Smurf, trying to make light of over 300 sexual assaults
Wrong, over 500.
there were one or two rapes and close to 200 sexual assaults
Wrong, over 500.
Smurf not all immigrants are rapists & sexual predators but ALL of the identified rapists and sexual molesters in cologne that night were immigrants.
Wrong, 28 out of 34 arrested were immigrants at this point.
Gee smurf you shouldn't feel to bad for posting what was available at the time as these guys were wrong too now that the German news media have updated it.
At this point in time those are the facts which no doubt will change with an update tomorrow as facts are gathered.
Smurf, your comments are appalling and now you try to back track
However, I thought, wrongly I admit,
Woe ! Excuse much as I differ with smurf I must say that I admire anyone that admits with explanation that he was wrong.
Will wait and see if you admit that you were wrong like smurf did.
The Germans really needed a wake up call about their idiotic refugee policies.
The German media covered things very well on the American news tonight.
They are starting slowly as I just saw that there have been over 500 sexual assault complaints filed by the women involved.
So far 34 men have been arrested with 28 of those being refugees.
Merkel commented that any refugee convicted of a crime would be deported.
In Cologne Germany last night a hot tempered protest was taking place. Lots of video of it.
All I personally can say at this point is......."we told you so".