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Rotten West vs. Innocent Poland

pawian  226 | 27543  
28 Sep 2012 /  #1
Rotten West vs innocent Poland. :):):):):)


Missing Megan Stammers: School Was 'Warned About Romance With Teacher Jeremy Forrest Seven Months Ago'
A spokesman from East Sussex County Council admitted that the school had been aware of concerns about the teacher's relationship with Megan, but would not confirm for how long.


delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Sep 2012 /  #2
He's not a priest, what does it matter? ;)
OP pawian  226 | 27543  
28 Sep 2012 /  #3
:):):):) Teachers should possess even higher morale than priests/pastors.
Barney  19 | 1729  
28 Sep 2012 /  #4
He's not a priest, what does it matter? ;)

A governor of the school was

The school of missing Megan Stammers has come under fire from a charity over its safeguarding record.

Megan, 15, who goes to Bishop Bell C of E School, in Eastbourne, and teacher Jeremy Forrest, 30, took a ferry from Dover to Calais, on Thursday.

In 2009, a teacher from the school was jailed for grooming pupils and in March it emerged a retired priest had been allowed to remain as a governor despite child sex allegations against him

OP pawian  226 | 27543  
28 Sep 2012 /  #5
):):):) Teachers should possess even higher morale than priests/pastors.

From Barney`s link:
All teachers are considered to be in a position of trust with regard to their pupils
Under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, the abuse of a position of trust is a criminal offence
The age of consent for sexual intercourse is ordinarily 16, but this does not apply under this Act
Instead, a person over the age of 18, who is in a position of trust over a person under 18, commits a criminal offence if they involve the younger person in sexual activity

When using social media like Facebook, teachers are advised not to blur the boundaries between the professional and the personal, for example, they should not give their pupils friend status

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Sep 2012 /  #6
:):):):) Teachers should possess even higher morale than priests/pastors.

Agreed. I couldn't care less if the local priest is an alcoholic, but I certainly wouldn't want an alcoholic teacher anywhere near our school.
OP pawian  226 | 27543  
28 Sep 2012 /  #7
Hey, Delph, don`t change the subject! We are talking about much serious offence than teacher`a alcoholism. :):):):):)
Appleby  1 | 25  
28 Sep 2012 /  #8
The case of Megan has nothing to do with the rotten west. It has everything to do with questionable behaviour of one person, the teacher in question. And that questionable behaviour is not running away with someone half his age, but deserting and humiliating his wife this way. I can't even start to imagine how the poor woman must feel. The guy is an adult and should have known better and as a teacher even more so.

Megan is almost 16 (age of consent) and she knew exactly what she was doing. The girl is not missing, she is just a run-away.There is not ONE little piece of evidence of her being groomed, or kicking and screaming when they left the country. The fact that her mother confiscated her mobile, was the proverbial drop. Unfortunately, the British police had to exacerbate everything by issuing an international arrest warrant.

It would have been better for the two to wait a couple of months until Megan turned 16. Then all this circus wouldn't have been all over the press. In France, the legal age of consent is 15, so for the French law they did nothing wrong. If they had only waited a little longer, then all this wouldn't even be a news item. Now both of them have pretty much ruined their lives - they'll probably be picked up and forced to return with their tails between their legs. He will probably be sent to jail for a long time, will never teach again or hold any other job for that matter, cause the guy is sadly a "celebrity" now. And she will be in the spotlight of the media for several months (or even years) to come.

The fact that the girl grew up without a father and probably therefore was in search of some father figure, didn't really help either. All in all a sad story, with ruined lives all around.
Orpheus  - | 113  
28 Sep 2012 /  #9
Comparing what goes on it British schools and Polish schools is a risky bit of trolling. We've just had a priest playing weird games with children, and a year or two ago we had the Star game. This thread seeks to provoke and inflame, but the OP should remember that Poland is not lily white when it comes to inappropriate behaviour in schools.

The case of Megan has nothing to do with the rotten west. It has everything to do with questionable behaviour of one person, the teacher in

Appleby  1 | 25  
28 Sep 2012 /  #10
Old news (Feb 2010) !! Come on ... is that all you can come up, pawian ;) ? I can't see why you are trying to stir things up here. I am sure that we are able to find articles in Polish newspapers that would make the majority of us cringe. Do articles like that mean that the West or Poland are rotten to the core? That's quite a generalisation, isn't it?

So if we come across an article where a Polish man has murdered his entire family, then all Poles are murderers, right? Or when we read about some American cook cooking his wife for three days, then all American women should steer away from cooks in America? Or when we read about one radical priest then all priests are radicals?

Well, pawian, I have to say, it makes life much easier seeing everything in black and white and grossly generalising everything, but with posts like this one would be inclined to question your honesty, maybe even be inclined to think you are some kind of troll who likes to stir things up.
Orpheus  - | 113  
28 Sep 2012 /  #11
The comments came as it emerged secondary schools in Liverpool and Wirral would be fitted with clinics as part of a teenage health drive..

A campaign to promote health, how decadent.

The National Children's Bureau (NCB) has called for the clinics to be expanded to every secondary school and college to give pupils access to high-quality advice and help.

Access to high quality health advice and help. Obviously the UK is rotten to the core.

