during anti-islamization demonstration in Lipsk:
12 Jan 2016 /  #56
Things are getting out of hand in Germany.

"Hundreds of far-right protesters rampage through German town, destroying ethnic restaurants and takeaways - hours after Merkel admits European migrant crisis is 'out of control'

Read more: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3395246/Hundreds-far-right-protesters-rampage-German-town-Leipzig-destroying-ethnic-restaurants-takeaways-latest-anti-migrant-demonstrations.html#ixzz3x1wIWJ85
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook.

Nightmare of cristal nacht comes to mind, innocent hard working immigrants are now paying the price for Merkels mistake of bringing in undocumented unchecked criminals en mass under the banner of refugee".

Poland must stand up and demand that merkel cleans this mess up quickly , part of this is to have a German media that reports the facts as they are and not covering up incidents as above.

The backlash seems to be spreading, How long will it be before polish nationals are also attacked.
12 Jan 2016 /  #57
Things are getting out of hand in Germany.

Now who could have foreseen that happening?

How long will it be before polish nationals are also attacked.

Not long, but it'll be a lot longer before many Poles realise that a nation which sends out millions of immigrants may wish to take a somewhat more enlightened view with regard to immigrants.
12 Jan 2016 /  #58
" somewhat more enlightened view with regard to immigrants."

Not sure what this has to do with Germany , but you and many other immigrants are in Poland without problems, you have been through the proper vetting procedures and are contributing to Poland, It is also nice to know that some of you here on PF have or are going through the process of gaining your citizenship, this system seems very enlightened and fair if you ask me.
12 Jan 2016 /  #59
but you and many other immigrants are in Poland without problems, you have been through the proper vetting procedures

Actually, the Brits in Poland are migrants rather than immigrants (remember there's no immigration control for EU citizens) and no EU citizens at all are required to undergo any vetting procedure at all, in fact it would be illegal if Poland even tried to make us undergo such a process in order to be here, just as Poles are not required to undergo any vetting process before being allowed into Germany.

this system seems very enlightened and fair if you ask me.

In reality it's a farce. Poland hands out passports to people who have never set foot in Poland (and whose parents never have either) but denies them to people who have never left Poland (and whose parents have never left Poland).
G (undercover)  
12 Jan 2016 /  #60

It's at KOD Berlin. No kidding.

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