Do the two get along? I've heard that recently Austria has become anti-Slavic.
Poles and Austrians, do they get along? Vienna districts?
Czarnkow1940 5 | 94
21 Apr 2010 / #2
I havent heard anything about this where did you hear this ?
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2127
21 Apr 2010 / #3
Do the two get along? I've heard that recently Austria has become anti-Slavic.
Well Poles don't look about themselves as Slavic, mostly as POLES :)
But when it comes to Germanian vs Slavs or Anglo-Saxons vs Slavs they would say their Slavs cause of their language. It's difficult :)
Although Austria occupied Poland during partitions it has been seen as the most "positive" occupant even tho THEY were the superpower at the time when the partitions started. If it wasn't for Austria, then Prussia and Russia would have an hard time.
Also what do you mean by becoming Anti-Slavic?
We have no beef with Austrians at all. To me they are Germans.
I havent heard anything about this where did you hear this ?
Some Polish guy wrote this to me online. I'm just curious to what peoples opinions are.
Poles and Austrians
essentially, its relationship between Slavs and germanized Slavs
hitler was austrian
Austria has become anti-Slavic? They have been for some time. Just because they are Catholic doesn't mean they are pro-Poland. They are anti-Serbia in some way too.
So was Mozart, Shubert, and Haydn.
king polkacanon - | 57
22 Apr 2010 / #10
You mean Mozartowski?
Yes, they all dropped the -ski after so many centuries of germanization. :)
He must have drunk vodka secretly to write the magic flute. He was a known mushroom user.
king polkacanon - | 57
22 Apr 2010 / #13
Yes,Salieri tried to steal his secret and died from mushroom overdose.
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2127
22 Apr 2010 / #14
To me they are Germans.
Yeah, until Ill meet an Austrian I will regard them as the same as the Bavarians with their "Grüss Gott"
I guess it's a bit like everything east of the Oder being Russia.
It's NOT Russia????
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2127
22 Apr 2010 / #17
I guess it's a bit like everything east of the Oder being Russia.
It's not Russia it's Eeans! (Eastern Europe)!!! :p
It's NOT Russia????
Maaan yer slooow ;p
Austria has become anti-Slavic? They have been for some time. Just because they are Catholic doesn't mean they are pro-Poland. They are anti-Serbia in some way too.
Can you please explain why? I have an Austrian roommate. This is not a topic I feel like bringing up with him.
I feel that they went against Serbian interests in the Balkans. Maybe I was a little inaccurate as they sided with Kucan's Slavic Slovenia. Their foreign minister at the time met with Genschner (German counterpart) and they discussed business with Kucan. Germanic people and Slavic people have different temperaments.
Austrian is a kind of German highlander, so not the most friendly folk under the sun :-)
But they have nice ski resorts though and do the best they can to properly accomodate you. As long as you will not sing drunken songs at night in their ship-shape hotels they will pretend that they love you ;-)
But they have nice ski resorts though and do the best they can to properly accomodate you. As long as you will not sing drunken songs at night in their ship-shape hotels they will pretend that they love you ;-)
So was Mozart, Shubert, and Haydn.
no offense but i prefer chopin, beethoven and vivaldi, handel, wagner.
dirty germans and there amazing music, i always think the german/robot stereotype is so wrong but then again music is math.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 12019
23 Apr 2010 / #22
i always think the german/robot stereotype
I wonder where that stems from...we are such pussies! ;)
same with the laid back mediteranian italian lifestyle eat drink and be happy yeah right those fuks are hyper napolean complex ego ***** fuks...
sorry my team is losing had to get that out.
sorry my team is losing had to get that out.
As long as you will not sing drunken songs at night in their ship-shape hotels they will pretend that they love you ;-)
I read that Right Wing parties are gaining prominence in Austria. Y'know ant-immigrant and all that jazz.
Austria is in a pickle.
The economy is in a mess.
The public finances are in a mess.
