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Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya

mafketis  38 | 11167  
27 Feb 2017 /  #61
The survey on the streets

That's almost new (for you) just under two years old! At this rate you'll catch up to the present in.... 2021?

Russia as protector of Slavs. Unfortunately, Russia too often failed in that role

Russia has never seen itself as the protector of Slavs, only a few Balkan nationalists are deluded enough to think that. Tell the Slavic countries that Russians have oppressed that the Russians are their "protectors" and you might learn a few new words...

I've been reading about the Crimean economy being essentially in the toilet since then.

Russians have that somewhere (as they Polish say). Krym nash! And the Crimeans can all starve for all they care. Someone with contacts there told me that both the indigenous tatars and those who had managed to negotiate post Soviet reality had no problem with being part of Ukraine, the only ones that really wanted to be part of Russia were those who were lost without a big-daddy governmnet taking care of them and who were easily bought off with the promise of higher welfare payments (any similarity to Poland in 2015 is purely, coincidental, I'm sure).
27 Feb 2017 /  #62
Patrolling the Polish border with Ukraine.

One tiny little problem: that isn't the Polish border with Ukraine, that's the border with Russia, Lithuania and Belarus. If you don't even know where countries are on the map, perhaps you lack a little knowledge and should educate yourself better?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
27 Feb 2017 /  #63
more wishful thinking by a deluded Serb nationalist
27 Feb 2017 /  #64
One tiny little problem: that isn't the Polish border with Ukraine, that's the border with Russia, Lithuania and Belarus.

Would the mods mind not editing mistakes into my posts by removing content from my posts?
The map in Crnogorac3's post which is taken from southfront.org/poland-creates-right-sector-patterned-national-guard shows in red two regions which do not border Ukraine but actually border Russia, Lithuania and Belarus.
Crow  154 | 9552  
27 Feb 2017 /  #65
Russia has never seen itself as the protector of Slavs,

No. But see, we Serbians can say that Poland and Russia literally saved us, when Turks invaded and while western sought opportunity to collaborate with Turks in order to profit from our misery.

Tell the Slavic countries that Russians have oppressed that the Russians are their "protectors" and you might learn a few new words...

bla bla bla, I know history, better then you do. Still, fact is that if Russia cease to exist, Poland is next, if you ask western Europeans.
mafketis  38 | 11167  
27 Feb 2017 /  #66
we Serbians can say

We Americans can say that Santa Claus lives in North Pole, Alaska and drives a rocket sled powered by unicorn farts. That doesn't make it true.
Crow  154 | 9552  
27 Feb 2017 /  #67
When you say American, do you mean native American?
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
8 Mar 2017 /  #68
Support from Poland for Rusich Slavic Battalion - The heroes of the defence of the people of Donbass in their struggle for their rights and their freedom.

Interview with the commander of the DSHRG Rusich Battalion: "In our unit most of the volunteers come from Poland, Serbia and other Slavic nations."


Subversive - Assault Reconnaissance Group DSHRG Rusich

The unit that defeated the Ukrop army and their US-NATO instructors. So much for Poroshenko's (US puppet) "punitive actions" against the people of Donetsk & Lugansk.


«We are assisting with that» - Yankee G.I. in Ukraine


Poles burned the flag of Ukraine.
jon357  72 | 23496  
8 Mar 2017 /  #69
part of Ukraine

Exactly, part of Ukraine. Not Russia, no matter how much Putain's fake rebels and online apologists would wish that.
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
8 Mar 2017 /  #70
Serb nationalist

Members of Srbska Akcija in Novorossiya


Consistent professing of Serbian Idea, in this age, must have a national-revolutionary expression, that is an utmost negative disposition towards the ruling system, which is spirited with rotten mondialism, greed and materialism.


Standing in these positions, Serbian Action considers itself a part of pan-European national front against Zionist-Atlantic occupation of our continent.



Support to the heroes of Novorossiya
8 Mar 2017 /  #71
Funny isn't it, Russians ranting on about the evil West while they kill their slav 'alies'.
Crow  154 | 9552  
8 Mar 2017 /  #72
This sad conflict was designed by EU and NATO, by Anglos, Francos and Germanics.
8 Mar 2017 /  #73
Russians ranting on about the evil West while they kill their slav 'alies'.

