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Should Poles help Germans organize protests demanding free media ?

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
10 Jan 2016 /  #1
What do you think about this idea ? It turns out that German media were silent about the recent mass rapes for days thus they can not be free, likely the regime pressured them not to mention those shocking events.

Should we help our fellow Europeans to demand free media and protection from the police ? Perhaps authorities over there should do something more than telling women to stay at home after dark ?
Crow  154 | 9463  
10 Jan 2016 /  #2
help them. Free them. Re-Slavicize them
Crow  154 | 9463  
10 Jan 2016 /  #4
As priority give them recipe for better sausages
10 Jan 2016 /  #5
I heard the German media were the ones who were throwing flares at the pegida march thus inciting the police to put water cannon onto the protesters. there is a video or two knocking around liveleak. It does appear that the media and police in germany have been gagged in general when it comes to immigrants.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
10 Jan 2016 /  #6
Likely because they both are controlled by the German authorities and German authorities are triggering off madness across Europe. Again.
smurf  38 | 1940  
10 Jan 2016 /  #7
recent mass rapes

Why are you telling lies?
Nobody was raped in Cologne on NYE.
They were sexually assaulted, not raped.
And by sexual assault a lot of women had their asses and boobs grabbed.
No different than most nightclubs/danceclubs in Poland every weekend.
10 Jan 2016 /  #8
It is time for Germany to leave it's history in the past and stop using it as an excuse to guide policy or label its own people as Nazis because they do not tow the government line.
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
10 Jan 2016 /  #9
It turns out that German media were silent about the recent mass rapes for days

I posted it last week and wondered why no one responded to it.
It has been all over America's media ever since it happened.
When you have 90% of the invaders being 18-28 year old men that come from Islamic Muslim countries where the women are treated as second class citizens what do you expect.

This kind of barbaric behavior is normal where they come from.
The media is not doing any service to protect their citizens by trying to keep such violent crime hush hush.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
10 Jan 2016 /  #10
Should we help our fellow Europeans to demand free media and protection from the police ?

Indeed they could stop practices of censorship and introduce more freedom in their media. They could learn something about democracy from Poland.
Now is certain that aggressive attacks and slanders of the new Polish government in German press are not a coincidence but concerned action steered by those who are pulling the strings in Germany i.e. oligarchy.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
10 Jan 2016 /  #11
They were sexually assaulted, not raped.

Why are you defending rapists ?
smurf  38 | 1940  
10 Jan 2016 /  #12
Y'know what, hands up, the articles I read a few days ago had no mention of rapes, lots of sexual assaults but newer ones say there were two rapes reported.

I thought there was none.
10 Jan 2016 /  #13
I'm all for freedom in the media, but Grzegorz_ surely you should demand it in Poland first?
10 Jan 2016 /  #15
Smurf, your comments are appalling and now you try to back track by saying you hadnt read any reports about women being raped before you posted. It makes absolutely no difference whether these women were sexually assaulted or raped. They were chased and singled out by a pack of 20 to 30 men, physically attacked, intimidated and robbed. How would you feel if you had a sister or daughter who had experienced that. These peoples behavior is sub human and does not belong anywhere.
10 Jan 2016 /  #16
The Germans really needed a wake up call about their idiotic refugee policies. Apparently this is it, maybe too late

Smurf, trying to make light of over 300 sexual assaults by organised gangs of a thousand men is stupid, never mind the rapes.
smurf  38 | 1940  
10 Jan 2016 /  #17
trying to make light of over

I'm not making light of anything.
Sexual assault is serious.
However, I thought, wrongly I admit, that there were no rapes reported.

But I do think it's pretty f*ckin stupid that every refugee gets tarred with the same brush coz of the actions of some boozed-up idiots.
Philip 666  - | 39  
10 Jan 2016 /  #18
Should we help our fellow Europeans to demand free media and protection from the police ?

judging by the other thread Polish help would likely be a hindrance.
10 Jan 2016 /  #19
Smurf not all immigrants are rapists & sexual predators but ALL of the identified rapists and sexual molesters in cologne that night were immigrants.
Crow  154 | 9463  
10 Jan 2016 /  #20
i think that German government so well s*****d Germans, that Poles can`t help them but should simple put cross on themselves and just escape from Germany while they still can.
10 Jan 2016 /  #21
Germans are welcome here in Silesia, plenty of room for us to live together, most here speak German, trade with or work in Germany.