But the latest move has sparked anger from campaigners

Not difficult. These people always produce more heat than light.

Rotten West vs innocent Poland. :):):):):)

Yes, I know it's an ironic thread title but it just promotes ill feeling. Is that what you want?
OP pawian  226 | 27543  
28 Sep 2012 /  #12
Live births outside marriage, 2010 (% share of total live births)

Poland - 20.06
Germany -33.3
UK - 46.9
Denmark - 47
France - 53
Sweden 54
Iceland - 64


A few years ago the Spanish Ministry of Education recommended the gay comic story as valuable material for school children to learn about gays:

Orpheus  - | 113  
29 Sep 2012 /  #13
Having seen the images I'd need some convincing that the Spanish MOE recommended it. What's your source for this story?
jon357  72 | 23490  
29 Sep 2012 /  #14
but I certainly wouldn't want an alcoholic teacher anywhere near our school.

Providing they turn up on time, do the job well and don't have the mood swings etc I wouldn't really mind.

Missing Megan Stammers: School Was 'Warned About Romance With Teacher Jeremy Forrest Seven Months Ago'

I bet it's happened in Poland too.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Sep 2012 /  #15
Providing they turn up on time, do the job well and don't have the mood swings etc I wouldn't really mind.

With kids, though?

I bet it's happened in Poland too.

Course it has - criminal records checks for teachers were only brought in not so long ago, and the whole concept of "safeguarding" doesn't exist here.
jon357  72 | 23490  
29 Sep 2012 /  #16
With kids, though?

Sure, provided the lady or gentleman was entirely professional.

criminal records checks for teachers were only brought in not so long ago, and the whole concept of "safeguarding" doesn't exist here.

Orpheus  - | 113  
29 Sep 2012 /  #17
Yes, it must be remembered that many alcoholics are what we might call maintenence alcoholics, who seldom or never get drunk; they just top themselves up, and can be entirely professional and fully functioning. Also, let's not forget that people who recognize their addiction but haven't had a drink in years often refer to themselves as alcoholics.

The late John Thaw (Inspector Morse; Kavanagh) was one such maintenence alcoholic.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
29 Sep 2012 /  #18
The only Alky Teacher we had was called ************* :).... haha,well,it was a very distinctive ,and fairly uncommon,Polish name :)
jon357  72 | 23490  
29 Sep 2012 /  #19
Did it begin with the letter C?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
29 Sep 2012 /  #20
*K*...... We learned at 13 that Polish Vodka was the best in the world ( in some random lecture he gave us completly tangent to the actual lesson.....weird,but funny,and right :) )........at 14 we found his stash of Wine in a Box....very classy,but,he did suddenly have lots of people willing to collect books from his store cupboard after that.

I think it worked out as a bit of a stand off, he couldnt report us for gulping down cheap plonk in class without admiting he had cheap plonk stashed in class :)

Nice enough bloke though, didnt like him in school but have met him a few times in adulthood , he buzzed when I spoke some Polish to him the last time we met :)
OP pawian  226 | 27543  
29 Sep 2012 /  #21
Having seen the images I'd need some convincing that the Spanish MOE recommended it. What's your source for this story?

I provided the link in Spanish. No hablas español?
Orpheus  - | 113  
29 Sep 2012 /  #22
No hablas español?

OP pawian  226 | 27543  
29 Sep 2012 /  #23
It is not a big problem. Have a look at the Spanish site and I am sure you will be able to understand a lot, because you are an intelligent person.

The news appeared also on many Polish sites:
The Spanish Ministry of Education recommends that teachers of civic education peculiar scientific assistance . In teaching students tolerance for diversity is to help comic " Ali Baba and the 40 pedal " - writes " Rzeczpospolita" .

The official website of the ministry , the guide devoted to education in respect for the values ​​, you can find a set of readings and films that have not only protect young Spaniards of homophobia , but also teach them to enjoy their safe sex with friends of the same sex - writes the daily .

jon357: bet it's happened in Poland too..

Delph, we need a link. Sorry, word of mouth is not enough. :):):)
19 Oct 2018 /  #24

Interesting discussion related to how Polish are perceived in the west

I found that this discussion related absolutely with the way you people on this forum act and how superior you try to be or west like despite the fact they dont conside ryou such or how dude wants to kiss trumps butt and make some trump military base, you are a joke lol. you dont want to be russian so bad but have so much more in common with them so just accept it like the Ukrainians and serbs did already you are seen as one in the west. Why do you people on this forum continue to talk bad about the Ukrainians when you have so much common history and similarities and this is what the west thinks od you anyway? justv read that dating polish vs russian girls thread then read this below:

Some of the best quotes form there:

"We think we are part of Western Europe, but the only Slavic people admitted to this club are the Czechs."

"We think that "Eastern Europe" club is worse than the western one and it was true but it is not anymore. It's exactly opposite now."

"There are many misconceptions about Poland. As a Pole living outside of Poland, I have seen many. Here I will list a few of the most prominent. copy-paste=removed
TheWizard  - | 217  
20 Oct 2018 /  #25
I my travels i have never encountered Poles to be heaped in with ukis or ruskis. Exactly the opposite! Time to jog on pal, other forums need fake news too.

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