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The fees, cost per session of psychotherapy worldwide, especially Poland

Natasa  1 | 572  
18 Oct 2011 /  #1
I would like to hear if someone knows, has personal experience, about fees for psychotherapy, Poland and US, and your impression if they are expensive or cheap or adequately valued compared to other services?

And one guess, but don't look online, just try without googling, what is the average salary of one psychotherapist per year after reduction for all the costs in Germany?

please try, I missed :)))

I know nobody here has any psychological problems including me :), I just asked you if you heard anything about how pricy it is from you friends, colleagues, relatives...;)
Barney  19 | 1768  
18 Oct 2011 /  #2
I would like to hear if someone knows, has personal experience, about fees for psychotherapy, Poland and US, and your impression if they are expensive or cheap or adequately valued compared to other services?

I know someone who has two sessions per week lasting about 1 hour each. They pay £20 per hour one month in advance. This is via Skype to Poland.

your impression if they are expensive or cheap

I think this is the most expensive old rope ever

(Barney thinks it’s a con, the person is clearly addicted to this therapy but giving true info for Natasa)
OP Natasa  1 | 572  
18 Oct 2011 /  #3
Thank you Barney:), could you please try to guess the annual salary of psychotherapist in Germany?

(Barney thinks it’s a con, the person is clearly addicted to this therapy but giving true info for Natasa)

It's not a con if that person feels like Barney afterwards ;)
Barney  19 | 1768  
18 Oct 2011 /  #4
could you please try to guess the annual salary of psychotherapist in Germany?

No Idea but will guess about 70-100,000 euro before tax.


It's not a con if that person feels like Barney afterwards ;)

You mean middle aged with the hint of a hangover?
OP Natasa  1 | 572  
18 Oct 2011 /  #5
guess about 70-100,000 euro

you guessed it right, but average is this lower figure 70 000 euro if they work 38 hours per week, all costs for the practice (tax, administration, helping staff) are 40 000 euro which leaves one German ordinary psychotherapists with netto 30 000 euro per year.

Germany, no.
Barney  19 | 1768  
18 Oct 2011 /  #6
you guessed it right

The luck of the Irish

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