Crow its ok we have better sausage in Silesia they will be very happy, at least they will be free , living in a true democracy with a free press devoid of political cronies.
Crow  154 | 9463  
10 Jan 2016 /  #22
feed them with sausages and then turn them into Poles. Hand on heart, many of them anyway have Polish ancestry. Everything is better then what Merkel`s doing to them. As if her husband isn`t Jew but an Arab
Wulkan  - | 3136  
10 Jan 2016 /  #23
They were sexually assaulted, not raped.

Wow, I didn't know you can get any better at getting facts wrong.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
10 Jan 2016 /  #24
There were no mass rapes in Cologne, as Grzegorz indicated - there were one or two rapes and close to 200 sexual assaults. Not that it matters, of course. All these animals should be DNA tested, sent to jail for a few years and then returned home to the uncivilized hellholes they came from.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
11 Jan 2016 /  #25
Why do you think that German tax payers should pay for their luxurious German jail instead of sending them home straight away?
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
11 Jan 2016 /  #26
there were one or two rapes and close to 200 sexual assaults.

What are "sexual assaults" ? One doesn't have to insert his dick to be charged with rape. It seems that when denying all these "events" is not possible anymore, "oh but there were only one or two rapes" line is being brought up to play it down.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Jan 2016 /  #27

Don't get me wrong - there is no excuse for what happened in Cologne (or elsewhere in Germany and Europe). I could think of a few other ways to deal with these animals before kicking them out.

One doesn't have to insert his dick to be charged with rape

FWIW: fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/recent-program-updates/new-rape-definition-frequently-asked-questions

"The new summary definition of rape is: "Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim."

Why do you think that German tax payers should pay for their luxurious German jail instead of sending them home straight away?

To demonstrate that such behavior (or any crime for that matter) will not be not tolerated. It's the same here in the US. You commit a crime, you'll do the time ... and then get deported.
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
11 Jan 2016 /  #28
Smurf, trying to make light of over 300 sexual assaults

Wrong, over 500.

there were one or two rapes and close to 200 sexual assaults

Wrong, over 500.

Smurf not all immigrants are rapists & sexual predators but ALL of the identified rapists and sexual molesters in cologne that night were immigrants.

Wrong, 28 out of 34 arrested were immigrants at this point.
Gee smurf you shouldn't feel to bad for posting what was available at the time as these guys were wrong too now that the German news media have updated it.

At this point in time those are the facts which no doubt will change with an update tomorrow as facts are gathered.

Smurf, your comments are appalling and now you try to back track

However, I thought, wrongly I admit,

Woe ! Excuse me......as much as I differ with smurf I must say that I admire anyone that admits with explanation that he was wrong.

Will wait and see if you admit that you were wrong like smurf did.

The Germans really needed a wake up call about their idiotic refugee policies.

The German media covered things very well on the American news tonight.
They are starting slowly as I just saw that there have been over 500 sexual assault complaints filed by the women involved.
So far 34 men have been arrested with 28 of those being refugees.
Merkel commented that any refugee convicted of a crime would be deported.
In Cologne Germany last night a hot tempered protest was taking place. Lots of video of it.
All I personally can say at this point is......."we told you so".
TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Jan 2016 /  #29
Wrong, over 500

Holy cow, you're right: 516 at the moment. That's a huge increase compared to the 200 they reported the day before yesterday.
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
11 Jan 2016 /  #30
The nightly news must just about be coming on t.v. out their on the North West coast of America where you live TheOther.
Stay tuned and watch the riot that occurred in Cologne yesterday because of the sexual assaults that the German media reported.
I am sure it will be on the net tomorrow with a video that someone can download to show that the German news media has covered it and reported it to the public.

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