The banks are in a mess - under the banking rules of any normal country Raiffeisen would be bust thanks to Hungary and Ukraine.
They face being overtaken by the uppity Czechs - which would be the ultimte humiliation for them. Poles do sort of register on the Austrian radar as manual labourers, thieves and prostitutes. If no longer in fact, then in the popular imagination.
Don't forget there was a Polish criminal operating in Austria called Solorz-Żak. He also stole from Polish emigre organisations, had 16 passports and passed information to the secret police. Today he runs the Polsat TV station, is involved in dirty business dealings aimed at trying to steal ownership of the ERA mobile phone company and is mega-rich.
Xenophobia is rife in Austria, but they're not as bad as the Germans.
One funny story - a Polish mate of mine who I occasionally go skiing with in Austria was approached by his elderly landlord, who told him of his disappointment at not getting to Poland during the war!! Stayed in Sweden and killed nobody!! You don't know how to take stuff like that ...
The economy is in a mess.
The public finances are in a mess.
The banks are in a mess - under the banking rules of any normal country Raiffeisen would be bust thanks to Hungary and Ukraine.
They face being overtaken by the uppity Czechs - which would be the ultimte humiliation for them. Poles do sort of register on the Austrian radar as manual labourers, thieves and prostitutes. If no longer in fact, then in the popular imagination.
Don't forget there was a Polish criminal operating in Austria called Solorz-Żak. He also stole from Polish emigre organisations, had 16 passports and passed information to the secret police. Today he runs the Polsat TV station, is involved in dirty business dealings aimed at trying to steal ownership of the ERA mobile phone company and is mega-rich.
Xenophobia is rife in Austria, but they're not as bad as the Germans.
One funny story - a Polish mate of mine who I occasionally go skiing with in Austria was approached by his elderly landlord, who told him of his disappointment at not getting to Poland during the war!! Stayed in Sweden and killed nobody!! You don't know how to take stuff like that ...
13 Aug 2011 / #26
There's historically both a distinct Slavic (Polish and especially Czech!) as well as Italianate cultural undercurrent throughout much of Austria, particularly Vienna. I've yet to encounter an Austrian either in history or in person who could not claim a heavy non-Germanic family connection. Once again, though Czech is the most prevalent influence, Polish is most definitely present as well, not to mention Hungarian, Croatian and Ruthenian.
Austrian, particularly Viennese, dialect, the physical appearance of many types on the street, certainly the cooking and the architecture bear out a colorful melange of cultures (including even the Jewish/Yiddish).
I personally encountered many Poles in Vienna proper, plus a number of Polish-language bookstores around the Hofburg area towards the center of the city-:))
As far as whether the Austrians get along with the Poles, I found the Poles far more plesantly disposed towards German than Anglo-Saxon culture, I can tell you that much. Many spoke excellent German too.
Austrian, particularly Viennese, dialect, the physical appearance of many types on the street, certainly the cooking and the architecture bear out a colorful melange of cultures (including even the Jewish/Yiddish).
I personally encountered many Poles in Vienna proper, plus a number of Polish-language bookstores around the Hofburg area towards the center of the city-:))
As far as whether the Austrians get along with the Poles, I found the Poles far more plesantly disposed towards German than Anglo-Saxon culture, I can tell you that much. Many spoke excellent German too.
25 Feb 2012 / #27
Merged: Vienna, Are there any Polish districts?
I found a work in Vienna. Are there any Polish districts, or something like that? I'd rather live among other Poles, if there is a choice.
I found a work in Vienna. Are there any Polish districts, or something like that? I'd rather live among other Poles, if there is a choice.
I'd rather live among other Poles
We can swap, I'll take your job in Wien and you can have mine and live here among 40million Poles. :P
25 Feb 2012 / #29
Well... Depends on payment.
23 Mar 2012 / #30
There's (or at least there WAS..) a small Polish bookshop near the Burgring, not far from the Opera House. Unless it moved/closed down, it attested to a rather vibrant, if not terribly large, Viennese Polish community.