Here's a film of some of crow's Slavic 'heroes':
Crow  154 | 9552  
8 Mar 2017 /  #74
We know who started circle of evil. EU and NATO.
mafketis  38 | 11167  
8 Mar 2017 /  #75
who started circle of evil

Yes..... SERBIA! The Cradle of Evil Itself!!!!!
DominicB  - | 2706  
8 Mar 2017 /  #76

Indeed. A century of hell was unleashed upon the whole world by a certain Serbian nationalist. How many million people died because of his bullets?
Crow  154 | 9552  
8 Mar 2017 /  #77
WWI was meant to happen anyway. Its well known fact.

As for bullets. Well, it goes to every occupier. Then, as well, if we have in mind that Ferdinand in his life personally killed over 280.000 animals in all kind of `hunts`, we know that Ferdinand himself was worse then animal, first class lunatic and maniac. So, Gavrilo merely gave him a well deserved peace.

Curses! Archduke Franz Ferdinand and His Astounding Death Car

according to the records he meticulously compiled in his own game book, had been responsible for the deaths of a grand total of 272,439 animals during his lifetime, the majority of which had been loyally driven straight toward his overheating guns by a large assembly of beaters.

OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
8 Mar 2017 /  #78
The Majdan and the whole Crimea conflict was created by Americans desirous of the area to set up new military base and provoke Russia even harder

As a result people of Ukraine suffer deaths, hunger, terror and see no future. Eventually Ukraine will end up becoming divided and destroyed.


Defenders of the Donbass - A sad and true Video about the War in Ukraine
jon357  72 | 23496  
8 Mar 2017 /  #79
Putin propaganda. Nothing more, nothing less
Crow  154 | 9552  
8 Mar 2017 /  #80
God would arrange situation that western Europeans one day experience the fate of those who suffered because it was suitable to western European governments. Payday would come, for all `maidens`, for all `revolutions`, all `democracies` and `human rights`, for all dictatorships, after all. That for sure. No, not that I wish them evil. But, all that blood on their hands, from all meridians around the globe... one day somebody would decide to give them same way.
jon357  72 | 23496  
8 Mar 2017 /  #81
western European government

The people of Ukraine prefer that to Putin. In fact most people do. Poland in particular does not support Putin's proxy invasion of Ukraine.
Crow  154 | 9552  
8 Mar 2017 /  #82
I think that nobody ask Ukrainians. If you mean- Ukrainians, when you say- people of Ukraine. If you even knows what you speak and if its even important to you.

On the other side, nobody ask any people of anything. So, philosophically speaking, its not important what you wanted to say and what you meant. See, same goes for any of us here. But we speak. I suppose because we aren`t robots.
Crow  154 | 9552  
10 Mar 2017 /  #83
Kosowo jest Serbskie Donbas nie chce być ukraiński a Krym zawsze Rosyjski

Polish, Serbian and Russian patriots understand each others. They also want to support their ethnic Ukrainian brothers because they know that Ukrainians too have right to have their own ethnic state. So, negotiations are necessary so that Slavs reach agreement among themselves and not that foreigners patronize them and sponsor fascist ideologies (such are banderists), among them.

Western Europeans mistaken for moved against Slavs.
10 Mar 2017 /  #84
Polish, Serbian and Russian patriots understand each others.

Well, it's not as if any if them are going to be using any long words, is it?
Crow  154 | 9552  
10 Mar 2017 /  #85
You repeat your insults here on this venerable Polish forum. But go on some Muslim forum and talk to them like that. You could expect to be found and impaled. Minimum.
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
18 Mar 2017 /  #86
Ukrainian FEMEN and Islamists
jon357  72 | 23496  
18 Mar 2017 /  #87
@Crnogorac, that isn't an 'Islamist'...
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
18 Mar 2017 /  #88
ISIS in Ukraine

Kiev and the jihadists: a dark alliance

While we're fighting the Islamic State, a.k.a. ISIS, in Iraq and Syria, and American officials tout the alleged danger of an attack on the US homeland, in Ukraine Washington and the Caliphate are fighting on the same side.


Funny isn't it, Russians ranting on about the evil West while they kill their slav 'alies'.

Fighter for a pro-Western "democratic" Ukraine in the EU. Captured by the forces of Novorossiya

Slava Ukrayini! Heroyam slava!
jon357  72 | 23496  
18 Mar 2017 /  #89
That's just pro-Russian conspiracy woo.
OP Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
18 Mar 2017 /  #90


Archives - 2010-2019 / Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in NovorossiyaArchived